GME and BBBY Shills pt 2Shills everyone. Highest levels.Would normies believe?Would social structures fracture in middle of MOASS and hurt the resolve to diamond hand?Is it worth it?Chad - known shill. went dark, came back. Why? You should know by now.Jake2b - went dark - details needed?OKBet - went dark - details needed?What do the above 3 have in common?:Patterns?Different positions to play?...nationality?More shills not listed?Only a taste test here. Keep looking.What makes a good sports team?What makes a good playoff series?What makes fans engage?Rooting for different teams?All teams engaged under the same organization?Controlled outcome?Give the people bread and circus ...Belief? Denial? What makes a good psychological operation?Controlled opposition?Opposition to the controlled opposition?Opposition to controlled opposition supports / supported by influential people?Silo, infighting, herding, consensus by majority"majority" only costs $16 per month ...Different circles to capture different personalitiesDifferent circles to capture different schedulesDifferent circles to capture different platformsDifferent circles to capture media preferenceHow does MSM control the narrative? Think deeply. Very deeply.Follow the patterns.ALL the patterns.What do all the shills have in common?Dive below the surface level patterns.They *must* retain influence, narrative control, trust, majority, .. at all costs.Keep thinking.You're not there yet.> >>59599352