What the hell is going on today? Why is the board full of doomer threads, not only about financial matters but about life, marriage and all that crap?We're over 95k for God's sake. What the hell happened to this place?
What the hell happened?>someone's got a small dick so lets make everyone with a small dick feel bad>someone's balding so lets make everyone balding feel bad>someone is short so lets make everyone who is short feel bad
I'm guessing one anon sold his stack at 97 after getting cold feet from yesterdays dump, decided to live his "real life" they ran into some speed bumps.
>>59595982JIDF and sidelined niggers trying to break everyone's spirit before the golden bull run.
(Self-)demoralizing faggot shitskins/jews infiltrating and psyoping trying to drag others downLiterally fudding LIFE for God's sakeIf you're a white man you should take every fucking day by the balls and stop waiting and complaining Stop waiting for the stars to align, no it's not over, no nothing will change if you don't change anythingIf you're susceptible to the BS I would rather stay on tiktok at least you get inspiration slop there
>>59596023>>59595996>>59596011Great minds think alike
>>59596023Big if true
>>59595982Life doesn't matter anymore and it has become very obvious everywhere you go. You can feel it when you are out in public, no one gives a fuck about anything anymore. Even normies are blackpilled husks now.I go to work and basically just do nothing. I don't give a shit if they fire me, it literally doesn't matter at this point. I'm poor if I'm NEETing and poor if I work full time. This society is pointless.No community, no property, no families, no future. Where the fuck do we even go from here?
people are getting stressed. Lots of anxiety buildup for jan 20 and the bullrun in general. We are either getting even more stressed or we're gonna jizz all over the place.
>>59596108Wise words, Chudda-sama
Literally factual
>>59595982People are trying to suppress the inevitable pump that will happen on Trump's inauguration. They are doing this to load up their own bags. Do not fall for the PsyOPs! Do no fall for the whale games! Trust the plan, sir.
>>59596349>People are trying to suppress the inevitable pump that will happen on Trump's inauguration. They are doing this to load up their own bags. Do not fall for the PsyOPs! Do no fall for the whale games! Trust the plan, sir.It needed to be said and you said it. Thanks, anon
>>59595982New batch of demoralized retail newfags that bought >100k
>>59595982that is a MAN
We just hit 97k :)
>>59596108i'm holding too much mstr/btc and i'm expecting to empty my balls
>>595959824chan is full of feds and JIDF shills.
>>59596079your great grandparents would be proud anonI'm sure they had your exact same mentality during the great depression and did absolutely nothing about it that's how you came about to existif you're not a demoralization bot, you should read tolkien and c.s. lewis
>>59597571Great depression environment was 20x better than what it is today, you're a pathetic faggot retard kike gaslighting people who recognize this fact.
>>59595982We are about to pump so glowies are spamming us with demoralisation threads
>>59597666>We are about to pump so glowies are spamming us with demoralisation threadsProbably true.
>>59595982I want to impregnate a jewess.
>>59598396She's not a jew. She's the girl from The Substance. Great movie, btw
>>59597571during the Great 'Depression' there was widespread hope of recovery, today everyone is hopeless and in a real, spiritual depression. Today is far more of a Great Depression than the 'Great' 'Depression' was.
>>59595982busted so many nuts to a lookalike of this actor(shrooms q)(your welcome)
>>59596203retarded ideology with retarded regime where you get bullied by aryan chads (this is why closeted /pol/ homos like this shit)