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pls no I need more time to buy
stay waxy boss man
>I need more time to a buy a coin valued at 250 billion!!!
unironically yes
There is still time.

XRP is gonna be a world reserve currency, so it can go to like $10k per coin

Would you care if you bought Bitcoin for $1 or $2 or $3 now?
Probably donated 250k for a dinner.
No they would have to say so
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spot the difference
>ERC-20 token not needed
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XRP is unironically not needed
>He doesn't know

have fun staying poor

Chainlink is a shit scam token, it requires Ethereum which is outdated old slow expensive dino tech lmao

Only reason why RLUSD is on Eth is so retards can switch over to XRP network
Ethereum has had massive use in the past 8 years, while nobody ever used Ripple to this day.

Massive use to create scams and rugs

Don't forget to pay $40 for fees!
>haha sex is icky and gives you diseases!

t. non-sex haver
so chris larson becomes a trillion/quadrillionaire? yeah nah, find the portal retard
ooo oooo!
I see it, I see the difference!
The difference is that Eric Trump (the dumbest son of the family) bought LINK (and is massively underwater on it, lol), while DONALD TRUMP (the president) holds A LOT of XRP
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Time to stop buying XRP, put my feet up and have a warm beverage at hand and watch line go up, lads.
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>Eric Trump
yeah, the president is totally involved with running Eric Trump's little crypto money grab company
oh and Barron too
lmao, what a cope
Big Don holds The Standard
Little Eric bought the linkie top
>Eric Trump's
Are you illiterate
>bought LINK (and is massively underwater on it,
based on the date in that pic is was max $14 when he bought
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Thanks for the 5 million, I guess it will go to more link tokens.
someone come get me when it dumps 75% of what it made in the bullrun so I can get in
>nooooo! ITS DONALD NOT ERIC!!!!
Dumbshit Eric's little crypto money grab!!!!
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womp womp
I like how the link cult is now fudposting xrp ripple because its the only way they get there (you)s
would not be surprised its the biggest xrp holders fudding their own bags out of boredom
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Thankfully, Chainlink is already on board with RUSD.
We linkies are everywhere, and in everything, we are inevitable.
LINK doesn't touch the XRPL, meaning it doesn't touch XRP
its a niche deal for them to provide price feeds for RLUSD on ETH
crumbs. basically its Ripple ordering a cup of coffee, and chainlink is the wagie cashier.
chirs is suck a faggot
You can have dinner with the president for $250k? Wasn’t Jay Z charging $500k?

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