will this piece of shit do a x5/x10 already ? i'm sick of waiting
>>59611051Just dump it and get into Ink Chain
>>59611051Nah, it’s done, next 10x from blue chips will be sol, and auradex will faciliate gains for all meme traders
if it goes parabolic its going to crash, im comfy with my slow gains
https://www.kasparainbowchart.com/we should be back on schedule. if this doesn't follow the road i'm gonna dump it all.
>>59611098Bro.. your link is saying kaspa is dead
So... How much longer before the rush for the exit because emissions are running out?
>>59611199i know bobo, i give it 2 fucking more months or i'll leave the boat, we just got back on the "dead" line. if it doesn't catch up then it's bye bye
>>59611051Probably not. Find something that hasn't mooned yet this cycle