This will always give returns and the easiest way to do it is invest in good food. Pic related.
>>59600688If you think CUCUMBERS aren't healthy you're off the deep end, go end your super healthy protein powder
>>59600688>chili, ginger, garlic not healthyWhy?
>>59600688>stop eating vegetables broThis is the dumbest meme
>>59600703Cucumbers and tomatoes should move up 1 i agree>>59600713Antibiotics, destroy gut microbiome, ful of antinutrivaChili the body really warns you hard before eating itGarlic is very toxic
When you are sick garlic is very good for you exactly because of it's anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. >>59600733
>>59600740>When you are sickHere is the important thingYou can use it as a medicineBut in daily food its retarded
>>59600744Possibly, it would explain why we as humans dislike the smell of it. People say raw onion is very healthy and possibly boosts test, do you think this is true or it should also just be used as medicine when needed. Personally the person that best represent my diet is Paul Saladino and I'd like to think I'm very healthy.
>>59600733garlic and chili is awesome and i will never stop eating it, enjoy larping as a viking
>natural barries
>>59600688Stupid list except for two or three meals.Kys OP
>>59600755>it would explain why we as humans dislike the smell of it.Yes, why would our senses deceive us? Every animal knows what is good for them by smelling and tasting. That makes sure a lion doesnt eat grassI dont think raw onion is good at all, same reason as before, but very cooked with meat i eat it too.Yes Paul Saladino is pretty good, tho in practice i dont really eat like him. I eat way less fruit and more diverse animal products and well also junk food
>>59600755>we as humans dislike the smell of it.garlic smells addictive and tasty to me, you are a noselet
>>59600782>>natural barriesAs opposed to planted and sprayed yes. Bonus for beeing in the forest and having all minerals.
>>59600789>addictiveYes, i dont know why but it surely seems to cause addictions in people, like medicine. Not something good. For me the smell is disgusting just like the taste
>>59600688>valhalla tiersorry OP, you will never be white no matter what you eat.
>>59600688>chili, ginger, garlic not healthyCite some actual sources instead of some tabloid bullshit
Garlic is good against prostate cancer.
The neuronal toxicity of things like garlic and black pepper is so minuscule you have to eat the garlic every day in large amounts to have any kind of significant effect. Eating some garlic here and there with your meals isn't going to damage your brain. If you eat healthy to begin with garlic will never overtake the positive effects of the other foods.
>>59600688how are tomatoes and olives not healthy? dork
>>59600688olive oil is the closest to health juice in a bottle you can get in this world.
>>59600688retarded schizo
>>59600851This guy goes through various real researchIts a lot to dyor but you asked for it
>>59600810Sir im an aryan sri lankian from an old brahman family. Dont call me non white saaaaaar
>>59600861That needs a real source>>59601620The antibiotic effect is the worse one
>>59600688>butter>not healthytopkek literal brainlets because of no butter
>>59600786When you cook things they become different.
>>59603910Butter is in good foods aka healthy>>59601651Tomatoes are good see above>>59601651>>59601708Olives are so low because they are bitter and toxic when eaten from the tree. Yes they are fine if processed but also have too much unsatured fats. They are not bad.>health juice in a bottle you can get in this world.That would be high quality raw blood or maybe birch water depending what your body lacks. Raw milk is also good.
>>59603914Ok but garlic really still tastes disgusting
>>59603943You are posting about butter and garlic being either "not good" or tasting disgusting.Methinks you should learn to cook.
>>59600733Okay so you said nothing about ginger, which is the only one I really cared about thanks.
>>59600755This guy lowered his own test and had to change his whole diet lol, in b4>nah but he’s got in right this timeRight bud
Best way to do this is to get /fit/. Seriously, it's crazy how much better life is with a healthy amount of lean muscle mass, even if you're still fat.Eating healthy is good too but no need to overdo it. My ancestors survived eating rotten meat and drinking foul water. I can handle a LITTLE seed oil and HFCS.
>>59604069Strong antibiotic and antinutrients. Like the mid of the other ones.>>59604131No carb is retarded.
>>59604207>it's crazy how much better life is with a healthy amount of lean muscle massIn what way? You can carry more groceries at the same time?
>>59600688Broccoli, whole grain, kale, olive oil is bad for you? What kind of retarded list is this? Are you some dumbass keto fag?>>59603936People who substitute saturated fat with unsaturated fats (including seed oils) see decreased risk for CVD. Excessive saturated fat is bad for you as it raises LDL cholesterol, which is a major risk factor for heart disease.
>>59600688I just eat ingredients.Simple
>>59604847I just said no carb is retarded. Also check how far up I have sugar. So read before making statements next time.Otherwise you seem to just be ful mainstream I don't even know where to start
>>59603909 other than a Chinese (Shanghai) study which is quite possibly biased to support it on Chinese Medicine bolster claims, Western sources tend to say that it's worth more study and cite Hsing et al frequently. The result was statistically significant regardless.
>pasta>very badShut up you anti italian nigger
>>59600733This article cites jeet technology and mythology. Discarded
>>59600810That webm can’t be real
>>59604544I mean metabolically. It's far harder to develop diabetes carrying a good amount of lean muscle mass because you can simply use all the energy you consume instead of your body trying to force it all into fat cells and developing insulin resistance. But yes, being able to move your body around better and carry heavier loads with less effort is also really good for your health.Being strong is one of the most important things in life.
Absolutely retarded list.>your body warns you when eating chilli that it is bad (Toxic tier)>needs to preserve and cook the shit out of all your meat just to not die eating it (Valhalla tier)Fruit, Nuts, Veges are goated. Eat as much as you can as often.
>broccoli, kale, ginger worse than refined sugar
>>59605811>he doesn't know about anti-nutrients
>>59605837Let me guess, that's a social media "expert" special
>>59605837>t. malnourished
Nigger u are dumb af ginger is super healthy for stomache. Garlic is one of the secret for sex. Everytime I eat the chinese deep fried lobster with a gallons of garlic my dick pumps so hard. Fuck retardio
>>59600688>toxic>ginger, chiliholy shit what is this retard list?
>>59605846>>59605848Post bench 1RM
reminder: almost every stupid brownoid on this fucking planet has access to the internet now, and they REALLY think their stupid brownoid opinions and woo matterslearn how to filter this shit out now
>>59605962post yourself doing a kickflip
>>59606021Mail me a skateboard1600 Pennsylvania AveWashington DC
>>59600688I wasn't sure about garlic but>onions>bad for you This is how I know you're retarded You can live on onions
>>59606025get some joe!
>>59600688>ginger garlicWant to know how I know you’re full of parasitic demonic kike worms?
>>59600733>>ucumbers and tomatoes should move up 1 i agreemove it then come back idiot
All you need is red meat
my microbiome is fucked i think. i've had stomach discomfort for almost a year now, and many other symptoms going back 7 years. i think i have histamine intolerance.
>>59600688>invest in your healthno thanks i wanna die so im done with this gayfag clownworld
No one who uses the word antinutrients on social media is worth listening to in any capacity
>>59608782>antinutrientsWhat is this?
>>59608782>noooo antinutrients is an evil word>just like race differences>No one who uses the word race difference on social media is worth listening to in any capacity>>59608274Go ful carnivore for a week and then reintroduce plant foods every few days and see which ones are the problem.
>>59600688>kale and garlic are bad for you Where do you retards get this shit?
>>59609243>>59605811 (yes controversial, white sugar for sure can move down)see>>59603890>>59600733
>>59605131OkWell does this offset the negatives tho?>>59605793>>needs to preserve and cook the shit out of all your meat just to not die eating it (Valhalla tier)Dude there are people almost exclusively eating raw meat and i eat it sometimes too. Your argument is nullified.
>>59605846>>59605878Garlic stresses the body which means in the short term you get a test spike. Also lobster is top tier.
>>59606064Cooked they are fine desu>>59607922Please stop with this schizo worm stuff. They stuff they sell you to "detox" is poison which then needs to be detoxcified which then leads you to think it works.
Why do places like Japan and Hong Kong have the highest life expediencies yet their diet is predominantly things from the last 4 tiers?
my favorite convo to have with NPCs goes something like this>i try to get bananas in my diet coz its good for youwhy is it good for you?>it got potassium and shieea steak has 4x the potassium while not being made out of sugar...>WHAAATT... B-B-BUT CHOLESTEROL!!!*adjusts glasses* heh... you have no idea, don't you? *smirks slyly as i slowly shake my head*>you must be so smart... tell me more, sensei!*i let out a short chuckle* you won't believe me if i tell you... read the studies on cholesterol yourself. come back to me when you're done. now, where were we..... *changes subject effortlessly*
>>59609421First they are weak söyboys. Their diet did not even let them develop into proper big men. Over the generations they adopted that.If you are small and thin you statistically live longer.But well lets see what they really eat in okinawa or as it is called, the island of pigsBesides starch which is eaten anywhere the main things are fresh fish and pork raised in silvopasture.So categories 9 and 8In most countries the 8 9 10 categories are barely eaten.
>>59600790Look at that bounty of 40 calories spread over 2 square meters.
Ginger root (one gram blended and boiled in water) has noticeably given me all of the benefits of cigarettes with none of the drawbacks since quitting: a deeper voice, quieting indigestion and angion method-tier boner strength. I will never exclude it from my diet for this reason, even if I die and the doctor magically says it was because of all the (((antinutrients))) in it.
>deerEnjoy your prions, bro
>>59609421amylase enzymesfucking hell, these people literally used rice as their currency. they're built for eating this shit
>>59600688I always get sick after eating apples. I tried again this week, apple with yoghurt and I get extremely drowsy after eating this shit. last week, I'm done.
>>59603890My man the nutrition detective, BASED af.
>>59609421Not to mention they don't eat all the cancerous garbage that 'we' Westerners eat in the regular. Food dyes, pork, glyphosate filled everything, deficient in everything veggies etc.. etc...
>>59610247JBP has entered the chat
>>59609453Can you teach me how to be so cool?
>>59610247Apples are like one of the only non grass fed/wild meat items you should eat. The pectin helps you clean out your liver.
>>59610247Oh and you should eat the seeds and chew them.. your body uses the small amount of cyanide to kill cancerous cells.
>>59610247>>59610532I think if your body dont want them just dont eat them its not the only fruit>>59610267I did not watch a lot from him but he seems very into really researching things
>>59610068People all around the world eat deer
>>59609959Well if you eat berries for calories you are wild. But there are trees aswell, its not like the whole place is only used by berries.>>59610059Ok if it works. Seems to be a small amount
How is this piece of shit off-topic schizo retard thread still up?Jannies do your fucking job.
>>59600733>garlic on same level as hard liquoryoure fucking retarded
>>59600733Garlic and chili are some of the best things for your body moron. Garlic is toxic to bacteria, not humans!!!
>>59600688Please excuse me while I forage for wild nuts in my backyard that happens to be an organic old growth oak forest.
>>59610247I know someone that gets sick like this from standard sprayed apples. Try organic and see if it helps
whats with all these chuds and redpill retards adopting the most insane dietsim not advocating for goyslop, but eat your vegetables you retards. you havent uncovered some secret wisdom
>>59614149Sounds good
>>59614134>moron.Is that the argument?>>59614134>Garlic is toxic to bacteria, not humans!!!You know we need bakteria to function? Who told you that garlic only targets the bad ones because that would be weird? Mainstream media?I mean sure garlic can move 1 up
>>59614598>you havent uncovered some secret wisdomWhat if we did?
Im op my id changed
>>59605837Don't most of those go away when you properly cooked them?
>>59614908get fucked
>>59600688Heh investing in your health is even harder than money. No one knows what to actually eat or take or do, even though it's implied that it's obvious. Everyone who gets into health now is speculating like a shitcoiner. Keto, fruitarian, carnivore, vegan, high starch, no grain, etc. I've got a portfolio of health bags that I'm pretty confident with, after many years or research and experimentation. It was much easier to identify the best crypto investments by comparison.
>>59615020Mostly yesBut so do a lot of nutrients then
>boar and salmon being perfect foodsNo. Even wild caught ones have too much polyunsaturated fat. Ruminants are the best meat for this reason. But getting most of your calories from fruit is better. Read Ray Peat.
thanks bro i'm gonna invest into two big macs today :)
>>59603936>Yes they are fine if processed but also have too much unsatured fatsWait you're saturated fat pilled but think boar, fowl and fish are better for you than ruminants? What? Do a little bit of logical reasoning anon
>>59615458The beef is actually at 7 which doesnt make it too bad>>59615455>Read Ray Peat.No worries i know this guy since way before corona>>59615473Valid criticism for sure. Otherwise i always count saturated fat as bonusSo why not on wild boar/fish?Well firstly see pic related. I believe ruminants have mineral deficiencies nowadays from the open fields. While in a forest or ocean thats normally no problem.Secondly you need a bit of good omega 6 for the body to be able to heal/start inflamation and omega 3 to balance and to stop that.I would consider boar for omega 6 and fish for omega 3 the best sources. many who completely avoid omega 6 crave it and feel bad, i think its not good to to the body.Also these are small amounts you will eat anyways.And taste wild salmon or especially good boar. Boar tastes extremely good that has to mean something.So thats also why boar 10, a personal preference.
>>59609421They eat raw chicken and raw fish there