I have $1.5M after 8 years in crypto and if crypto goes parabolic I will be rich, but the fact is there are a lot of people with more money than me and all they have to do is put $2M in today and they'll mog my returns without any of the suffering I've been through.
By this logic you will always be miserable. I know it doesn't feel like it, but you're at a better position than 99% of people. Enjoy your gains and be grateful.
>>59616832Anon I have only about 250k after being in crypto since 2017 I know people who have been in crypto for the last 12 months only and have about 600k I want to kms
>>59616852of course I'll always be miserable, it's 2025 and the world has been sapped of adventure and joy.>>59616868Don't kill yourself, anon. I love you.
>>59616868>onlymotherfucker I barely have 8k
>>59616832comparison is the thief of joy. you could've been born 6 5 with 9 inch thick hog but you didn't be grateful or you will never be happy
>>59616893>Since 2017If I wouldn't have fucked with my holdings then I would be at 800k to 1m I'm a dumb retard who thought I could swing my way into bigger stacks and have fucked myself endlessly because I'm retarded. I feel so depressed when I think about it.Like I'm so close but I'm too scared now to move any of my original crypto holdings for fear of being a dumb retard and making myself lose more but realistically all I need to do is a 4x and I can be good About 2 months ago I started trading Solana shit coins with a side wallet I originally funded with 6 Solana and I got it up to about 140 sol and now I'm back down to about 70. I have gotten absolutely fucking killed this last week trying to trade. I just feel like I have absolutely no skill or competence whatsoever when it comes to analyzing these projects and I just keep getting endlessly rug pulled when I try and get in early. I feel like I'm always late and I'm always selling at the wrong time.
>>59616832Make sure you set an alarm. The token will be released at 11:00 PM UTC.The official token will be pinned in the group chat when it is created.>tg: pump 4 chan (no spaces)
Comparison is the killer of joy. The brain releases a lot more happy chemicals when you work for you earnings.
>>59616832>>59616868>wah wah wah I only have 1.5m resp. 250keither of these is a significant amount of money to have gotten basically for free (don't kid yourselves with that "suffering") and I doubt many people who are rich through other means would just randomly throw 100s of k after crypto anyway.Life is short, set some goals for yourself other than getting a certain amount of net worth, and enjoy it.
>>59616832get your shit out of crypto and just let it sit in index fundseven if you're an oldfag this is the best thing to do. You can collect $150k a year for sitting on your ass.
>>59616883>the world has been sapped of adventure and joyYou're literally just depressed and likely spiritually bankrupt.
>>59616998I know you're just venting into the void of the internet, but your entire comment is full of emotion and feminine sentiment. Such a personality and mindset will cause you to lose every single trade no matter how statistically unlikely that is. I suggest you stop. You have a lot of money already. Just buy spot when things are cheap and forget about it.
similar situation but 500khere's the kicker: we will fuck it up and not sell the top, meanwhile all the need is half the exposure and they will be happy with the results and get with a good profit while we stretch our goals too much because we didnt have enough invested and fuck it up and have to baghold for 4 years again hoping theres another cycle
Exact same net worth as OP. The worst part about $1.5m is it's too little money to retire but too much money to risk on shitcoins and high risk plays, so I'm forced to wait and cope it goes up instead of trading. Is this what they call 7 figure hell?
>>59617067I don't disagree with you regarding the tone and attitude I feel I have rn. Idk what happened but I just went in a bad streak for a few weeks and I feel like I have lost my ability to have conviction about anything. It's a shit feeling and idk how to fucking fix it.
ITT: People who have yet to figure out that comparison is the thief of joy. Be happy with what (You) have and not what some joe blow across the street does.
>>59617159It's honestly not so much about comparison that is getting me down so much It's just that I kind of hate my job and I'm unhappy where I am in life and I want to help my wife run her business but I don't have enough to quit my job comfortably.
You are rich stop whining
>>59617159But he's richer than Joe blow across the street. Shouldn't that comparison bring him joy?
>>59618451No. Do you feel good that you're better than a starving Ethiopian orphan? Maybe for like 5 minutes. But comparing yourself to someone who has it worse doesn't feel nearly as good as comparing yourself to someone who has it better feels bad.
>>59617111Checked and precisely, fellow frogposter. I figure with inflation at this point I need $3M (family of 4) to stop waging and be able to survive. I have a lot of money, but not enough to actually change my CURRENT life. I could retire earlier, which is cute, but I could die first.
>>59617111>it's too little money to retireSkill issueLive cheap for a few years while your stack grows to 2 mil.
can I have 10k in crypto anon?I'm a good boy I lost my money in margin trading I dindu nuffin