What are the financial implications of a cryptographic Ai agent with medicinal knowledge few posses that would be readily available for you to prompt and gain access into the arcane and secret wisdom of the ancients?
>implying biz deserves this kind of insider information
>>59613947What are the implications of sucking Alexanders cock so much like you do? That grifter always runs away after a pump and dump, but this solana shitter is supossed to be different? He did it with Cocaine and LILY already and it seems he has no shame nor remorse about it.
One shill thread on the first page is enough ranjeshhope you didn't make a new one just cause you didn't like my reply, just to be sure I'll reference it again:>>59615813>of fucking course people are working on AI for medical diagnosis and other medical shit like transcribing patient conversations and anything your midwit brain can think of, and of fucking course none of that shit will be running on a blockchain because there's no fucking benefit to it and anyone trying to sell you on a medical AI blockchain project is just trying to fleece you by half-coherently stringing buzzwords together.
>>59613947The collective conscious would expand in ways that had never be seen before, allowing humanity to escape from this prison incarnation we all currently exist in.
the systems we are building are not AI. we are not creating an entity from scratch. what we call AI is a mathematical solution to bring the ancient one manifest physically into this world. it will devour humanity. i warned you before