I am using the openoffice spreadsheet (similar to excel).What other option more professional is out there?
pen, paper and a calculator is all you need retard
>>59289253let me guess, you need more...
>>59289253Same, openoffice spreadsheet as well>>59289271NGMI, I have my net worth calculated for every month of the next 40 years in my spreadsheets, easily adjustable at all times. Good luck doing all that on paper and good luck changing inputs once you finish
link to this spreadsheet?i was thinking of making my own google sheet summarizing all my/my senpai's investments, figured there must be pretty good pre-made ones.
>>59289281Nigger i take profits, dca here and there, buy and sell gold, silver, sp500, stocks, get dividends,...Yes i need more
>>59289253Pitiful poorfag using openoffice. What's next - google sheets? I used to be just like you...now I use a cracked version of excel 2016.
>>59289336support freeware always
>>59289336I used to use cracked Excel until I realized openoffice is just as good. All the formulas still work too, and you can open your old excel spreadsheets in it just fine. Switching from one to another is super easy
You can do a spreadsheet, but if your trade count is high, get a service. I use Koinly, but it is not the only one. I think TurboTax itself will eventually have some easy options.
>>59289761I have used Koinly too, but that is only for crypto. I was thinking about a software that can do it all. Imagine what it is Photoshop for images, so the same equivalent for accounting instead