How do I explain to my boomer mom that when I apply for a job it doesn’t mean I will always get it.
Why does everyone have boomer parents? My parents are GenX.
>>59616960go away gen z scum
>>59616960My parents are genx but my mom acts like a boomer quite often.
>>59616975My grandparents are boomers. You're probably old enough to be my Dad.
My dad thinks if I walk into an office building and hand my resume to the first person I see, I will get a job. The saddest part about this is that he thinks this because it was probably the case for his generation.
>>59616995My mom seriously got mad at me this morning that I haven’t received anything back from a job I applied to. She thinks its super easy to get a job today.
>>59616943i hate that so much. my boomer mom would do that anytime i told her about getting a interview for a job. next thing i know half of our family friends are asking hows my new job.sorry for the blogpostTLDR: you can't, just don't tell them about the specifics
>>59617018you're supposed to apply to more than 1 job.minimum 50 resumes per day.
>>59616943Make sure you set an alarm. The token will be released at 11:00 PM UTC.The official token will be pinned in the group chat when it is created.>tg: pump 4 chan (no spaces)
>>59617043I know thats what I have been doing. My mom really wants me to get this job because she has heard greats things and knows people who works there.
>>59617036My mom seriously thinks it’s a piece of cake to get a job today. She has years of work experience and two degrees and I don’t. Like yea no shit ….
>>59616943Did you call them back?
>>59616985im 36 sonmy mom is 54dad is 71