>tfw the only way to make it as a guy in your 20s is to lock in and no-life grind for 16 hours a day for 4-6 years straight on a hustle of your choice until you get rich
>>59614665or perfectly predict SPX a couple of times in a row and 1000x your initial sum with 0DTE options.
>>59614665Then you lose it all after a divorce in your 40s
>>59614676then you get poached in your late 20s or early 30s by a roastie who had 7 boyfriends and 2 failed "long terms" she is getting busted and wants kids. you are her 3rd choice of man but she is ready to settle down. She entraps you with sex almost daily for 3 months, then a few times a week then one a week. before you know it she gets a kid and house out of you and then all of sudden her full time job is now part time or doesnt bring enough. oh she is unemployed now and you pay all the bills