Instead of making a cryptop shill thread i wanted to talk about starting a business today. What would you start with? What are your thoughts on franchising businesses? If you already are a business owner feel free to talk about your journey.
I have two businesses (well one is more my wife's).It's awesome but we had a small mortgage and no other debt when starting so it wasn't too stressful in the lean times.Not answering to a boss is worth way more to me than financial 'stability'. And thankfully both businesses are doing well.
reddit said theres a killer book about starting your own biz anyone know what is it
i'm looking into making things for a living
>>59618091>What would you start with?Something that I love to do, and wouldn't mind being income neutral or negative on for awhile while I get it going.For me, that would be pressure washing or hoarding cleanup. Something about my brain gives me extreme dopamine reward from having fully cleaned up a mess and brought a building / interior back to its original pristine state. I fucking love that shit. I feel like I just saved the world. I have a 135 iq and am a software engineer who is very successful but not currently employed, and I constantly dream of just buying a power washing setup and a struck, and hiring an employee to do the heavy lifting while I autistically power wash stuff. Seriously. I just want to drop the techfaggot stuff and wash dirty pavement. Half my social media feeds are power wash / cleanup things. Anyways I think that's the trick from having known lots of guys who do startups. Passion. You have to be 100% passionate about what you are doing. You gotta love it and be willing to live it and sacrifice for it.
>>59618159yeah wash those shidding streets fucking moron
>>59618091I'm saving up money to start a small machine shop. I want to make artisan clocks.
I also have a unique talent where nothing grosses me out, and the more disgusting or vile it is the more I power through it and the more stubborn I get. That's why I think a 'cleanup' business would work for me, because it's just something about my brain that is hardwired to be omega level cleaner of the worst fucking messes humans can produce.I'm seriously the end boss of cleaning shit up. After I've had my way with a room or an office people are shocked and left in awe of the radiant beauty of perfect cleanliness. They exist in a state of near orgasmic bliss of perfect security and pride in their surroundings while its "that" clean. Ofc it degrades overtime, but that 'ultimate cleanliness' state is so desirable they talk about it for weeks or months afterwards.
>>59618159How to find fine job in this strange time for juniors? I try to find anything since last year and I cant find nothing
>>59618168I'm white, 6' 2", have two white kids, and look great. I'm explaining to you that I have a passion for something odd that doesn't fit what I actually do for a living, and why if I was to do a business it would be something I'm passionate about and not just what I'm familiar with.But you're too fucking stupid, brown, and belligerent to process it. You will never get ahead, because you never process information fully and comprehend it.
>>59618187>How to find fine job in this strange time for juniors?Go get a security clearance and work for your government, or government contractors. Foreign brownoids and AI have much less penetration into government contracting when it has to do with national defense / infrastructure / internal government workings.Governments require lots of skilled techs and programmers for legacy systems and equipment, because they use things for 40 years+ out of necessity. You can get into automation for stuff like radar or monitoring systems and make huge amounts of money as a contractor. Continue to build your personal portfolio while you work.
>>59618091I paid a guy to set me up a shop selling ice cream, hotdogs and donuts.It was terrible- you pay a lease that means you have to open 7 days a week. 4 of those days are quiet and you lose money. Boring as fuck. Can't afford staff so working 7 days a week. Part of the set up was a mobile cart- I took it to festivals and made a killing. You only pay a lease for the day/s of the festival, insane sales, lots of action and fun.I sold the shop for 66% loss and bought a food cart that I winched on and off a trailer. Hit all the festivals, made great money (all cash), had a blast.Bought another cart and set up a permanent spot at a busy shopping mall.Learned a lot about business and life, would recommend.
>>59618117Can we hear about the details of the business