How can a family keep its wealth with the new generations?Owning hard assets? Having money they can never touch except in particular cirumstances?
>>59601871>Having money they can never touch except in particular cirumstances?yeah but unfortunately theres no foolproof way to do this even with irrevocable trusts. regimes change,kids fight each other, and on long time frames famines happenyou have to put your faith in genetics. if your kids are capable of adapting and cooperating in changing times, then your family will do well. if theyre stupid and marry gold diggers and get drunk, then your family will go broke
You train your kids well. You don't spoil them, you teach them to be diligent and investment minded, you don't lead them to believe they're going to be given anything. They go start successful lives and then you begin to invest in them now that they can manage the money effectively.
>>59601871Only have 1 child each. The easiest way to dilute your wealth is to have 2 kids, 4 grandkids, 8 great grandkids, etc.
>>59601942>Just don't grow your lineNot sure if that's the best way
taking advantage of compounding interest. For example whenever a kid is born you buy savings bonds, stocks, etc. 18 years of IRA contributions, healthsavings accounts. etc.The right way:>using libraries and cultivating respect for knowledge>getting regular medical checkups and vaccines, health and fitness through activity and organized sports>not spending money on birthdays holdiays vacations cars and frivolous shit like the latest tech and clothes>spending on education, insurance, mortgages, finanacial literacy, family thrifting, coupons, sales>spending inheritances on college degrees, establishing credit and real property>buying bitcoins, using diversified low fee funds>nepotismThe wrong way:>not cultivating intelligence, instead cultivating knowledge of "Succession" plot points and paying HBO subscription fees>Spending the money on tattoos and alcohol, vacations, pets, rent and leasing contracts>getting divorced, inviting bad people into your family circle, watching a lot of TV, getting no physical exercise>not spending money on education, mortgages, or insurance>buying shitcoins, sitting in cash, in low yield accounts
>>59601942You want to have more kids due to genetics being so random, even from the same parents. Also, random happenstances through life. One kid is putting all your eggs in one basket. Nature wants you to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.When your kids are 25-30 you'll know which can handle the bulwark of the inheritance.
>>59601871simple properly raise them and dont let barely above minimum wage public servants poison their minds for the entirety of their formative yearsthe whole 3 generations story is total bullshit to fud people out of generational wealthjust look at how long the real elite are in power already, its far longer than 3 generationsputting your money in trusts is another trap, the money needs to be actively managed to changing market conditions and you cant rely on the trust jurisdiction not fucking it all up
>>59602213That's the wiser way. You have 3-4 kids, you raise them all as well as possible, you try to imbue them with the same vigor that drove you, and then you give most of what you have to the most capable and they repeat the process.
It’s all having your finger on the pulse of society. You think raising your kids well helps but “well” is subjective to each era no matter how much you wish there were ontological values present in reality. It’s the classic “good Christian girl” turning bad.
>>59602300This is a defeatist mindset. Kids went awry because parents checked out and let schools do all of the indoctrination. Girls sent to Bible schools are FAR less likely to go degen than the one sent to a typical state school, I've studied this closely with the ones from my high school. It's another kike meme meant to demoralize, you absolutely have power and control over how your kids turn out, and at the end of the day they are genetically 50% you and 50% a partner of your choosing so you have A LOT of wherewithal there to affect fate.
>>59601942That's retarded. 1st son gets the inheritance. 2nd goes into the military. 3rd becomes a priest. Sell the daughters to the sons of friends you want a strong alliance with.
>>59602313I disagree with you, you’re positing it’s demoralizing because again there’s some ontological truth of what is desirable and good in your worldview, there’s not. I’m not disagreeing you can effect your kids outcome in life, I’m disagreeing that you have the ability to effect their values in any guaranteed manner since the future is always changing. The best way you can raise your children is to impart the value of adaptability to them, over and above any single silly value society may care about.
>>59601871>AI is the future, but what powers the future? >COMPUTE is the fuel, UBC is the foundation >stake, earn, and let the machines do the work >you’re either part of the revolution, or you’re watching it from the sidelines
>>59602447Nothing is guaranteed at all whatsoever including your own life. We don't plan things based off guarantees but rather probabilities and desired outcomes lol. You increase positive probabilities by doing the right things as a parent, teaching them right, putting them into good cultures. People decided to let the TV, phone, and school raise their kids while they checked out and then pretended like they never had any power over the outcome, obviously not true.Using "society" as your reference point isn't even valid in this context. We're trying to raise people that are greater than society, anomalous in society, like we are, that means you find ways to evade the trappings of midwit society, and trust that your kids inherited a lot of what you are and then learn what you did.
>>59602141Index Funds like QQQ?
>>59603638QQQ is a sector concentration (tech) but if it diversifies your holding thats a good strategy. Paying attention to the fees you're paying is critical because they will compound over a long time frame as well