Is passive income actually achievable in any meaningful amount? And I don't mean a $112.04 dividend check annually. If you make passive income please share your methods.
>>59567502covered call etfs, like QYLD, and from yieldmax.
>>59567502Just stake link. I make ~$10k anually at the current price.
>>59567502just park your money in aave
>>59567502You need 4M
>>59567502Of course it is, just park a couple million anywhere that it can earn 4-6%
>>59567559Wow 10k is enough to live in Nicaragua
>>59567553enjoy your nav erosion chud, there is no free lunch
>>595675024.5% CD rate. I cash in about 2k for my 500k cash stores. Enough to live if you have a paid off home.
licensing, but i doubt you've ever created anything people want.this is the only true "sit on your ass" method.