The more money you make the more problems you get.
>>59597243poorfag cope
>>59597257biggie smalls said it and he wasn't poor
>>59597277He was a drug dealer who sucked record executive cock for fame.
>>59597277Rich people told poor people that making money is bad and they should stay poor? I should definitely stay poor then.
>>59597243Not if no one knows how much money I have.
>>59597284>a drug dealer who sucked record executive cock for fame.You probably mean that metaphorically but pic rel proved he probably did suck real cocks and just suck em
>>59597243I won’t mind some more, given the inflation that’s never gonna stop. I’d like to see galaxis, near, move do well, but I sincerely hope the other bags are green as well
>>59597475No, I'm being literal. jewish executive break their zesty little bucks in exchange for "making it" in the "rap game".
>>59597475Everybody jerks off to money and that has pictures of dudes on it. Unless it's the British pound and you're pounding it to an old lady.
>>59597817no one does that schizo
>>59597243Are you retarded
>>59597724who wants a blowjob from an obese black dude?
>>59597849the average jew
>>59597277Where is he now? How many years did he get to enjoy his money?10 Crack commandments has gems though.
It's the opposite
>>59597243The more money you make the more important it is to be more ruthless. You don't need to be ruthless to make money initially, but at a certain level of wealth you need to be ruthless to keep it and grow it to the next levels. At a certain point you do eventually start getting targets painted on you that when you don't have money seem absurd to consider. People will try to be your friends strictly because you have money. They seriously consider finding a way to kill you and wire your money to themselves. Women will get pregnant with your kid strictly to attach themselves to your wealth. People will try to involve you in all sorts of bad, scammy business deals. A lot of your time at a certain level of wealth goes to basically "ruling your kingdom" and a single moment of weakness forms cracks, pries it all open, and destroys you. If you have a ton of money, you can't just go flaunting it. Word gets out. I could go on and on. The truth is, having money is better than no money, but there definitely are WAY more problems that arise from it. The good thing is that money solves those problems as long as you hire the right people and delegate properly.
>>59598893this is why you larp as being poor when you have money