Latest happenings: • Monero pumps to $1 000 000 after its 2008 founder Craig Wright signed, proving he's Satoshi Nakafarto• Silver breaks $5000 an oz as the Federal Reserve shuts down following audit by Ron Paul• Sega just announced the Dreamcast 2 with a retail price of only 14.88 Reichsmark• Pregnant Butt overtakes Bitconnect, entering the top 5 marketcap coins• India, the cleanest country in the world, launches its first manned spacecraft towards Uranus• President Gigachad of the newly reformed Confederate States declares by executive order AOC laws unconstitutional• Anon takes his girlfriend on a date to the Dorsia restaurant on top of the space elevator, wherefrom they look out over a fully dejudaized world
>>59619348Is this really what you fantasize about?That's kinda sad man