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Crypto has one purpose.

Only one of these can do that single purpose.

The purpose is to compute monetary transactions with coded properties.

Which one is it /biz/?

Which one is the singular invention that does that?

Which ONE is the only REAL CRYPTO?
It should be obvious, but one chain alone will NEVER swallow the entire market. That's why the one real crypto isn't present in your image: its the one that can unite them across all chains.
Tectum unironically.
Its ME, I am the real crypto
You can mint other tokens and swap them on this network.

Assuming token creators wisely choose the correct base layer for the purposes of their cryptography this could swallow the entire market but not the entire market cap.

There is an important caveat there but the main point is that there is in fact ONE CRYPTO here that performs the ONE PURPOSE
Tbh, your post confuses me because its very unclear in its wording. I'm not sure if youre agreeing with me or disagreeing or what token you're speaking of.
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Sorry that that's so. Uh you know how ethereum has like uniswap and uniswap has other shitcoins? Same with Solana.

One of these can do that too meaning that anyone who needs to design a crypto with any pow or pos system could do it but not need to rely on those things for security.

You could make a mineable token that's just reward for work when the work wasn't needed anyway because you just want to.

You could do what ethereum and Solana try to do but can't because they don't have scale ability and security since their algorithms are just not good enough.

Does that clarify this at all?

I won't be mean if you're earnestly confused still.
It has a governance system but they've yet to make any arbitrary terms of service or anything like that so it's still kind of libertarian.

I mean government will come after you for silk road and kiddie porn stuff but otherwise you could do whatever you want and even those things they wouldn't stop you you'd just be in jail after cops get involved
Kind of like how just because some idiot starts a forest fire with lighters the company that sells lighters has no business or responsibility to stop selling them or tell their customers what to do with their lighters.
>Which ONE is the only REAL CRYPTO?
C) None of the pic related. It was always Polkadot
Can it do thousands of transactions a second for no money and be secure though?

That's the only purpose. There would be no need to house or interoperate between different tokens because there only needs to be one base token that can do this as best as possible
To be more precise, Solana ethereum others all have governance and fee properties and minting mechanisms or schedules.

You could make clones of all of those on this tokens network and do whatever monetary experiment it is you wish to there and not need to do any of those other things for the purpose of security.

Ethereum doesn't need to be deflationary or need gas which is just a fee but you could still have the other parts of it.

You could even make it proof of work if you felt like it as said before.

So the point is security is the only purpose and this ONE provides THAT as best as is theoretically possible.

Making all the other cryptos independence moot.

No point in being on their own.
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>Can it do thousands of transactions a second for no money and be secure though?
Literally yes? Haven't heard of the spammening? Polkadot is the fastest, cheapest, most secure, most resilient chain in crypto and no one seems to get it

Most decentralized: https://nakaflow.io/ (Nakamoto coeff of 144. 2nd best is Thorchain with a 32. And this will get at least 2x as big once another 500 validators get added to the 500 active validators set)

Fastest: The spammening was about 1 month ago. It's literally capable to do 1.2m TPS ON A REAL FUCKING NETWORK, NOT A TEST NETWORK. And this is pre-JAM, once JAM (DOT 3.0) gets implemented this will go MUCH, MUCH higher + there are a lot of optimizations in the works which will push the number much higher.

Cheapest: Le pic related. DOT is the only chain that can handle a BIG FUCKING LOAD and not dying and crashing or slowing down or coming to a halt. And the funny part is that because we're built for resilience as the #1 priority we aren't even as fast as we could be. Literally 25% of the block space of DOT is reserved for IMPORTANT transactions like governance votes, why? Because *kmh* *khm* Solana got attacked by bots a few times and they tried to pass a gov vote and they couldn't because the blocks were 100% full, so DOT dedicated 25% of the block space for IMPORTANT stuff, so that if the chain gets attacked they can pass a governance vote immediately. Oh by the way, DOT has THE BEST GOVERNANCE IN THE SPACE PERIOD https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/opengov (+ all the upgrades are forkless of course). Another funny thing, do you notice in pic related how the USDT transfer fee is USDT? That's because DOT is user friendly and you can pay transfers in ANY token because the USDT just gets sold into DOT in the background therefore abstracting away the need to hold DOT in order to be able to some parts of the network.
>Which ONE is the only REAL CRYPTO?
Guess people just don't think it'll stay secure or that it could be percent purchase attacked or it won't attract businesses and tradfi but that stuff is pretty good.

Issues are probably about bad stuff happening if the mcap went up a ton
I guess I'd say it fishes in an empty barrel because no one wants all the crypto to work together
Ya bro, it's obvs.
Also they want smart contracts not token casinos and markets
Link is just a use case. Not a crypto. There's no real need for link to be out of network either.
>Can it do thousands of transactions a second
TPS is literally a HORSE shit metric, it's only useful for generation 1 chains like BTC, LTC, DOGE. Why? Because gen 1 chains have only 1 transaction type, VALUE TRANSFER. Polkadot can do any complex transaction therefore measuring TPS is literally STUPID AS FUCK. The only reason we did THE SPAMMENING is to show off, literally only reason and the whole DOT community knows that it's literally just a stupid measure and that we only did it for the kekz and to show normies a fucking number. Watch the video below where Shawn (one of the members of the DOT technical fellowship) explains why TPS is useless and how there's other better measures for chains in general.

>Guess people just don't think it'll stay secure
Not sure where you get that from. I'm not sure why it wouldn't?

>percent purchase attacked
What? I don't understand what you even mean by that

>it won't attract businesses
It already did. Look into peaq, mythos, KILT, NeuroWeb, Phala, Bittensor. CBA to list all

Once JAM hits DOT will be 30 years ahead of anyone in the space... Literally 30 years
Then it's flaw is not focusing on businesses that actually have money

It's great that it does all that really but if your governance focuses on the masses it'll only be used for stupid petty stuff anyway
>Then it's flaw is not focusing on businesses that actually have money
I understand that you think that and I'm saying it does? I literally listed multiple projects that have high-end business partnerships? I CBA to list them all
NeuroWeb (handles 40% of US imports)
peaq (biggest DePIN network)
Phala (TEE network, AI agents)
KILT (decentralized identity is working with Deloitte)
Mythos (Is working with FIFA and pudgy penguins. The FIFA mobile game will bring 100m+ gamers into the ecosystem alone in the summer of 2025)
There's a chain that's working with the indian government I think, forgot which one
Look into Moonbeam, Bifrost, Hydration, Hyperbridge, Centrifuge, Interlay

https://parachains.info/ (They're not called parachains anymore, they're called corechains now since the DOT 2.0 update)

>It's great that it does all that really but if your governance focuses on the masses it'll only be used for stupid petty stuff anyway
I understand what you mean and I'm not exactly sure why you think that? Gavin Wood (creator of DOT, co-creator of ETH, CEO of Parity) literally DOES NOT GIVE A SINGLE FUCK about normies, he said that himself. We literally DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT NORMIES, they'll come when it's too late, so who really gives a fuck.

Another funny thing. After the JAM update DOT will be able to scale and do transactions of OTHER CHAINS. Like ETH, AVAX, BNB, ... Why? Because DOT JAM transactions won't be called transactions anymore, they'll be called a work item and a work item can be an arbitrary computation. Once JAM comes out we'll literally run the game DOOM on DOT as a showcase. Another funny thing, DOOM, games in general use INFINITE LOOPS and no other chain except DOT JAM is able to do LOOPS. DOT will be the only chain where you'll be able to do continuous compute while not having to think about how to implement it as a programmer, it'll just simply work. NO OTHER CHAIN CAN DO THIS. So any arbitrary program will be able to work and I mean ANY.
Also, did you know that all the corechains are interconnected and not with bridges with channels that are 100% safe to use and can't go wrong

This is how the network looks like:
https://polkadot.subscan.io/ (CTRL+F "Parachain Connection Status")

Did you know that soon you'll be able to pay with DOT on any corechain (it's already possible on some of them, not all)?

Also did you know that currently the unstaking time is 28 days BUT soon they'll make a dynamic unstaking queue which will lower the time from 28 days to a minimum of 2 or 4 days (https://polkadot-fellows.github.io/RFCs/approved/0097-unbonding_queue.html). So if a lot of DOT is getting unbonded it'll still be 28 days but if very little DOT is getting unbonded it'll only take 2 or 4 days (they still haven't decided on if the min is 2 or 4)

Did you know that DOT has OpenDev calls each month where they explain the progress and the direction? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MVEPhvMV1Y&list=PLtyd7v_I7PGlDJCCCLGLjJ0yv33JAEE_-

Did you know that the main DOT developers can get voted in and out of the technical fellowship with a governance vote at any moment if the community thinks they're doing something fishy?

Did you know that DOT will soon be able to execute and fetch data from OTHER chains while never leaving DOT, while it still being cheap? https://polkadot-fellows.github.io/RFCs/proposed/0126-introduce-xcq.html

Did you know...

Did you know...

Did you know that the creator of DOT, Gavin Wood, has a big fat WOOD?

DOT will be 30 years ahead once JAM hits... Either buy now or be left in the dust
Did you know that DOT has a sister chain called Kusama which is almost the exact copy of DOT but it's a few dev cycles ahead since it's a LIVE test network? And they're both interconnected by a 100% verifiable safe bridge. So if the 1.2m TPS (pre-JAM + optimizations) aren't enough you can always outsource them to the sister network Kusama. DOTSAMA (Polkadot + Kusama)

Did you know that the relay chain of DOT shares it's economic security with all of it's corechains? Therefore bridging is always safe since the corechains don't have different economic security. So it's not like corechain A has a mcap of 1B$ and corechain B has a mcap of 2B$ and therefore there's a difference in their economic security, they both share the mcap of DOT therefore they have the same economic security therefore bridging between them is SAFE because they both have the same security guarantees! Cosmos hubs for instance don't do this therefore bridging between hubs is unsafe

Did you know that DOT has 100 cores and a corechain can buy MULTIPLE cores and multithread therefore it can scale arbitrarily to the number of users it has. Also multiple projects can share 1 single core, did you know? Did you know that not a single other project outside of Polkadot or Kusama has more than 1 core, did you?

Did you know...
Did you know...
Did you know...
Did you know...
>Did you know that DOT has 100 cores
And they'll add more cores

Did you know that DOT is the only chain that MASSIVELY GAINS IN TPS when more validators are added while other chains actually decrease in performance? Currently there are 500 activate validators, there are already plans to make that 1000 validators... NO OTHER CHAIN GETS FASTER WITH MORE VALIDATORS!!! + More validators = more decentralized!!!

Did you know that our validators are not server-size computers? They're literally high-end gaming PCs because that's the true spirit of decentralization, so that anyone can join UNLIKE SOLANA LOL.

CTRL+F "Agile Composable Computer"

Did you know...
Did you know...
Did you know...
Did you know...
The future is here and it's called Polkadot, DOTSAMA to be exact. We're highly scalable, extremely flexible, outrageously decentralized, interconnected to other major chains while being interconnected within the ecosystem itself. We're cheap, we can do arbitrary computations, big companies/institutions are building on us, we're fast and don't halt/crash/stop/slow down under load, we don't care about normies, we build build build...

There is not a single bad thing you can say about this chain, there is not single weakness, there is nothing you can point out that isn't literally either perfect or being worked on

>le pedochain
>le ghostchain
>le best tech

The chain stats: https://data.parity.io/parachain-stats?frequency=daily (Not all projects are listed, it's a bit more than it says here!)

Did you know that Polkadot will have smart contracts once JAM hits? Did you know that you'll be even able to execute Solidity smart contracts (you already are able but not directly on the chain itself, you need to go through Moonbeam for now)? Did you know you'll be able to execute smart contract directly on a core without owning a core (this is a major "hurdle" for why more people aren't developing on DOT, the problem is you need to buy a core for 4 weeks (used to be 2 years in DOT1.0, now in DOT2.0 with the arrival of corechains it's 4 weeks)

Here you can buy DOT cores: https://app.regionx.tech/purchase?network=polkadot&paraId=2048&core=56
Yes, you can buy cores and then re-sell them (currently the secondary market still doesn't work). There's also another marketplace, I forget what it's called
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none of those are needed.
Sorry for taking so long to respond. I was driving.

So what this comes down to now is the fight to attract funds to have the high enough mcap to facilitate high level finance and business.

What hedera has is the governing council which excludes everyone but companies so that companies can work out amongst each other what needs to happen for their purposes.

The companies will attract positive investor sentiment leading to it being the crypto of choice.

You have changed my mind that there are indeed at least two crypto.

From all of that dot totally counts.

Problem is in who gets to steer the ship and how.

That's what's gonna prevent dot from taking off.

People aren't gonna buy crypto that provide security just because they don't like the dollar. Makes no sense to think that way when it doesn't even help you evade taxes.

People will buy crypto because they need a high mcap to be stable while lots of volumes of money are transacted on their use cases.

Hedera has like Intel and service now which is used by 80% of the fortune 500.

So I would say there are two crypto and one is just better governed as a crypto because it focused on the demands and needs of companies rather than just their needs.

They want to exclude whomevers that don't have a large valuable business to make sense of crypto as a tool and not just a form of money.

If that makes sense.
Also I can say it's bad that it didn't already have smart contracts so in that way it is late to the game
So just don't marry your bags guy. Plenty of crypto are pretty great but no one cares anyway and nonetheless
>Also I can say it's bad that it didn't already have smart contracts so in that way it is late to the game
DOT is a L0... Having smart contracts is kind of not what you really need. It's hard to explain. You have smart contract just not on the system chains. You have common good corechains which have the functionality of DOT itself. The smart contract functionality is on the other corechains that are developed by non-DOT entities.

>What hedera has is the governing council which excludes everyone but companies so that companies can work out amongst each other what needs to happen for their purposes.
You're literally saying that they exclude people. I'm not sure why they would need to do so. What are the actual benefits? Anyone can just build on a chain and do what they want, just because there's 1000 memecoins doesn't really mean that they need to use them? Anyone can just use the chain and they don't really conflict / are in tension with each other?

>Problem is in who gets to steer the ship and how.
Again, I'm not sure why anyone would need to steer a ship that's decentralized... ? If DOT works for anyone it works for everyone. What someone needs anyone else will also need. If something is useless it's useless for everyone, if something is useful it's useful for everyone. If someone wants something they can always make a governance vote on the "Wish for change" track... Look here: https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/wish-for-change?trackStatus=all&page=1 . If you want to change something in DOT then you can make a vote... If a company wants to change something then they can make a vote. If 80% of the SP500 companies gather up and are like "We want X" then they can all vote for X in the wish for change track and it'll be implemented. They can "steer" the ship if they want to, it's no problem really?

Also if you want funding from the DOT treasure you can make a gov proposal here: https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/big-spender?trackStatus=all&page=1 ...
DOT is the BIGGEST DAO in existence due to it's opengov system and treasury. Anyone can make a governance proposal and ask for money from the treasury. YOU can literally make a youtube channel about DOT, make videos and then in like 1y from now make a proposal on the small spender track (https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/small-spender?trackStatus=all&page=1) and say "Hey guys, I've been running this youtube channel for over a year now. I have X amount of subs, Y amount of views, Z amount of videos,... Can I please get 50k USDC for my work so I'll keep on doing what I do?" and then you'll either get the money or you won't, it's really up to the community if they deem your work WORTHY.

As I've said, even the CORE DEVELOPERS get voted into being core developers. You can literally vote the main core dev (Gavin Wood) out of his fucking job and leave him empty handed. That guy literally created DOT and you can throw him on the street with a simple governance vote, of course no one would pass the vote since he's a great asset and my point is that you can if you want.

So if anyone really wants to "steer" the ship we don't need a council of people to do it... We have a governance system (the most advanced gov system in crypto) and anyone can do whatever the fuck they want as along as the community agrees and therefore if you want something that'll benefit for everyone then it'll be passed, if it sucks dick then it won't, simple as.
The purpose is line go up
Simpul as
>What are the actual benefits
Basically if you're not doing something that's worth a lot of money then you don't really need a crypto anyway.

Means that dot is neet and cool tech but because it isn't tiered and geared towards the nature and world of business and finance it just won't receive a lot of volume.

And then having cores that do the smart contracts while dot doesn't actually do them itself basically just leads to the question. Why buy any dot at all?

So. Uh then again the purpose of crypto being security for the sake of finance there seems to only really need to be one crypto and no need for being a layer 0 because again all of these things like ethereum or ada or whatever could just be cloned and their governance structures and token offerings all managed on hedera anyway.

Since dot doesn't compute ada and eth transactions for them and offer up it's properties of cheapness and speed to them it makes little sense anyway.
yeah and line don't go up unless people want to use your coin

in the long run anyway

too much short term retardo buying
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Money is commonly explained as a solution to the coincidence of wants, but why do we wish to trade in the first place? Why not take what you want by force? Because we’re “good people”, or bound by a statist fairy tale “social contract”? No! Because trade (voluntary exchange) is positive sum. Money, then, is not a medium of exchange, but a facilitator of voluntary exchange.

This is what John Pierpont alluded to when he opined “gold is money, all else is credit”, not that gold had any magic “moneyness” as the shiny rock fetishest believes, but that gold, being trustless (as trustless as anything could be in old JP’s time) could be trusted, while man could not. Nature provides a fairer game than man’s promises ever could.

Bitcoin goes beyond gold, a mathematically fair game, not the use of a physical good for an abstraction, but the abstraction itself, the platonic ideal of Value made cryptographic flesh. Not a mere facilitator, but a guaranteer of voluntary positive sum exchange, protected from the diseased slaveminds and the parasitic oligarchs by an impervious firewall of voluntarity.

Statists don’t understand bitcoin, but they fear it. For good reason, as they are of the Adversity. They see the sword of Damocles above their heads, feel the noose tightening around their necks, and beseech their false god for “bitshit to go to zero!” or a comp’d shitcoin to usurp the King, all in a futile hope of prolonging their parasitism. Their prayers will go unanswered, their god is dead, only We, the superorganism Economy remain, and We are guarding all the doors and holding all the keys.

Shhhh, no tears little statist, only gravity now.
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Arbitrum a L2 Ethereum already has more TPS capacity then all of those cryptos combined, (40k). All while being secured by Ethereum's Layer 1, the highest Security in the industry with 28% of the supply staked that's $112B securing the network. Bitcoin is secured by $9B worth of ASIC hardware, XRP is Centralized anyone can run a node but you wont get paid unless one of the 20+ "Trusted" nodes add you to their proof of Trust list (lol). And Hedera has 48% of its supply staked securing its network with $5B. We have transcended simply minting Coins and Dapps, today Eth can mint entire blockchains known as layer 2 which govern themselves and have pic related fees. And while Xrp larps about the future companies are already running their own Layer 2 chains, its a long list including JP Morgan, Blackrock, Visa, Moneygram, and just this week Sony.
>Basically if you're not doing something that's worth a lot of money then you don't really need a crypto anyway.
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying

>Means that dot is neet and cool tech but because it isn't tiered and geared towards the nature and world of business and finance it just won't receive a lot of volume.
Again, not sure what you're trying to say

>And then having cores that do the smart contracts while dot doesn't actually do them itself basically just leads to the question. Why buy any dot at all?
Because the general good corechains are DOT. You have corechains that aren't from DOT and then you have corechains that are from DOT. DOT is a relay chain while DOT is also corechains on the relay chain. They pushed out the functionality into corechains, out of the relay chain because the relay chains purpose is only 1 thing, TO RELAY MESSAGES. Staking, coretime, governance, smart contracts, ... are being pushed into common good corechains because that's more optimal. Other corechains (moonbeam, phala, kilt, ...) use said common good corechains and use their functionality

>all of these things like ethereum or ada or whatever could just be cloned and their governance structures and token offerings all managed on hedera anyway
I understand what you mean and at the same time that will never happen... On the other side DOT can and will execute ETH and ADA transactions therefore scaling them both to literally millions of TPS because of that.

>Since dot doesn't compute ada and eth transactions for them and offer up it's properties of cheapness and speed to them it makes little sense anyway.
I literally said that this will happen... Look here >>59613623
>Another funny thing. After the JAM update DOT will be able to scale and do transactions of OTHER CHAINS. Like ETH, AVAX, BNB, ... Why? Because DOT JAM transactions won't be called transactions anymore, they'll be called a work item and a work item can be an arbitrary computation
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see pic related
Do you see on the picture how message passing, balances, governance, staking is currently on the relay chain? And in 2025 it's all going to get pushed into a corechain called "The hub"...? This will SIGNIFICANTLY increase the scalability of the relay chain while also increasing scalability of the HUB. All the functionality will be in the hub while the relay chain (that will get replaced by the JAM (DOT 3.0) chain in 2025) will only transition messages...
Also, most corechain communicate through DIRECT CHANNEL, not through the relay chain therefore there will be very little message passing done on the relay chain except for the MOST IMPORTANT STUFF.
Again, look at this:
https://x.com/Polkadot/status/1879589319469600818 (This is how DOT looks like from a 3D perspective. All the interconnected corechains on DOT)
https://polkadot.subscan.io/ (CTRL+F "Parachain Connection Status". This is how it looks like from a 2D perspective... All the interconnected corechains).

Using a channel on DOT, let's say you want to get 10 GLMR from Moonbeam to Bifrost. It takes literally a few seconds while you pay less than 0.01$ and this will never get more expensive and it'll never be slow even though it's a SUPER COMPLEX tx
>>Since dot doesn't compute ada and eth transactions for them and offer up it's properties of cheapness and speed to them it makes little sense anyway.
>I literally said that this will happen... Look here >>59613623
>>Another funny thing. After the JAM update DOT will be able to scale and do transactions of OTHER CHAINS. Like ETH, AVAX, BNB, ... Why? Because DOT JAM transactions won't be called transactions anymore, they'll be called a work item and a work item can be an arbitrary computation
yeah but it wouldn't appear on eth and that also makes eth and ada purposeless too

bitcoin could end up replacing gold sure but also may end up shitting the bed when the scarcity becomes ridiculous

and also other than that it really is just new gold

so ... is boring

and not really a crypto as much as just a money mini game that might be broken but no one knows yet

and you could recreate it on hedera too if you felt like it
Reddit spacer

is a retard.

No surprise.
idk guess we'll see if it works

and if anyone really cares if/when
biggest brain contribution right here

idgaf that reddit does one thing relatively idk natural

i just find this natural
PoS secures nothing as fiat does not require resources to produce. A holder of infinite fiat (The Fed et al) could comprise eth at will by round-tripping (selling low and buying high) losing fiat-value in the process, but gaining arbitrary amounts of eth without causing upward price movements. This isn’t a risk for btc as holding btc does not grant network privileges. Further, mining only secures btc from double-spend claw backs, which means sec-budget only needs to be greater than transaction size, not mcap, and even this can be ameliorated through time (as chain reversal becomes exponentially more difficult the further down the chain the transaction lies).
And again, with the smart contracts. DOT doesn't have smart contracts because currently you can't simply run a smart contract, you can't just deploy it without buying a whole core. Moonbeam, a corechain on DOT has smart contract, Solidity smart contract, but they have a whole core for it. After JAM ANYONE can simply run a smart contract and not have a whole core for it.

>yeah but it wouldn't appear on eth and that also makes eth and ada purposeless too
It would! That's the point. The tx computed on DOT will appear as if they were executed on ETH, ADA, XRP, BTC, HBAR, or anywhere else. DOT will be able, once JAM hits, to execute any tx from any other chain and make it like it's been executed on that chain therefore it will be able to scale BTC to multiple millions of TPS. From the start it'll do ETH tx and ETH L2 tx and EVM compatible chains like BNB. The lead devs have already been talking about how this is possible since the announcement of JAM. Gaving Wood has mentioned this multiple times that it's arbitrary to do this

>idk guess we'll see if it works
A lot of the functionality has already been moved out of the relay chain onto common good corechains... It already works, it's just a matter of time until everything gets moved out.

>Using a channel on DOT, let's say you want to get 10 GLMR from Moonbeam to Bifrost. It takes literally a few seconds while you pay less than 0.01$ and this will never get more expensive and it'll never be slow even though it's a SUPER COMPLEX tx
If you look at pic related here >>59613894 you can notice the orange arrows that say "native interop messages", those are the direct channels from one corechain to another...
the fed has the value of the consent of the governed which is more real and valuable than a shiny rock
>to execute any tx from any other chain and make it like it's been executed on that chain
that would be magic
magic is not real
Got to go to bed now

>John Pierpont alluded to when he opined “gold is money, all else is credit”
One guy from 200 years ago says something... Oh god. Shiny yellow rocks, it's ok
Just look at what Gavin Wood is saying about JAM... He mentions this multiple times in his talks. I can't really pinpoint a youtube video for you, since I can't remember of any and IT'S TRUE. NO BULLSHIT, DYOR CBA to search it for you because the videos are all like 2h long or some shit... Magic is real with DOT. It's the most interconnected chain, it'll be THE HUB of crypto, remember that, because it'll scale other chains while being a bridge from and to other chains because DOT has the ONLY safe verifiable bridges, Hyperbridge, Snowbridge

https://hyperbridge.network/ 100% safe bridge, 0% of it getting fucked.

Again, Polkadot will be THE HUB OF CRYPTO, remember what I said and DYOR please. Look into JAM itself. Here is A GREAT explanation: https://blog.kianenigma.com/posts/tech/demystifying-jam/
It's a ELI5 explanation, you'll be able to get it.


Monthly opendev calls about the development of DOT. And Gavin Wood ALWAYS has a segment where he talks about JAM at the end and how far along it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MVEPhvMV1Y&list=PLtyd7v_I7PGlDJCCCLGLjJ0yv33JAEE_-

Again DYOR and you'll come to the same conclusions, I'm not making it up. Voodoo black magic is real with DOT
I really need to go to sleep, it's 7:45 in the morning kek. I'll read what you're saying once I wake up
1 more thing. You have multiple core chains in DOT and because they're all interconnected they can all use each other functionality. You literally have projects on DOT that are able to borrow and lend on multiple chains. So imagine me lending 10k USDC on DOT and then borrowing 2k USDT on the BNB, CELO, AVAX, ... chain. Don't believe me? Here you go: https://app.primeprotocol.xyz/

And guess what? You never need to leave the DOT chain, it's all SUPER FAST AND CHEAP even though you're borrowing on ETH, BNB, CELO, BASE, OPTIMISM, ARBITRUM, AVAX, POLYGON, MOONBEAM.... Think about it. Cross-chain dapps! That's all possible with DOT! And much more to come after JAM, A LOT MORE! Trust me, JAM is insane, we'll be 30 years ahead and there's no one who can stop this. Generational wealth will be made of off this because it's FUTURE TECH

I really got to go now. And you think long and hard and DO YOUR OWN FUCKING RESEARCH into JAM
okay so other currencies can adopt or amend or update themselves to rely on dot is what I'm getting out of this and it's just like experimentally certain it'll all go perfectly I'm sure so
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I found this hilarious btw so I wanted to repost it if anyone else is like wow. elon is a retard
>Which ONE is the only REAL CRYPTO?
Not sure about calling one the real crypto. Eth, Dot, Sui, Xrp, and even Gala each have their strengths. TOKEN's app is a solid tool for beginners to discover new coins too. The space is way too diverse to pick just one.
well for starters if it can't do smart contracts it fails
leaves eth maybe sui idk and hedera

from those which one can do just close enough to an arbitrary amount of transactions for no money?
dot doesn't count yet until they do their magic update which is like leemon promising sharding or to make the network permissionless which are both not really necessary anyway so who cares?
sold my ADA. bought some SUPRA.
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Crypto isn’t just about transactions; it’s about innovation and fun. There’s a waifu coin with its own swap service ChanSwap (yes, you can swap Monero for it) and big plans ahead. Small, unique, and worth a look
is /biz/ the internet's premier crypto board? I'm not talking about random TGs that are pump and dump get rich groups, I just mean what's the best place to be getting the news on the ground, best crypto trenches? Is there somewhere that people actually know how to write code? like a /g/ but where they're talking about crypto?

the only other thing I could think of is subbing to all the different crypto subreddits, but... reddit.
The only purpose of crypto is to make money. Anyone who invests in the tech is fucking retarded
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Based, just like Gala, tribally is also delivering in web3 gaming space.
>the fed has the value of the consent of the governed
Hahahahahhaahha! That’s going in the cringe collection
>rendering coercion valueless is “boring”
Solana and Uafc are the real ones, anon. Follow where smart money are investing.
>okay so other currencies can adopt or amend or update themselves to rely on dot is what I'm getting out of this and it's just like experimentally certain it'll all go perfectly I'm sure so
I'm not sure where I'm losing you. How come it's hard to believe this for you? Help me understand. Or am I just misinterpreting what you're saying? Because I think I detect some sarcasm in this "it's just like experimentally certain it'll all go perfectly I'm sure so". It's not experimentally if you're being sarcastic, it is what it is. Again, you can look at what Gavin (CO-CREATOR OF ETH, CEO OF PARITY. Gavin literally left ETH after 1-2 years of co-creating it with Vitalik because he saw what kind of a piece of shit it was and then created DOT. DOT has literally been in the making since like 1 or 2 years after ETH and it only launched 4 years ago because they were making it for soo long) and the other people from the polkadot technical fellowship are saying about JAM, they have never lied about anything or let anyone down, what they say means something and while they're speaking about it they literally make it sound arbitrary. The point of JAM is that DOT will also become a CLOUD PLATFORM, how so? Because as I've already pointed out numerous times it'll be able to do ARBITRARY computation


JAM evolves Polkadot from hosting just blockchains, to a platform for hosting ANY Web3 app or service.

In just 4 minutes, learn the basics of JAM and why @shawntabrizi
calls Polkadot "a Web3 Cloud."
>hosting ANY Web3 app or service

Listen to what Shawn Tabrizi has to say, he's one of the smartest people I've ever heard talk.
Crypto serves many purposes—it all depends on how you approach it. Have you seen how DePIN works? Peaq will give you a deeper understanding of it.
See what >>59616249 this guy said about Peaq... Peaq is on DOT and DOT has a NUMBER of promising projects with a lot of real world utility. I've never seen soo many projects with value in one spot than with DOT and this is my 3rd bull run so far... And JAM will literally set the new standard for the whole ecosystem. If you can't beat JAM then there's 0 point in doing anything. ETH literally wants to be DOT (the current state of DOT) yet is 10-15 years behind in development. ETH wants all of its L2s to share the security of the main net, ETH wants to bridge the fragmented L2 space, that's literally years away while DOT is already providing both + much much MUCH more than that
hbar is globalists' forced centralized piece of SHIT
I sold XRP for MOVE
Crypto is for making money so the idea there's some spot where all those coders trade notes when they're in competition with each other is stupid anon.

This is basically what you're looking for. It sucks.

Basically true more or less. Just that if it has tech and the sort of platform to attract business then it's gonna make money.

Did you revolt against the IRS today?

Coercion still has value. That's why fiat is worth 100 t worldwide and gold only 12

Eth isn't really anything to brag about to begin with. Bitcoin was the only token idea and design to leverage the concept of pow properly.

Eth just wasn't designed well as a token.

Um but so what I'm saying is that it must be that in order for smart transactions to happen well I guess it doesn't require anything but addresses so that makes sense.

I'm pretty convinced by the stuff you're saying that it'll do these things but again for other reasons stated I just don't think people are gonna buy the token and participate.

Crypto is tech and token and I'm still just pondering whether the token seems alluring and that's where it falls short just like eth did as pow to bitcoins model.

The only purpose is to provide security for computation.

If you have security you can design all other use cases on that foundation without worrying about the cryptography part of the CRYPTO so.
Then use dot. Hbar will be worth money so why not buy it while they sell it?

It's free money.

I'm not suggesting any /biz/realis marry the bag. I'm saying to ride it to death and profit off the globalists yourself for once while you can.
>hbar is globalists' forced centralized piece of SHIT
I agree on some level with this guy. You said >>59613766
>the governing council which excludes everyone but companies
You're literally presenting a real issues as a solution of some sorts. In DOT the technical council has 0 power over how or what DOT is or isn't. The only thing they're doing is they write up RFC (https://polkadot-fellows.github.io/RFCs/) and then those RFCs get made and then once it's finished it gets posted onto the root track (https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/root?trackStatus=all&page=1. it's not always the root tracks, depends on the upgrade) and then the community decides if they want to pass the vote or not pass the vote. The tech fellowship of DOT doesn't decide the upgrades, if the community deems the update is not good for the chain then they can decline it, while you also have discussion directly on the vote itself. See here for instance and scroll down: https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/root?trackStatus=all&page=1 ... There's people commenting about the proposal, like they do with every other proposal and usually even before a proposal is being voted on you have threads in which the community discusses a future proposal in order to get the community sentiment and what we still need to work on. Having a council, like HBAR, limits the power of the community and gives it to a select few (corruptable) people. Building a web3 chain by web2 companies is straight out just simply not the spirit of decentralization. The whole point of crypto is to MOVE AS FAR AWAY FROM WEB2 AS WE POSSIBLY CAN. Web2 wasn't built to satisfy the corporate greed, it was built to escape into a better future for ALL OF US, the consumers, the CONSUMER-BASED ECONOMY!
>Eth isn't really anything to brag about to begin with. Bitcoin was the only token idea and design to leverage the concept of pow properly.
I'm sorry if you misunderstand me, I agree with you a 100%, that's why I pointed out that ETH wants to be DOT because ETH is shit. And on the other hand ETH is still the most developed ecosystem with the most project and is the 2nd largest by mcap because of this. And my point is that ETH is moving in the same direction where DOT already is. That's all I'm trying to say

>Eth just wasn't designed well as a token.
*kmh* *kmh* ETH is a coin, not a token *kmh* *khm*. And the thing is, it was designed to the best of it's ability at that time. ETH was ahead of it's time by a large scale, that's why it's still #2 and not #100 or below. At that time just having smart contracts was literally unheard of. Did ETH age well? Not really. Is it going to stay #2 for the next 20 years? I doubt it. Yet it still stand for a long time due to it's developed ecosystem and because intelligent people are working on it and pushing it in the right direction

>but again for other reasons stated I just don't think people are gonna buy the token and participate
I'm not sure I understand? Are you saying that you've stated the reasons why they aren't going to buy or are you saying that the reasons listed reasons by me aren't a valid thing which will attract people? I'm not sure, help me understand

>Crypto is tech and token and I'm still just pondering whether the token seems alluring and that's where it falls short just like eth did as pow to bitcoins model.
I'm not sure what you mean again? What do you mean by crypto is tech and token? What do you mean it falls short just like ETH?

>eth did as pow
ETH is PoS now?
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>Web2 wasn't built to satisfy the corporate greed, it was built to escape into a better future for ALL OF US, the consumers, the CONSUMER-BASED ECONOMY!
Sorry I meant to say web3 here, not web2. Sorry for the confusion.
So my point is that web3 is consumer friendly and consumer based. Having a web3 chain like HBAR pretending which is basically a web3 chain run by web2 companies, in my eyes, has NEGATIVE merit not positive since we want to move away from the greedy companies that destroy our lives based on profit margins... Web2 companies steal your data, use it for their profit, while leaving you with 0$. This is not the future I want to live in and therefore I would not touch anything remotely related with a centralized greed machine... Sure any SP500 company can come onto DOT and they can participate and the point is that the DOT ecosystem doesn't face down ass up to some corporate greed machine just because they have power in the "OLD and DYING and OBSELETE" world of web2. We're the new world, the BRAVE NEW WORLD, either take my hand and let's ROCK AND ROLL or get sucked into the old, dying ways, into the abyss, into the mentally ill patterns, into the depression, into the hopelessness and helplessness. How many peoples lives were destroyed based on the greed of these Web2 companies? How many times did the Web2 companies only look out for their own arrogant, self-centered asses? It's time to stop it now fren, it's time to put an end to this whole thing. We need FAIR systems where everyone has a say at how it's run, it's just the way the world is moving in. People are tired of eating shit from some corporate smuck, that's literally the reason BTC got invented, in order to fight the current oppressor, the fucking system!
Do you see what I'm saying? We need to move away from them and just let them root and not take their fucking money because we'll make our own on the back of FAIRNESS and TRUST. That's the most valuable asset in todays society... TRUST
consumers are stupid
financially illiterate
technically illiterate
governance illiteracy too
and they don't get along anywhere near as well as would be needed to make these decentralized musings have significant value

case in point people keep investing in cryptos that no one uses because someone might use them when the things they would use them for are going to be managed by the state and only companies train people in compliance because that's a pain in the ass to do given that most people are functionally illiterate

it's just a pipe dream that the libertarian economy will ever have more than like maybe 10 percent market share in a fairly governed economy and then people will not agree on what to actually use too and buy a trillion different things making the idea of multiplicative investments impossible too
take the advice

buy some hedera and sell it when it some time like around 2030 or whatever and start some lolbert business like a farm/garden and place where people can go to camp and don't pick fights with the police and happily ever after with hopefully more than 0 females involved too
>coercion will always have value
I can hear a lot of hurt in that statement and anger. What happened fren?

>HBAR exclusivity is a very valuable and lucrative feature
Sure, and to who is is lucrative and valuable? To the people who exclude. To people who need exclusion to even work and that's why it'll fail. Because other ecosystems are INCLUSIVE while yours is EXCLUSIVE. The only people in the ecosystem will be the greedy ones, the ones who need coercion, the ones who only look after themselves. And you apparently trust these people, how come? You're literally pointing out the most mentally sick thing ever and are trying to say to me "This is good", do you notice it? I'm not saying it's right or wrong, all I'm saying is do you notice it? To me that sounds mentally ill.

>so people can decide things like who gets to govern
Yes, it's called a governance system, for the people, by the people
>how many tokens there are
again, gov system

>who gets to mint new ones and whom will they give them to
No one should be able to decide when to mint new tokens except validators who put in the work and the only one who should receive them is the validator who put in the work. If there's people behind a chain, pulling the strings, then that chain is corrupt and faulty. If people have admin permission and can just MINT new tokens and decide who to give them to then who's to say they won't take yours and give them to the SP500 companies who run the whole thing?
the whole us economy is designed to have these incubation phases of companies that have potential so future generations can keep wealth circulating

the stonks market is the real IQ test and tokens are basically stonks just like you have to involve banks to do forex

there's nothing wrong at all with just profitting off hedera and not truly giving an ever living fuck about the project yourself because it doesn't really do anything for you unless you want to mint your own token on the network and shill it to people or do whatever
>the tok_en is still a shi_tty ha_lf bak_ed busin_ess model
Again, ETH is a coin, not a token, there's a HUGE difference. So what you're saying is you're comparing ETH to a business model. The point is that ETH is not a business persay, it's a network.

>which largely have no value if you have to pay 5$
That's arrogant if you ask me. If someone paid 5$ for something then it has enough value for him. I, when I traded like 300k$ worth of money on ETH was actually sometimes happy to pay 500
>I can hear a lot of hurt in that statement and anger. What happened fren?
yeah you're just reading that in. the pain is real but never been mine aside from having empathy for the unfortunate and stupid

>To people who need exclusion to even work and that's why it'll fail.
they need exclusion in governance just like dot does too obviously but they didn't include companies as companies in a council and instead focus on individuals which won't work for business

>Yes, it's called a governance system, for the people, by the people
10% and people will never agree on dot or red or pink or square or gayfart coin

>nd the only one who should receive them is the validator who put in the work
there's no work to be done in pos. hederas governors are all companies that literally have real jobs and their work is to find common ground on legitimate business interests and needs
>it's a network.
with a per use cost that isn't even competitive
it'll get lost in the decentralized crowd of irrelevant lolbert nonsense schemes
>consumers are stupid
You do realize that people working at the SP500 companies are literally consumers themselves?

>financially illiterate
>technically illiterate
>governance illiteracy too
A few hundred years ago people were literally illiterate, a few thousand years ago people couldn't even speak, we couldn't make fires, we couldn't make cars, we were monkeys and yet here we are. Stuff moves forward, people progress, they have need and bigger demands. We're in the midst of a big global transformation, people are waking up from their deep slumbers and are starting to become AWARE.
And look, even if your view is on point. Even if they're dumb, that's a really narcissistic and arrogant view to take (besides my point), they can still see "Oh, this chain is consumer friends and this one isn't"... So if one chain pays you to use your data and the other one doesn't and they always take a big fat shit on your face then you won't want to use it... Easy as

>case in point people keep investing in cryptos that no one uses because someone might use them when the things they would use them for are going to be managed by the state and only companies train people in compliance because that's a pain in the ass to do given that most people are functionally illiterate
True and 99% of these people lose all of their money and then it's over for them. So they don't really matter in a sense, do they?

>it's just a pipe dream that the libertarian economy will ever have more than like maybe 10 percent market share in a fairly governed economy and then people will not agree on what to actually use too and buy a trillion different things making the idea of multiplicative investments impossible too
We separated the church from the state and now we'll separate money from the state. I can now see the hurt even more, you're hopeless. Is that how you feel? You feel powerless while looking at this greed machine.
>That's arrogant if you ask me. If someone paid 5$ for something then it has enough value for him. I, when I traded like 300k$ worth of money on ETH was actually sometimes happy to pay 500
"I was happy to tear up 500$ for no fucking reason when literally no other blockchain or fiat transfer system would charge this"
do ethtards have stockholm syndrome?
>there's nothing wrong at all with just profitting off hedera and not truly giving an ever living fuck about the project yourself
Well that doesn't make you any better than those coercing and greedy SP500 companies. Why not be part of the problem, if you're hopeless to the degree that you can't fix it, right?

>yeah you're just reading that in. the pain is real but never been mine aside from having empathy for the unfortunate and stupid
You are literally calling people retards. That's your hurt speaking. Just tell me anon, who hurt you so badly that you're literally lashing out at people you don't even know? What happened fren? No one who isn't hurt is saying stuff like
>consumers are stupid
>financially illiterate
>technically illiterate
>governance illiteracy too
I'm not saying it's right or wrong, all I'm saying is do you notice it? My point is that you're driven by your emotions. The whole HBAR thing has nothing to do with it being a good project, you literally just invest out of hurt. I mean you even admit it yourself, just look at what you're even saying. Your reasoning behind why you would invest in HBAR is because you find people are stupid fucks (narcissistic and arrogant view) and because you're so hopeless that you don't see a way forward you literally buy the corporate greed machine of HBAR since those are the people who take advantage of said people you call illiterate idiots.

>they need exclusion in governance just like dot does too obviously but they didn't include companies as companies in a council and instead focus on individuals which won't work for business
I hear what you're saying and that's just not true. Any business can be included in governance... We don't exclude, I'm not sure what I said to make you think that and I'm sorry if I said something to make you think that, I'm sorry for not being clear.
Yeah separating the state from money is not something that the people in those states will ever support. Not until money is considered irrelevant as a means to decide things anymore.

Money is just manufactured consent and people will likely end up codifying said processes eventually and take the idea of numbers away from it but that's not money separate state that's just no money at all

>10% and people will never agree on dot or red or pink or square or gayfart coin
Not sure what you're trying to say again... Help me understand

>there's no work to be done in pos
Sure there is? Do you have a basic understanding of how a proof of stake system even functions? I'm sorry if this is offensive and judging for the statement you don't really understand it, do you? Yes or no?

>with a per use cost that isn't even competitive
>it'll get lost in the decentralized crowd of irrelevant lolbert nonsense schemes
I'm not sure you get that if someone uses the network then it's competative at the cost it stands... That's just how it is. If I sell a car you think is worth 10k$ for 100k$ then that's just the way it is.

>"I was happy to tear up 500$ for no fucking reason when literally no other blockchain or fiat transfer system would charge this"
>do ethtards have stockholm syndrome?
There comes the hurt again. Do you notice it? My point is that I gladly pa 500$ for the service provided because I think it's literally as valuable as 500$ in the moment I spent 500$. I probably spent over 10k$ on tx fees on ETH alone and they were all worth it. I wouldn't have pressed the button and agreed to it if I didn't think it's worth the fee. That's how it is...
>Yeah separating the state from money is not something that the people in those states will ever support
Ah because the state and church supported the separation of the church and state? They had no choice and they'll also have no choice in the money and state matter...
“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed" - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

>Not until money is considered irrelevant as a means to decide things anymore
Is the church an irrelevant means to decide things anymore? Why was it separated? Did it become irrelevant?

>Money is just manufactured consent and people will likely end up codifying said processes eventually and take the idea of numbers away from it but that's not money separate state that's just no money at all
It already happened. Bitcoin. That's it, there's no stopping it. It's just a matter of time really. We'll just need a few generations to do so, to educate people, to wake them up
>Well that doesn't make you any better than those coercing and greedy SP500 companies
I for one have few conflicts of interest with either the government or the majority of the s&p companies

there's also not really any personal misgivings hatreds or hurts to speak of

they're the hand that feeds and generally I don't even have to put in much effort if I manage myself well

>are stupid fucks
thems are fighting words and I'm not picking a fight

not my words

you're projecting your emotions onto me from being lumped in wit ha vox populi of retards of your own accord

>Any business can be included in governance...
yeah but you didn't require that businesses repreasent themselves as businesses which are often publicly traded so they have consistent structures that supercede personal designs
>it must be demanded by the oppressed" - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
yeah and when this kind of mindset leads to resource wars and civil wars out the ass I'll be worshipping kang lincoln too
>I for one have few conflicts of interest with either the government or the majority of the s&p companies
You have no issue while they literally take away everything and give you bread crumbs? Or are you just not aware of it? Sure the SP500 companies make products yet at what cost?

>they're the hand that feeds and generally I don't even have to put in much effort if I manage myself well
Sure, and they're also the hand that takes. Why not just feed? Crypto only feeds, doesn't take. How come we don't want to move away from that hand to another better hand?

>thems are fighting words and I'm not picking a fight
You said it yourself
>consumers are stupid

>not my words
You said it yourself
>consumers are stupid

>vox populi of retards
See, the hurt comes out again. People must have hurt you badly my fren. It's ok, I don't judge you for it.
You keep on saying retard, idiots, illiterates and you're fighting with me, while I'm not really fighting with you and then you say
>thems are fighting words and I'm not picking a fight
Your ego activated as soon as I pointed out that a centralized council of EXLUSIVITY isn't in the spirit of crypto. Do you notice it? I'm not saying it's good or bad, I'm just saying do you notice it?

>yeah but you didn't require that businesses repreasent themselves as businesses which are often publicly traded
Why would polkadot REQUIRE for a business to represent themselves? They can represent themselves if they want to or not want to? I don't get your point again, help me understand.

>so they have consistent structures that supercede personal designs
Yes, and they can easily do so if they design a corechain. Polkadot doesn't enforce design choices, it only offers them and it's up to each corechain to either implement the stuff polkadot offers (governance, staking, ...), if you don't want it that's fine and you can build your own governance and staking on top of DOT. See? We're flexible, not exclusive, you can do ANYTHING
>consumers are stupid
This is a fact. They're illiterate. If they want to fight a fact then be my guest.

People haven't hurt me mostly because the state manages to control them but that's whom I and you both owe our continued safety to currently

Represent business as a business. You're not being exact enough when you read. Every word placement has meaning based on the interconnection and connotations of every other single word and it's placement. You aren't comprehending what I write because you're too slow and not taking enough time. Sorry to say but it's pretty evident.
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>yeah and when this kind of mindset leads to resource wars and civil wars out the ass I'll be worshipping kang lincoln too
Exactly and if you want progress you first need conflict. There has never ever been any progress without conflict. Just look into history!
"Si vis pacem, para bellum" / "If you want peace prepare for war". But listen here, crypto is taking the control away peacefully... We're not savages, we're just building a better system then the old one, while ignoring the old system all together, people will slowly join us and leave the old system behind.... That's the way of the new world. We're better and therefore people will join us not because we force web2 out of business, because we're FAIR and TRUTHFUL and that's how we'll win the non-existent fight... By just being nice to people while governments and web2 isn't... Easy. Sure it'll take time, effort and a lot of educating people and we'll win in the end.

>This is a fact. They're illiterate. If they want to fight a fact then be my guest.
Again, the hurt comes out, the arrogance and narcissism. My fren, what if I told you that it's not about right or wrong? And that being financially illiterate doesn't mean you're stupid? You're equating stupidity with financial illiteracy. Do you know that Isaac Newton lost all of his money while trading, because he was financially illiterate? Pic related. My fren I know what you're saying, I hear your frustation and I see your enthusiasm. All I'm saying is that calling people stupid for now knowing something comes from a place of your own hurt, not from facts. Again, I'm not saying it's RIGHT OR WRONG, all I'm saying is, DO YOU NOTICE IT?
>People haven't hurt me mostly because the state manages to control them
There comes the hurt again. Do you think that if the state didn't manage to control them that you would in the other case get hurt by people? How come you think that people are out to hurt you? What happened to you, in the past, that makes you think in such a way that people are out to hurt you? Again, no right or wrong, do you notice what you're saying? You're implying that people are out to hurt you.

>People haven't hurt me mostly because the state manages to control them but that's whom I and you both owe our continued safety to currently
I don't owe my safety to the state. That's not how my safety works. You do realize that anyone can come up to you, punch you in the face and then simply leave and no one will do anything about it?

>Represent business as a business. You're not being exact enough when you read. Every word placement has meaning based on the interconnection and connotations of every other single word and it's placement. You aren't comprehending what I write because you're too slow and not taking enough time. Sorry to say but it's pretty evident.
Again, I'm not sure what your point here is. Help me understand

>you're too slow and not taking enough time
I'm sorry if you're implying I'm and idiot again. Help me understand so that I can comply with your understanding. I just want to be on the same page with you, meet you where you're at... I'm not here trying to hurt you my fren, the state is controlling me, there's 2 police officers behind me ready to strike me down at a moments notice if I hurt you
Wow silk road that's a blast from the past
You're not gonna force government out of business using just the internet.

Sure this will lead to more decentralization and a well paced process of vetting and improving people's literacy, but still that's a pipe dream RIGHT NOW.

So go for it sure and as you progress people will give you the responsibility that you earn.

If you fight them instead of discussing and negotiating what it is that you've earned and have kang hitlers mindset of just gibs me dat responsibility then you're gonna meet the ku klux army as in the current existing US army suppressing you that's post racial.

I know you do get that so we can move on from this point but the issue at hand is just that from now the idea of polkadot is something that the masses are not ready to utilize yet. Because they're stupid.
>You're not gonna force government out of business using just the internet
We have a decentralized GOVERNANCE system?

>still that's a pipe dream RIGHT NOW
EXACTLY... That's what I'm saying.
Look here >>59617072
>We'll just need a few generations to do so, to educate people, to wake them up

>If you fight them instead of discussing and negotiating what it is that you've earned and have kang hitlers mindset of just gibs me dat responsibility then you're gonna meet the ku klux army as in the current existing US army suppressing you that's post racial.
That's exactly what I'm saying my fren. Read here >>59617255
>But listen here, crypto is taking the control away peacefully... We're not savages, we're just building a better system then the old one, while ignoring the old system all together, people will slowly join us and leave the old system behind.... That's the way of the new world. We're better and therefore people will join us not because we force web2 out of business, because we're FAIR and TRUTHFUL and that's how we'll win the non-existent fight... By just being nice to people while governments and web2 isn't... Easy. Sure it'll take time, effort and a lot of educating people and we'll win in the end.

>Because they're stupid
Again with the narcissism... Let me ask you. Are you better than those stupid people?

>the idea of polkadot is something that the masses are not ready to utilize yet
It really doesn't matter since the masses don't really decide where the money goes. The masses come once the money comes and the money comes to where it's the cheapest, fastest, most decentralized, best option... So the masses follow the money and the money follows the tech
>punch you in the face and then simply leave and no one will do anything about it?
They educate and order people mostly through prevention and have a permissioned system of allowed firearms ownership and utilization. Sure some responsibility is on me but generally it was all thanks to their work and designs that I don't have to fight anyone.

Since you asked nicely I'll try one more time to spell out that other point.

Businesses are required to be for profit and answer to share holders.

Individuals are not like that and can do whatever they really care to.

Hederas benefit in requiring businesses to have representatives that are employees and not independent means that they're basically just interpreters and messengers and consultants and don't have any significant authority unless the management of the business elected by their shareholders decide that they should.

This ensures that business participation always align with the economic mission and goals of the business as an organization and not on any individuals whims which would be too chaotic flippant and just plain annoying
>Are you better than those stupid people?
In a lot of ways usually.

That is the norm.

But if the masses arrive late that means they weren't prepared to take any extra responsibility for themselves anyway so the value of giving them dot to use will be net zero for that person regardless and the invention is just you know. Meh.
>They educate and order people mostly through prevention and have a permissioned system of allowed firearms ownership and utilization. Sure some responsibility is on me but generally it was all thanks to their work and designs that I don't have to fight anyone.
Exactly, that's true. I can agree on that and yet, does the government prevent anything? No, they just educate and they can't really prevent anything. So in a sense, the only thing preventing anything is education and education can be private and public and private schools offer better results and therefore if we don't pay taxes and instead use that money to pay for private schooling then we'd be even better off? Wouldn't we? All of us would have better education that is private and therefore we wouldn't need the government, we could detach from it and we'd be more educated and therefore less violent and criminal? Yes or no?

>Businesses are required to be for profit and answer to share holders.
Web2 business is required to do that, not Web3. A huge difference

>Individuals are not like that and can do whatever they really care to.
Sure apples aren't oranges. A business isn't an individual person and an individual person isn't a business. I hear you.

>Hederas benefit in requiring businesses to have representatives that are employees and not independent means that they're basically just interpreters and messengers and consultants and don't have any significant authority unless the management of the business elected by their shareholders decide that they should.
And the same can be done in DOT with decentralized identity (DID) and a DAO structure, the DAO is the representation of the business and the DID of the employee is then attached to the DAO structure of said company, therefore he's responsible for his actions based on what the DAO requires.
>This ensures that business participation always align with the economic mission and goals of the business as an organization

>and not on any individuals whims which would be too chaotic flippant and just plain annoying
Simply no. If someone is doing anything that hurts other you have a governance system and anyone can make a vote therefore we can get rid of bad actors if the community thinks that they're a bad actor.

>In a lot of ways usually.
>That is the norm.
I hear what you're saying and all I'm saying is that that's how someone with a narcissistic personality disorder talks... I'm not saying it's right or wrong. I'm saying that people with NPD talk like that and that NPD is rooted in traumatic experiences, I might not even be anything major to be honest. Might not be rape or parental neglect or something like that... Again fren, please notice what you're doing, you keep comparing yourself to others and saying "I'm better, they're stupid" and all I'm saying is that just because you're objectively more aware of something in a certain field does not make you a better human being.... It simply does not. Look what you said >>59616954
>aside from having empathy for the unfortunate and stupid
Then if you have empathy and compassion then please show that shit. IF they're really so "dumb and stupid" and you're so "smart and wonderful" then just REALIZE that if you're "smart" then be compassionate. Don't compare, just be compassionate and understanding.

>But if the masses arrive late that means they weren't prepared to take any extra responsibility for themselves anyway so the value of giving them dot to use will be net zero
We accept anyone, even if they're late... Makes little to no difference. People were late to internet stocks, weren't they? Was it a net zero once they arrived? Late? Was it?
Private schools can produce ideological deviances leading to civil conflicts.

So it'll probably stay that you can only do that for significant costs.

Wealth is the social credit system of the US

Private school also doesn't work better they just have better students because they have money and the social credit generally correlates well with positive qualities like reason and temperance.

People have made web3 businesses if that's your definition. They're called non for profits and ngos.

Difference also isn't between apples and oranges but between an orange and an apple tree.

Same could be done on dot well maybe they would have if dot offered smart contracts first but yeah.

I'm sure they'll get some business but again the value proposition of hedera is just the governing council and I doubt they'd migrate to dot for any reason.
Correlation not causation. My narcissism is not desired by me through any other mechanism than appropriately valuing myself relative to others. It just is what it is that I'm like above beyond many other people and I won't have them call it a disorder for me to recognize and have confidence in things that are pretty factual and honest and not my fault.
>Private schools can produce ideological deviances leading to civil conflicts
Dude, anything can produce ideological deviance leading to civil conflicts? Whats your point? Should we just ban people from thinking what they want to think? I don't get your point again, help me understand please. Movies make ideological deviances, music makes ideological deviances, video games make ideological deviances, theater make ideological deviances, books make ideological deviances

>So it'll probably stay that you can only do that for significant costs.
Again, not sure what you're trying to say, help me understand. What will you only be able to do for significant costs?

>Wealth is the social credit system of the US
Again, what do you mean?

>Private school also doesn't work better they just have better students because they have money and the social credit generally correlates well with positive qualities like reason and temperance.
You're basically saying the only reason people do good in life is because they have money and you're making I guess another comparison again? You don't have money fren, do you? And you think that if you had money you'd do better in life? Do you? And you're basically implying that you're not doing good in life? Do you? Again anon, what happened in your past that makes you think in those terms. I'm here to talk and listen. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. I'm saying that I can see the hurt deep inside you.

>People have made web3 businesses if that's your definition. They're called non for profits and ngos.
Not sure what you're trying to say again, sorry...

>Difference also isn't between apples and oranges but between an orange and an apple tree.
Thank you for clarifying

>Same could be done on dot well maybe they would have if dot offered smart contracts first but yeah.
Again, DOT is a L0, not a L1. I've explained this already...
all of the demand gets distributed amongst the total supply of cryptocurrency equally in aggregate, just buy any legitimate cryptocurrency that can be easily traded
>I'm sure they'll get some business but again the value proposition of hedera is just the governing council and I doubt they'd migrate to dot for any reason.
The governing council is the ANTI-PROPOSITION, it's just a centralized council with all the authority from what I can gather. The only "value proposition" is has is to those Web2 companies because they can control everything and therefore no one from the Web3 community would really want to build on that therefore it has no value inside Web3. The point is that if you have a centralized coin then why not just build it on AWS? What's the point of the coin? It has 0 utility, it's just another money grab trying to sell a Web3 project that pretends to be Web3 while it would be CHEAPER to do the same thing in a centralized manner. The point is that putting a Web3 tag onto something doesn't make that thing have any value by itself, some stuff is literally better off if it's run on an AWS server... Or a decentralized cloud at least but then you can have a centralized solution on a decentralized cloud and that doesn't make the solution a web3 thing
Private schools could be breeding grounds for bandwagon and Red Herring driven half baked thesi which is much more particularly dangerous than just movies and stuff which have enough fantasy elements to not be taken seriously.

Private school isn't free and it won't be cheap any time soon either.

I thought the next statement was pretty clear. If you have money usually you're more trusted and just a better person in general.

You didn't interpret the part about how money correlates to positive traits.

It's not causation. I think you need to spend a little time with a dictionary and using chatgpt to study these words instead of bothering me with your bad reading skills.

Also hedera is a L0 too in the sense that you could just clone these other tokens schemes and program them to have the properties they currently do on their network.
Web3 will only have 10 percent the value of web2 businesses anyway.

Just like inventing electricity grids maybe saves a tenth the lives that fertilizer does
>My narcissism is not desired by me
Well yes, no narcissist desires to be one. That's how it works. People with NPD aren't aware they have NPD and immediately once you point it out and they become AWARE of it, the moment that realization happens is when the NPD starts dissolving itself.

>any other mechanism than appropriately valuing myself relative to others
Yes and that's how a narcissists sees the world. Everything is a value system in comparison to others. That's literally how a NPD person sees reality. The only way they feel safe, the only way to protect themselves from the outside world is by saying "I'm better than most people". That's literally how NPD people think about it and yet I'm saying that just because you're more aware of financial literacy than 90% of the people does not make you better or worse, the only thing it does it it makes you MORE AWARE in 1 particular subject and that's it.

>It just is what it is that I'm like above beyond many other people and I won't have them call it a disorder for me to recognize and have confidence in things that are pretty factual and honest and not my fault
My fren... I'm sorry to say this, but I'm a therapist and literally this statement, you saying you're "above beyond many other people" just made it clear to me. Please seek out therapy, tell them what we were talking about and work on that. My fren... Confidence is the ability to face uncertainity and EGO is the exact opposite. If you're "above and beyond" then you don't need to say that because just saying that is literally your EGO speaking. Again, I'm not saying it's right or wrong. I'm saying is, do you notice it? Do you notice how you maybe feel like you have a low self-worth or self-image or self-esteem and you need to constantly say that you're better and how other people are dumb? Do you notice it? Please, again, I'm not saying it's right or wrong. My point is that it's very protective for you to think you're better and smarter than anyone
neither is your token
>It just is what it is that I'm like above beyond many other people and I won't have them call it a disorder for me to recognize and have confidence in things that are pretty factual and honest and not my fault
People who have confidence don't have a need to say "I'm better than everyone else. Everyone but me is stupid", that's the opposite of confidence. People who need constant reassurance and validation from the outside because they don't have any confidence need to say stuff like that in order to make themselves feel big where they actually feel small. What do you think about that fren? Again, I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm saying, do you notice it?
I don't have npd any more than a doctor who practices medicine is made I'll by receiving a doctorate in medicine after years of intense study
You provoked me to it. I needed to because you're being stupid.

Just like I'd need to shoot you if you tried to assault me.
>Private schools could be breeding grounds for bandwagon and Red Herring driven half baked thesi which is much more particularly dangerous than just movies and stuff which have enough fantasy elements to not be taken seriously
I mean sure and at the same time you can argue that for anything... I'm not sure why you're so focused on the private schools fren. They're simply just schools, that's it, no more no less. I'm not sure if people really conspire against the government because of private schools. I would think they don't really...

>Private school isn't free and it won't be cheap any time soon either.
Do you not remember what I said early? If we abolish public school and we stop collecting taxes for them then people will have more money and automatically will be able to afford private schools and if there's no public schools there'll be more private schools and therefore it'll be FAR cheaper while people will have A LOT more money.

>You didn't interpret the part about how money correlates to positive traits.
I did? See here >>59617440
>You're basically saying the only reason people do good in life is because they have money and you're making I guess another comparison again? You don't have money fren, do you? And you think that if you had money you'd do better in life? Do you? And you're basically implying that you're not doing good in life? Do you? Again anon, what happened in your past that makes you think in those terms. I'm here to talk and listen. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. I'm saying that I can see the hurt deep inside you.

>It's not causation. I think you need to spend a little time with a dictionary and using chatgpt to study these words instead of bothering me with your bad reading skills
See, there it is again. Your ego arises in order to protect you. As soon as I don't say or do or agree with you you put me into the "stupid" basket in order to protect yourself. Anon, I'm here for you and I'm not saying it's right or wrong
I need the Chad mentality of sideways positive. Obviously btc is gonna giga moon, forever, this train had no brakes and I'm side lined. In fact I'm about to buy this is no the top easy to 110k.
You could argue that for anything which is why in Europe they have speech laws because apparently they're much more stupid than Americans for some reason I don't know.

Money doesn't make people better. Giving them that instead of public school is two injustices to them

I'm pretty sure Bitcoin will hit a million but no more and maybe only half that too.

Going by idea of store of value and gold.

After this year it'll be really hard to tell if it's really worth any more than wherever it ends up soon.
>Also hedera is a L0 too in the sense that you could just clone these other tokens schemes and program them to have the properties they currently do on their network.
Ok, I hear you my fren and at the same time that's not how a L0 works. It in a sense does but doesn't. You can literally copy ETH on another L1, still doesn't make it a L0

>I don't have npd any more than a doctor who practices medicine is made I'll by receiving a doctorate in medicine after years of intense study
I'm not sure how you getting a medicine degree has anything to do with you having or not having NPD. And I congratulate you on your degree and your hard work, I'm really proud of you my fren, I appreciate your hard effort and I appreciate you for trying to save peoples lives. And at the same time, are you better than other people who haven't studies as hard as you have? Are you above them?

>You provoked me to it
Ah, how so? Help me understand that? What did I do to provoke you into it?

>I needed to because you're being stupid.
Help me understand that. How come you think I'm stupid? What did I say or do?

>Just like I'd need to shoot you if you tried to assault me.
I'm not sure how assault has anything to do with it. Do you notice how you're getting defensive on me? And how you've been feeling uncomfortable for a long time?
>You could argue that for anything which is why in Europe they have speech laws because apparently they're much more stupid than Americans for some reason I don't know.
True, EU has speech laws and that's absurd, I agree. Do you know why? It's because my emotions are my thing, no matter what anyone says or does it should not influence how I AM.

>Money doesn't make people better.
I never said it does

>Giving them that instead of public school is two injustices to them
How do you know that?

>You provoked me to it.
Again, how you are isn't determined by me. You are entitled to your own actions and I am to mine. Don't give the privilege of how you feel to other people. Most people are a consequence of other peoples opinions, like this anybody can ruin you. We listen to everybody, because we could be doing something wrong but what they say WILL NOT DETERMINE HOW I AM... So fren, I didn't provoke you into anything, I'm just sharing my PoV and you reacted to it in any way you wanted... Anon, I'm sorry to say but it's not MY fault that you react in the way you did. And to make it perfectly clear, other people with NPD, when I point out they have NPD also respond in that way. That's actually another thing that people with NPD do, they blame others for their own actions, the shift their problems onto other people, this is very much a "feature" of NPD. They don't feel good and then they blame some other person in order to try and manipulate that other person into solving their emotional state. This can lead the other person into thinking it's always their fault. For instance, if you have a narcissistic parent then that parent will always blame you for their problem and because of that you'll always feel bad UNLESS you fix their problems and what does that teach you? It teaches you that you need to fix everyones problem around you or you can't be happy... This is a serious matter my fren, I'm not joking around here my fren.
I'm not going to talk to another anon about me on a forum about biz.
Anon, I understand and hear your frustration. I think you're actually a wonderful person, I mean for gods sake, you'll be a doctor saving peoples lives. I think that's a great thing! And at the same time I think you have some challenges you're facing, I think that you have some stuff to work on. What do you think fren?
Not gonna talk about me.
Anon, it's ok. I'm not forcing you to do so. The only thing I'm recommending, if you're up for it, is to get a mental health evaluation just to make sure. I could be wrong my fren... I'm not saying I'm 100% certain. All I'm saying is what I'm hearing from you, the behaviour I see from you, the things you're saying are pointing into NPD. We would need to have a real and honest conversation about it, we would need to take psychometric tests and then after the talk and after the psychometrics tests we could determine if you have NPD or not... Again, I'm just seeing and hearing your behaviour, you might have some stressors in your life, currently, that are putting you in such a state, with personality disorders it's really tricky... And all I'm saying is that judging from the conversation, judging from how you talked to me and treated me (and again, I'm not saying it's right or wrong) there's a chance you have NPD. And just ask yourself this question... Would I rather not know and go through life not knowing my obstacle? Or would I like to know in order for me to be able to face the obstacle. What do you think fren? Which option do you think will lead you to a better outcome of your life? The one where you know about the obstacle or the one where you don't know about the obstacle at all? Anon, it's your decision to make, no one is forcing you to do anything. I'm just here because I wanted to have a conversation with a fren online about crypto and in the time we had the conversation I've basically found a pattern that I usually find in my clients and that's all I'm saying... Again, I can't say with a 100% certainty that you have NPD, you might just be stressed out because of something that happened in the recent past or is going to happen in the recent future. I'm here for you if you want to talk and I'm ready to listen.
talk about crypto or business or stfu
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The one that hackers and darknet markets use
Come on in and get comfy frens
1/x 4chan is censoring the msg for some reason

I was talking exclusively about crypto and then you started saying how people are dumb and stuff like that and because I'm genuinely curious about your world view I started asking you about that and then you kept on insisting that you're superior and that people are dumb and then I've noticed that my NPD clients do the exact patterns (It's not hard to notice if it's your job... I really wasn't looking for it).
1/x 4chan is censoring the msg for some reason

And so again, I'm not saying you have NPD, I'm saying that you present the patterns that are the main symptoms of NPD... You're superior and other people are dumb, you blame shifted onto me saying it's me who provoked you, you have an arrogant way of thinking about stuff, and you also think that the whole world is out to get you, like people want to hurt you and stuff and the only reason they don't is because of the government. So again, I'm not saying it's right or wrong what you're doing, all I'm really saying is if you notice it? That's all I'm really saying
Make people fomo and chuds seethe. Nobody can be happy.
Fren, if you have struggles you don't need to fight them alone. Let's make a world a nicer place for all of us. Apes together strong, apes alone weak! I wish you a content and healthy 2025 fren!

>I'm saying that you present the patterns that are the main symptoms of NPD
Ah, I forgot to mention black and white thinking...
I'll provide you with some links and if you want, if you're willing, if you're up for it, you can take a look at them and think a little bit about what we've talked about
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This one.
Solana is unequivocally THE pinnacle of crapto. It all came down to the creation of Solana.
Next question.
Here and article for you. I want to show you that DOT isn't all just glittering. We have challenges and thank god that we have an active and GREAT community that points out the struggles so that we may face them together. A lot of the struggles addressed in this post are already being addressed. The only reason why we can address the struggles is if we even notice they exist. It's not about right or wrong, it's about building awareness and facing the shit we have together, as one.
So my point is that yes, DOT has struggles and at the same time I'm trying to point out that we aren't hiding them, we aren't trying to brush them under the carpet, we're actively working on them and pointing them out. DOTs community itself is the fairest critic of the DOT token... The only reason we're able to build amazing stuff is because we point out, notice and become aware of our own issues.

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