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>Musk: indians are smarter than americans, we need more indian immigrants!
One of the most baffling things in recent memory is how people think Musk is in anyway some once in a generation genius when all he does is post absolute giga-tier retard takes again and again for everyone to see. It's like
>Elon have money, he rich, he smart, he talk about space, space man smart, he smart man and he like Trump, he my friend.
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>conned his way into a 145k job 2 months after graduating
>not smart
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Now that’s what I call jeeting!
Musk supports pajeets because Musk is a spiritual pajeet.
Sir musk I have a doubt please do the needful
isn't that like the whole school of thought for americans and maybe anglos, protestants or some shit?
>>Elon have money, he rich, he smart, he talk about space, space man smart, he smart man and he like Trump, he my friend.
This, but unironically.
I honestly don’t have respect for mediocre plants. Fucker was trained from birth to follow his script and he’s doing a half assed job.
It would be nice to see this Deloitte company collapse.
I think the guy posting is also Indian when he can't even spell Deloitte on a site for the company.
It’s because he is brown and in America if you are brown you get privileges
>inb4 fake
He seems to have deleted the post, but you can find evidence from the users history (search for "friend", he seems to hate the guy lmao):
>JEETlon Musk
why are incels seething so much about elon hiring indians?
if americans were so smart they would get hired, simple as
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>DEI practices ensure you are not chosen for the work
>offshoring jobs means little work available being filled by non americans
>ghost jobs shaniqua puts out to make the company look good means waste of time and resources

Fuck off jeet go shit in another street
It's so painful. At least Saylor, the celeb we have to put up with, is actually somewhat intelligent. Elon Musk is worse than a fucking midwit, and, well, this >>59503113
He is 999 IQ
Saylor is a retard
Sirs I am experienced consoltont, you hire me please
fake news

have sex incel
Not even to mention that immigrants will accept low salaries for the opportunity to live in the great USA! (Except the great USA is soon going to turn third world due to this very practice)
least organic threads I've seen on this board in months.
It would have been racist to check his background. The white roastie fears nothing more than racism accusations.
Bobs, also vagene.
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I really started to dislike Indians now. They unironically took our jobs.
kek i cant even blame the jeet here, OP in that plebbit is right, how cant they see this?
they deserve that jeet for being that dumb
This is why I keep telling White Americans to just become Hispanic. Easiest way to avoid anti-White racial discrimination.

Hispanics are not a race, there are Hispanics of all races. They can't tell you that you're not one.
Just learn some basic Spanish (lots of Hispanics in the US don't even speak it that much anyway) and change your race to Hispanic in the census or wherever you're applying for a job.
Even if you have an Anglo last name and don't want to change it, you can still BS it by saying it was your mother or grandmother that was the Hispanic one. Many Hispanics today have Anglo last names too.
This is the problem with Musk; hes too much of a normie to realise the extent to which pajeets lie about their competency.
>least organic
>barely any movement in the thread until it took off
You are retarded, you know that, right?
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You really think that musk lets that shit fly in his own companies?
Like the jeets at spacex just lie and don't get booted if necessary? really nigger?
The Jeet hate threads all over 4chan are inorganic. someone screenshotted the discord where they coordinate this stuff a while back.

mainly /pol/ but also /biz/, /fit/ and a bunch of others.

The current thing is seething at musk for importing indians where necessary. Not even the hunter biden shit got 35+ threads at any given time on /pol/. Absolute astroturfing. Thing is that people fall for it.
>The Jeet hate threads all over 4chan are inorganic
you have no clue how much people in this website hate and have always hated pajeets, you retard
america is dogshit though
Checking mixed race works too
Deloitte? Fucking Deloitte!?!
I'm working at a company that hired fucking Deloitte to help convert our payroll software over to SAP (which is its own nightmare) - they will be creating the SAP backend for our code to interface with.
I fucking kid you not, everyone that we are working with is Indian. Everyone on the calls are indian, all the project leads and engineers are indians, so are the business associates. Half of them are impossible to reach during business hours because they live in india.Three quarters of them are difficult to understand because of their thick indian accents. They are contracted to send us documentation for the systemst hey are making and I'm one of 3 people who is supposed to review it. I have had to kick back a significant amount of it because they clearly are copy pasting words into a template, and often end up creating nonsense. They have no understanding of our existing system that interfaces with the old payroll software, and only the faintest understanding of the payroll system they are replacing. Most of the documents are written in severely broken english which makes following the technical concepts nearly impossible. The code that they have sent over has NO comments whatsoever and is a ramshackle mess of nonsensical abbreviated names.
I went to the Eastern US Deloitte HQ for some in-person meetings - the niggers and jeets outnumbered whites by a factor of 3 to 1, and of the whites, they were mostly women and fags. There were very few men there that had the phenotypes I associate with good engineers or leaders.
I ended up getting trapped in a 100 square foot room with one of them for most of the week as we reviewed break-out topics, and I was choking on her BO the entire time. I could also barely understand her accent. She was a senior level project manager too so that shit is particularly inexcusable.
Of fucking course, when the rubber meets the road, the quality of their work is abysmal and they are trying to scam us. My boss and his boss have both warned my team that Deloitte is trying to throw us under the bus (we entered the build phase last month or so). They are shoveling broken crap over the fence, very clearly trying to overwhelm our much smaller team with technical reviews. They send us entire chains of documents which had a month long delivery window which they waited until the last 6 hours away from being due. We have to review them within that 6 hour window or else they will point the finger and say "It is the developers' fault. We delivered the documents on time" when the project falls behind.
Speaking of, despite being in the first month or two of the build phase, we are already horriby behind schedule. We haven't received a single, authentic piece of code yet other than what we've wrung out of them so we can get an idea of the quality of their work. And it ain't pretty.
We recently had a huge issue where they completely misunderstood a design criteria we require for our business. When called on it, they doubled down and said "this feature is an enhancement that will need to go into the next phase", which was complete BS because my boss pointed out to the exact place in the design documents where we said this was a requirement. We also have some internal codes relating to sectors of the business that we NEED as foreign keys on many of our tables and I kid you not, in every data object where we've requested them, it has been like wringing blood from a stone to get them to include them. These fucking jeets can't grasp that we NEED this relational information, and no matter how much we explain it to them, they are guranteed to have forgotten it by the next document or the next meeting.
Fuck them. I'm a mid-level software developer, but my job has become full time tard wrangling.
>he doesn't realize posting this shows Musk is right
Retarded Americans
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you will never be white and you will always smell like fucking shit no amount of quality perfume will cover that smell
Governments are just unquestioned monopolies. Giving some half a trillion in personal wealth is not much different than them being a monarch. Gov subsidies and contracts built all of musk's wealth but we want to act like he is some sort of genius who deserves special rights like a king. He should be stripped of his ill gotten gains and deported because he is literally an illegal alien.
I believe you, even though I have not had your experience. I worked for Deloitte for a few months a while ago, and it was a scammy shithole. I wouldn't be surprised, at all, if I was told indians destroyed it from the inside with their caste and nepotism bullshit.
half of the catalog is full of this shit
it wasn't when I started this thread, there were only 2 threads.
and if, instead of talking shit, you understood WHY people are talking about Musk, you'd know there is some big controversy going on, and Musk fucked himself in the ass by saying that he loves pajeets
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The jeet shill threads over almost every fucking board now is like shit in an indian street, at a shit flinging festival for constipated cows.
It's fucking ridiculous.
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>and in America if you are brown you get privileges
Blame democrats for that. The left made blacks and browns their idols while making sure whites go extinct.
You're absolutely right. The worst part is they're retarded enough to believe their own nonsense. They genuinely think "India 100% Best!"
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cope more faggot
why is everyone mad at the jeets but not the chinks.
Don't chinks also get H1Bs?
Does lying on your resume works? Any anon with experience?
Jeets are much easier to hate. Chinks are actually generally competent, they don't smell like ass, and they even wash their hands after shitting. Jeets also have the ultimate bootlicking ladder climber personality combined with a sense of superiority over anyone who doesn't act like that which makes them completely insufferable.
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jeets are easiest to rape

The Chink Lobby isn't currently demanding we import all of China in to replace white citizens
He comes from an extremely wealthy family, he's a trust fund baby that happens to have the good type of autism. Other tech billionaires, Bezos, Zuck, and Gates built themselves up from more humble beginnings.
>We need to import tech workers because they're better than the native workers

One look at salaries within Tesla makes his whole grift fall apart. It shows that the H1B salaries are often 10-30% lower than that of native workers in equivalent roles. If they're better, why are they being paid less?

It's so obvious that it's the same old ploy to saturate the job market in order to stifle wages and increase corporate profits.
totally organic 1pbtids turning up
funny how people and media kept reposting that like it meant anything even though taylor swift and every other celebrity was in that same room

pretty sure that's the back of harvey weinstein's head on the left who was friends with obama and gave his daughter an internship
Lmao, I work for a consulting company doing SAP admin stuff that’s a bit smaller than Deloitte but it’s the same song and dance here. All these companies have outsourced shit to Indians and then get a few capable Asian salaryman bug slaves or faggy whites to lead the team and fix all the jeet fuck ups and burn out any capable white man willing to put in an honest effort. I just gave up putting in effort a few months ago and am now just coasting. They just hired a “cloud expert” pajeet a few weeks ago and listening to his dog shit excuses why he can’t get anything done in meetings is hilarious. I love hearing the doubt in shekelstein’s voice as he slowly realizes his shekel pinching outsourcing strategy is creating double the work for him and he knows I’m not picking up shit skins and women’s slack anymore. Boss man makes 5x my salary and expects me to slave half as hard as he does for an anti white environment, fuck that. Me doing 50% less work still gets done more than 3 of the jeets on our team it’s insane.
That's cope Elon was upper class but not that rich. Bezos was upper middle class his dad was a circus actor unicyclist who knocked up a teenager still in highschool but had succesful engineer grandparents probably cause extreme autism runs in the family
You are doing good but you need to step up the burden Maxing and become even more lazy.
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They really are a testament to the power of unwavering confidence.
Ugh, sounds awful. I hated SAP months before we even saw ABAP code or iflow shit. I couldn't imagine working on it full time. The entire thing is a needlessly complicated labyrinth filled with retarded engineering decisions gilded in a cult like wrapping designed to dupe stupid CEOs into buying a product that ends up torturing their developers
>We have such sights to show you
Our dumbfuck executives think our completely SAP naive team of engineers will be able to maintain the jeetcode that's going to get squirted over on our heads, since Deloitte is fucking off after all this is done.
The idiots have also decided that maintaining multiple lifecycle will be too expensive, so they are only paying for production. They've also already canceled our contract with the current ERP provided, and if we don't have a functional system by July, then we will be hot out of luck.
We were supposed to have started receiving the first wave of functioning systems this month, but we haven't received anything so far. And over Christmas, the India team hammered us with a new wave of unfinished design specifications, which means development on those deliverables haven't even been started. We were supposed to enter the testing phase for wave 1 during January, but that's fucked to high heaven.
>I’m not picking up shit skins and women’s slack anymore
Based. I've lost my work ethic - I do just enough to skate by anymore. If we go into crunch this June and July to get this system running in time for our old one to go out of contract, I'm likely to just peace out and fuck off.
>Boss man makes 5x my salary and expects me to slave
If there was money, I would do it. For a couple months I worked 70 hours a week moonlighting a second remote job, and seeing all that money come in made it so easy. If these assholes would pay me what I'm worth, I could do it, but they won't, so I deliver what my salary is worth.
That’s one of my goals for the last stretch of 2025 till I exit the wage cage thanks to crypto is to just do as little as possible and collect a pay check till it’s time to bounce.

> maintaining multiple lifecycle will be too expensive, so they are only paying for production.

Corporate greed never ceases to amaze me. I’d start looking for another job ASAP. As you’ve already said these poo’s write dog shit code and will throw you under the bus any chance they get. 40-50% of my job is ETL moving their jeet code from Qa to prod and the amount of time they give me shit code to move that doesn’t work and breaks a whole chain of jobs or they give me the worst directions in broken English that makes no sense and is impossible to figure out. It causes so many headaches because they’re conveniently not around when you need further input because they’re taking a night shit on the designated street instead of being available to implement their code. Then if I don’t document everything to a T, I get bitched at by faggots state side like it’s my fault the people they pay 1/5th a US devs salary, code doesn’t work. I guess chatgpt is allowing street shitters to just lie about their experience and education and fake it enough to not get fired at enough companies and they’ll work such low salaries the US kikes are willing to look past it when they can get a slave to oversee it all and fix all the problems while working 65 hour weeks state side.
Modern problems require soluciones modernas™
>Corporate greed never ceases to amaze me
It's truly phenomenal. We had to fight tooth and nail to get dev, qa, and uat in our own backsystems because they insisted the server costs of running the AWS instances were not justified.
Also, during the record years of inflation following 2020, we received 1% to 2% raises year over year. The CEO justified it as 'the company wasn't making enough to keep pace with inflation', while bragging 'we made record breaking profit'. When someone called the CEO out on that live during a quarterly town hall, his response was "I don't believe in cost of living increases. You have to EARN your raises."
For the record, I was a top 10% performer and I only got 3% when recorded inflation was 4x that, and real inflation was closer to 8x that.
A few weeks after that town hall, the company earnings came out and it was revealed that CEO had taken a 3 million dollar raise, nearly doubling his salary. He received even more stock options, and his holdings had already 4x'ed in the last 2 years.
Anyway, I digress. White Europeans with an established culture are the biggest threats to these people since we have the standards to tell them 'fuck off'. Jeets don't have that same incentive and will work for cheaper, so I'm sure the executives would jump at the chance for a slave cast.
Musk is just the right amount of retarded to appeal to his fellow retards. He's like those scam emails normal people do not fall for because they have obvious spelling errors in them.

Musk pulls the wool over the eyes of tech illiterate wall street retards and government officials. He is a horseshit peddler par excellance.
lol we went through the exact same shit at my company with “raises” that don’t even keep up with inflation. Hope you have a solid investment strategy and have been buying crypto. Now you see it right as rain why shabbos goy musk and his cronies say they need all these “super smart” jeets. I look forward to watching their demise as jeets bankrupt their greedy asses, maybe chatgpt can keep them afloat but I doubt it. We’ve been seeing the slips in the cracks of all the DEI shit over the last 4 years. My company refuses to fire people so I can just do next to nothing which is a god send. I’d look for something new or see if you can do the same at your company and just do the bare minimum and keep investing. Good luck brother, it’s disgusting what these kikes and their shabbos goyim have done to our country. They won’t last forever though, matter of time before another CEO gets their brains splattered on the side walk. Just last week someone in Michigan stabbed the president of a factory during a yearly meeting lol.
Because he's a fucking glowie. And he makes it painfully obvious too. Idk if he's attempting some sort of 4D chess or something.
>the left comes to power
>their corporate donors makes them open the borders for low skilled migrants to suppress wages on the lower end

>the right comes to power
>their corporate donors makes them increase the flow of high skilled migrants to suppress wages on the higher end

Repeat forever.
I’m not a wagie, and suppressed wages is good for my portfolio, but holy shit, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that the wagies are getting close to their breaking point, especially with like 50% of people below 25 supporting Luigi the CEO slayer. It’s the greed that makes them keep squeezing the wagies and ignoring all the warning signs
>revolutionized finance with paypal
>revolutionized the car industry with tesla
>revolutionized space travel and rocket technology with spacex
>revolutionized medicine with neuralink

One could be luck. Two could be coincidence. Three is intelligence. Four is unprecedented.
He has a lot of retarded and eccentric opinions about subjects he has limited knowledge of, just like every other intelligent person on the planet. There’s only so much knowledge a person can absorb, even when their intelligence is abnormally high

I had sex with Musk. AMA.
This. Neurosurgeons are obviously highly intelligent but that doesn’t mean you let them handle your finances or try to fix your car. Even geniuses are usually only really good at 1-2 things and bad at everything else.

Newton is famous for being a terrible investor who lost most of his money, but that doesn’t mean he was low IQ. He just stepped out of his lane
>lol we went through the exact same shit at my company with “raises” that don’t even keep up with inflation.
Ugh. And these 'people' wonder why the plebs cheered when the United CEO got capped. Plenty of people in my generation are on the cusp of doing it.
>Hope you have a solid investment strategy and have been buying crypto
I wish. I graduated college and got my first job in 2018, I was just starting to buy crypto in 2019 when the company laid off 3/4ths of it's staff. I couldn't get unemployment and had to dip deep into savings while I job hunted for a couple months. Got a new job right when Covid hit, got fed up with urban lockdowns by fall and said fuck it and bought a house 45 miles away from the city and had to liquidate my investments for the down payment. Then I got fucking fired in 2021 for not taking the jab and had to job hunt... again, fortunately found a passable job.
Things only got stabilized in 2022 and I've been investing where I can, but it's not enough to be anything life changing. I bought bitcoin at $40k in 2022, and was too demoralized to buy more when it dropped to the $15k range because I felt like a rube who had been taken for a ride. I at least held, but I sold when it fluctuated around $70k.
I wish I could have entered the workforce 5 years sooner.
All of these companies already existed without him.
He founded SpaceX himself which is the craziest company. Cutting space travel to a fraction of the cost of other space agencies paved the way for launching thousands of satellites and the emergence of Starlink. Cheap and fast internet access anywhere on the planet is an insane gamechanger for like 10 different industries and will save global taxpayers trillions in future infrastructure costs to deliver high speed internet to rural communities.

The 3 others were useless piles of dirt before he merged/bought them. And he was the main founder and financial backer of OpenAI too, which opened the door to the AI revolution.

Dislike his personality, opinions or bad hair transplant all you want, but shitting on his many accomplishments makes you seem very petty or downright delusional
Of course Musk is super intelligent and far more productive than 90% of the population. That doesn't mean he can't have biased opinions and beliefs that prioritize him over the wellbeing of a society.

When you're fucking rich and well connected, you'll usually be disconnected to the woes of the low income.

>His best company is the one that legally can't hire foreigners

how's it feel to be a slut?
Go back to your own country jeet
call me schizo, but I don't think a guy that runs 3 multi billion dollar companies has time to engage twitter every hour. I'm a wagie loser and even I don't go on twitter that much.
If you think Musk sounds retarded, you should listen to Peter Thiel talk.

He deliberetely goes against the mainstream consensus on almost everything. He knows that by doing it he will be wrong and sound retarded like 95% of the time, but he wants to be able to identify and capture the 5% where the public consensus is wrong and invest in those companies while they’re still small. That’s how he became one of the earliest investors in Spotify, Facebook and many other companies that changed how the world works. Being wrong 95 times out of 100 is no big deal to his investing strategy, because the 5 times that he’s right, the profits are so insane that they exceed the 95 losses by an enormous amount.

Great innovaters and their ideas always sound crazy or retarded, until it suddenly doesn’t. And that’s when they IPO and get to dump some of their 10,000x bags on you and everyone else who were too scared or insecure to think unconventially and run the risk of sounding like an idiot
Some say he clones himself and each of his clones runs each company. Some say he is able to Tweet while sleeping. All we know is he's called Elon Musk.
He’s also a top Diablo4 player in the world, which is retardedly difficult to achieve even if you go full NEET and no-life for years.

>Option A) He’s paying someone to boost his Diablo account to feed into the idea that he’s a genius
>Option B) At some point in the future one of his companies mastered time travel and he’s been using that to increase the amount of available time and get more shit done in 1 day than others can in 1 month

There’s no other options. Even if he’s a 200 IQ genius that shit just can’t be done
Elon must is a smart guy with good business sense, it's his ability to hire talented people and inspire loyalty that actually helped develop these companies of his. Most intelligent people want to see technology advance in a positive direction, whether you like him or not if you work in any of these industries working for one of Elons corporations would basically be a dream job to be at the forefront of advancing us as a species. And not in the niggerfied liberal sense of progress, ACTUAL progress.

People see that and want to help, even if he has retarded takes every now and again. Kind of like how autistic money skelly acts yet his vision for ETH was one of the biggest things to ever happen to crypto
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I saw a rimjobi post this today, was amazing.

Some of the H1B visa jobs are absolutely retarded.
> Janitors
> Director of Pickleball
> Dog Goomer Petco
> Cook IHOP

A street shitter as a janitor?!
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Everyone wants to see/smell this...
His management style is well known by now and most other CEOs are trying to copy it because his companies move like 10x faster than other large companies.

He hires only people he trusts, and is generally hands-off and allows his trusted employees to make important decisions without his approval. Mistakes are encouraged and never punished, because every mistake is a lesson learned. Whereas in other companies, implementation of ideas has to go up the chain of command and hundreds of middle management meetings wastes a lot of time, and their mistakes appearing in the news is their worst nightmare. That’s why his companies move much faster than almost all others. And he rotates which company he gives his full attention to for 1-2 weeks. The main thing he does is to identify the biggest problem the company is facing, and then he personally joins the team to fix it fast and get rid of all the bottlenecks that makes other companies move at a snail pace.
His autism also makes him intolerant to typical hour-long meetings that could have been resolved by 2 engineers in 5 minutes at the water cooler. Anyone who wastes time is quickly fired
Oh and his companies genuienly change the world for the better so he has a lot of passionate employees who will go the extra mile to deliver results. Being part of huge technological advancements that will go down in history is a point of great pride to them. It’s not just a paycheck
>yet /pol/ told me he wants to hire sup-par jeets because of money saving.
All this seethe is fucking hilarious.
I would like to assume you're right, because if thats not the case, the truth would have to be far more sinister
you've just proven his point
nobody plays d4 now that Path of GODS 2 is out
keep falling for $THECURRENTHING
what do you think the point of this is? why is the left silent? because they let in 20 million Guatemalans and 100k jeets are a drop in the bucket. Schumer must be rubbing hands while the right gets into endless infighting even before the inauguration.
>If they're better, why are they being paid less?
That's the trick. It's duplicitous language inherently. It's very much Jewish.

"better" being left a vague and unqualified term here, leaves context open for interpretation. Normally the default one would be "more skillfully qualified and competent", but in this case, in THEIR context when speaking this phrase, what they actually mean to say is - better FOR US, because they are CHEAPER, meaning more money in our pockets.

Keep this in mind whenever they try and tell you shit like this. Don't think of the default context, but what *their* context would be.
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Okay I've started getting creative with my resume/fake jobs because I have references from other jobs anyway I can use. Fuck this country, you want to lock me out from entry level jobs I'll just be a jeet. Fuck you.
Saylor is a guy who wishes he was elon. Same 'tech bubble' shit but his company shat the bed instead of going to the moon like paypal. The massive dilution of mstr is because saylor needs capital to buy another 500k bitcoin so he can live his dream of 'becoming a bank' or some shit.
Don't forget to short Tesla and sell Tesla shares.
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I heard his penis doesn't work is it true?
Honestly I need to step my game up on fraudulent activities at this point if I am getting BTFO by the jeets
>saars no one can hate us, it must be inorganic
let me assure you that my hatred for you worthless fucking cockroaches is completely genuine and entirely warranted
you're essentially an r selection style breeding species, consuming everything it can so that it can pump out more frail, repugnant mutants out of spite because you understand that until every other race is dead or hopelessly outnumbered by you, the most you can aspire to socially is being seen more favorably than african niggers on occasion
your "people" are anathema to anything that isn't a cow-piss soaked pile of garbage, and if i could press a button to kill every single one of you, even at the cost of my own life i would do it immediately because it would be an act of ontological good and i could die with a smile on my face
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Just going to leave this here
Does Europe have an equivalent to H1B that’s also being abused by corporations to import cheap labor under the guise of (non-existent) talent shortages?

The H1B visa was supposed to be a temporary solution during talent shortages until domestic workers caught up and could fill the jobs. But of course a ton of corpos decided to abuse it to the maximum by laying off expensive domestic workers and replacing them with cheap and desperate foreign workers who’ll "voluntarily" work 60-80 hour weeks and never complain about bad working conditiond to please their new corporate slavemaster, because if they lose their job or visa, they often don’t get a second chance and are doomed to a lifetime of third world wages.

I dont really feel bad for tech workers because they still make 6 figures despite this, but similar tactics are being employed by other industries where the pay is already shit. Outsourcing manufacuring to the third world wasn’t enough for the greedy boomers. They had to sell out their entire countries workforce too to squeeze out a few more % in corporate profits
I have no problem with Indians themselves. Most western-born Indians I’ve met have been great people.

For most people it’s about their wages and working conditions being undercut by workers from really poor countries who’ll work for a lot less and will put up with terrible working conditions. It doesn’t matter where the poor workers are coming from or what color they are. In this particular case it’s mostly Indians. Western Europeans used to seethe about Polaks undercutting their wages. It’s not racism but economics.

If I was an Indian I would try to get an H1B visa too because it’s like winning the jackpot. But ultimately it’s a downward spiral into terrible wages and terrible working conditions for all regular working people, including the immigrants themselves. The only people who win are the corporations and their shareholders
Why do you hate them so much? I'm not Indian though but around my community they have bahaved mannerisms and generally have achieved success. Are you chinese or white, or maybe Iranians? We have some here in Canada that are spiteful because they had only one bad experience with them
those are base salaries and doesn't include equity
same with colombians seething about venezuelans and turks seething about syrians. has nothing to do with racism but when a fuckload of new people suddenly appear in a country and are willing to work for scraps compared to the locals, a lot of locals lose their jobs and are forced to take paycuts. obviously this makes the locals angry
Grimeth? When are you gonna make good music again?
Elon is the ultimate janny on twitter. Don't make fun of him or he'll ban you.

Idk about Europe but it’s definitely happening in Australia and NZ via the universities. It’s why we now have a chronic housing shortage.
>Does Europe have an equivalent to H1B that’s also being abused by corporations to import cheap labor under the guise of (non-existent) talent shortages?
Yes, this is after all the primary form of beneficial immigration (from major corps perspective, and ignoring the long term consequences). So not only do we get human waste trash immigration via mass accepting of "refugees", we also make it harder for native workers to get qualified jobs since employers can just import someone from Bangladesh that is willing to code for minimum wage while also delivering for Ubereats.
The average white guy doesn't have any political agency. Everything you're talking about is imposed from top-down by the (((elite))). They're also the ones importing people like you. Don't get me wrong, if I were one of you jeets I'd also jump on it since your country and its politicians might be the worst place in the world, but don't delude yourself with all this culture war bullshit. In another generation you're going to be singing another tune when to the elites you become the "whitoid" and they bring in someone else to do your job.
That image is demoralization propaganda at its finest. Whites are the fastest growing demographic and Blacks used to be 20% of the population long before the US was even a country, while they are only 13.5% of the population and shrinking now. Amish people (all White as snow) have 8 kids per coupling.
Ripperoni to whoever remains a wagie in the west 10-15 years from now. Quality of life will fucking plummet for the working class as their wage increases will continue to lag behind the increasing cost of living. If nothing changes then the end result will be an increasingly large class divide on par with Brazil or India. Whoever doesn’t have assets will be doomed to generations of poverty and serfdom. Grim
lol you're fooling absolutely no one
go kill yourself immediately you retarded pajeet cunt
Well there is always a final solution. A real one.
So you fell for the memes/psyop and now you're angry at /pol/ hyperbole? lol

I'm not a jeet. I know many. I have many jeet friends. I've even been to India.
Seethe, retard.
Agreed, It's all economics. Here in the UK we got used to the original colonial wave, they ran our shops and did most of the factory work up until the 90's.

Then blair opened the borders and we're flooded with millions of fob indians. It's shit, but interestingly enough they completely prop up the care sector here - because they're low paid and easy to manipulate.

If you learn to have an actual discussion instead of permaseething, people might take you seriously instead of thinking you're just some buttpained retard.
Post hand
>n-no im not a jeet saaar
>you can't hate us by real life interactions with us, its all pol and memes my basterd
>please do the needful and discussion please saaars
you don't get it and you never will - not even if it's explained to you a thousand times, because you're clearly a fucking retard as proven by the fact that you actually believe that you're passing as a non-jeet right now

i am not and will never be interested in a discussion or being "taken seriously" by you or the varieties of sukhdeep manshits in your IDF telegram or wherever it is you roaches coordinate from
you should be exterminated, that's all there is to say about it
If that was him in the twitter space he is way more retarded than i ever thought he could be
I'm guessing Elon and his cocksuckers all just ignored this.
If you are good at interviews. Depends how technical the interview is as well you can get outed easily if you don't have the knowledge to back it up.
>Musk: indians are smarter than americans, we need more low paid indian immigrants!
He’s an aspie so he’s terrible at communicating his thoughts. Doesn’t mean he’s retarded
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>decades ago
>"these people will not compete with you, only a few of them are here for low-skill jobs you are not interested in anyways"
>"yes these people will compete with you, we need hordes of them to take your high-paying jobs away from you and that's a good thing because you are lazy and spoiled"

it always goes like this doesn't it? you give an inch and they take a mile, but it takes a few years to get there
just imagine how many people were dismissed as hysterical conspiracy theorists or xenophobes for accurately predicting the current situation

past a certain point you just stop caring or taking the suffering of the masses seriously
This is a forced meme created by jews to sow division
>look! MAGA is infighting! woo woo woo!
Just fuck off already
A few years ago corporate execs used to be very shameful and would try their best to hide the fact that they fired domestic workers and outsourced part of their operations to third world countries.

The shame has been gone for a few years. Now outsourcing to cut costs is considered shrewd business as opposed to a morally bankrupt and hostile practice that undermines the country or local community in which the business operates, and now you’ll constantly see online posts from execs bragging about saving money by outsourcing. I dont know exactly how or when the major shift in business ethics happened, but it’s a very bad sign. Corporates want all the benefits of being HQ’d in their country of choice while having none of the societal responsibilities that are necessary to uphold a functional society
>Corporates want all the benefits of being HQ’d in their country of choice while having none of the societal responsibilities that are necessary to uphold a functional society
And by this I don’t mean outsourcing alone. There’s a whole laundry list of things, but perhaps the worst example that almost all large corporations have began doing is legal tax avoidance, usually by transfering the IP rights to their best selling products to sister companies incorporated in tax havens and then "leasing" the IP back to themselves in order to artificially decrease their profits and avoid having to pay taxes.

Almost all the largest companies in the US and EU do this to varying degrees, and while it’s good for my portfolio, it’s destructive as fuck to our society
>ndians are smarter than americans
they are not

While IQ is often preferred in discussions about intellect, it has limitations, particularly in areas such as comprehension, making it not entirely precise for a comprehensive evaluation. Nevertheless, the ranking is as follows, where India occupies 138th position with a score of 76.24.29 Jan 2024

The average Indian rates as borderline retarded in the US or EU
with an average IQ of 76.24 half of India is beneath the level of 80 used as the legal criteria for clinically retarded. This is caused by many factors including poor diet, poor medical access, childhood malnutrition and genetic issues caused by inbreeding, pollution etc
Mostly it's just caused by the fact that iq tests are stupid and don't mean anything, however.

Not to defend the poos.

As you were.
Low IQ score detected
People who respond with that are such fucking idiots.
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>r*ddit spacing
BASED old leplebbit user. Thanks for not making me have to format the URL myself.
captcha: =AMXJX what did they mean by this
I don't understand. If a pajeet is willing to do the same work that the fat, retarded, dunning krueger burger for less, why not pay the pajeet? should we just pay burgers for being burgers? You faggots cry when a negress gets employed at HR via "affirmative action" (which doesn't exist anyway), yet are proposing what is, essentially, affirmative action on a national scale! Kind of hypocritical, don't you think?
wtf is 900 base salary?
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>brown id
>Further forced assimilation of Native populations has also been implemented to resemble the use of Cossacks in the military (Chambers belies the extent to which this "solves" the "Indian problem" by also noting the installation of an equestrian statue of Philip Sheridan). Suicide has been legalized, and has been made generally and readily accessible in the newly established government "Lethal Chambers" being rapidly rolled out across every town and city.
Okay, than as an American, can I collect Saudi Arabia oil check gibs monthly because why not? This country gave Muskrat the opportunity to grow his businesses, he owes it to this country to reinvest into it. There is not talent shortage, there is a cheap talent shortage. The high demand for engineers commands a high salary, so he wants to add to the supply by importing H1B's. He takes from America in the form of gibs (tax credits) and lesser regulations but then doesn't give a fuck back. American's are smarter and work harder, we just don't do it for free like obedient third world golem. We either quit or unionize. He wants third world golem happy with scraps that he can hold the threat of revoking their h1b visas over there head. Cheap labor with a gun pointed at their head. If you need an example of his loyalty just look at South Africa. He could demonstrate his goal of furthering humanity by helping with their energy crisis, but he doesn't. Building rockets with the far off distant goal of living on mars is a fucking pie in the sky bullshit just trust me bro excuse. Dude just wants to suck gibs building EVs and rockets for the military industrial complex and selling rockets abroad. He has no concept of loyalty to a nation that gives him opportunities.
>should we just pay burgers for being burgers
Yes, this is the basis for a functioning nation state. Without this everything else starts to fall apart, as you will come to experience.
Just gonna drop this here:
>Further forced assimilation of Native populations has also been implemented to resemble the use of Cossacks in the military (Chambers belies the extent to which this "solves" the "Indian problem" by also noting the installation of an equestrian statue of Philip Sheridan). Suicide has been legalized, and has been made generally and readily accessible in the newly established government "Lethal Chambers" being rapidly rolled out across every town and city.
>Building rockets with the far off distant goal of living on mars is a fucking pie in the sky bullshit
Its beyond that. You don't have to know much or look into it very deeply to understand that meaningful (as in economically profitable) Mars colonization won't be achieved in Elon Musks lifetime, not even remotely.
Yes we get them through universities. The last years shitskins doing masters here exploded. And we had our own german system 15 years ago back then they could not even do their master here
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>you have to import endless jeets to lower wage or or or or its somehow dei

Because the nice man in suit was told me on Fox news tv Elon is smart and Trump good. Democrats want to cut my Timmy's pinner off so I only cut a part of it because Israel must be protected because Jewish man in suit smart. The nice man in suit on Fox TV said I will be able to fix my trailer and put Timmy in nice school. Elon make Tesla car go to space and Brendan only bring 70 million illegal immigrants they want to BBQ my cat.
>you have to do *thing i don't like* or it's somehow *bad thing*
>insert funny picture
>the most generic, meaningless combination of buzzwords possible
See this is why burgers can't into engineering. I'm sorry but you just don't pass the iq test.
i'm actually mexican, well my parents are. but i don't get freebies for my race.
A job like that you make a ton in cash
It's never racist to hate on pajeets though.
He did the needful and redeemed
Yes, capitulating will definitely save us
Is your asshole ok?
You are a schizo

there are only 400000 amish in US

it lowers US wage to Indian level
What happened was he knew to just lie on the resume because he knows from older jeets he’ll get hired anyway. HR becky just saw some brownoid and it gave her the DEI tingles. Then he got approval because there is some other jeet higher up the hiring chain that wanted to hire him purely because they are both street shitters.
we already have more than enough jews in the west.
we dont need more scheming parasites
sorry, i thought i was on /pol/ there for a second, racism inc. and anti-semitism ltd. had the best of me.

money is not always color-blind.
if he is so dumb and you're so smart why aren't you richer than him?
he is smart enough to invest the wealth he inherited in a profitable way.
many poorfags would be in the same seat if they inherited money.
musk has money.
that was always the extent of his responsibility, in paypal in tesla and in spacex.
paypal almost went under when he was CEO and they had to get rid of him.
that said, spacex is definitely something else. its really cool and so are the cars.

that does not in anyway prevent musk from saying stupid shit which will polarize the voter base that elected trump and in a way musk himself.
the guy is literally shitting on white people in a white country. you try that anywhere it wont work (except in germany or england but even there, the games are over).

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