Day 1270 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 1M
>>59597104>Day 1270 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 1MWhat a flatout lie.
Cypher supports the snail. As far as you know.
>>59597104>Day 1270 of snailpost-ACK
>>59597104>Day 47 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 1MFix the count faggot.
>>59597104Snailpost galaxis, cuz it’ll take you way less posts until ATH has been reached kek
>>59597270he's doing it intentionally with the hope of keeping it up for long enough until a point is reached where older fags aware of his fakery get tired of calling him out for it and don't even enter his threads anymore and instead most anons entering his threads are very new fags who don't have any memories of how the 1M posts started so they'll think he has been doing it that long -- and what's the purpose of that? attention of course; all about wanting more attention and fame, since doing a real 1M count would look less impressive it wouldn't bring him as much attention and attention is the most important thing for him - he doesn't really care where bitcoin goes, just wants attention>>59597287>>59597352>>59597500this is either op samefagging or it's plebbitors (the plebbity ha-ha-im-repeating-what-poster-above-me-said)
>>59598362I post one day, day N. I post the next day, day N+1. I keep doing that. Who cares if people are mad over adding +1 each day.>attention>fame>for doing addition on a dead basket-weaving forumkek
Based snail as always.
It's all so tiresome.
>>59598362>this is either op samefagging or it's plebbitors (the plebbity ha-ha-im-repeating-what-poster-above-me-said)holy newfag
>>59598362stay malding nigger
>>59597104I am still Team Snail.
>>59598362>he's doing it intentionally with the hope of keeping it up for long enough until a point is reached where older fags aware of his fakery get tired of calling him out for itNever underestimate my autism
>>59597104why do you lie, faggot?>100k>1m>it's the samekys
>>59598362>he's doing it intentionally with the hope of keeping it up for long enough until a point is reached where older fags aware of his fakery get tired of calling him out for it and don't even enter his threads anymore and instead most anons entering his threads are very new fags who don't have any memories of how the 1M posts started so they'll think he has been doing it that long -- and what's the purpose of that? attention of course; all about wanting more attention and fame, since doing a real 1M count would look less impressive it wouldn't bring him as much attention and attention is the most important thing for him - he doesn't really care where bitcoin goes, just wants attentionwhat an attention whorethanks for pointing it outwe will always call it outfrom legend to fag, many such cases
>>59598362i can tell you've never had the touch of a female.