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Good morning biz, my autistic and poor brother got an LLC, so I'm trying to help him figure out the actual business part.

He has a bunch of broken cars, inbred mutts, various trash on 100 acres of rural desert land with no power or water.

Hes looking to do an actual business like growing and selling seafood, or manufacturing something mechanical
>100 acres of rural desert land with no power or water.
The central Oregon
Jared I didn't know you posted on here
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Start fixing those cars and flipping them on Faceberg market place or start a youtube channel like jennings motorsports, polebarn garage, or ziptiesandbiasplies. Build up a viewerbase and then start selling merch.
No groundwater? If there’s groundwater he should grow weed
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I think the average well is more than 1000 ft deep, so it would cost a lot of money to drill it. Hes poor. He literally has around $100 in the bank cause he begs our dad for money once a month.
He has the LLC cause he asked me for a few hundred dollars to start it, so whatever.
Those cars are completely fugged and he doesnt know how to fix them. Also rats live in some of the cars. They are nasty and probably have chewed up wires
ive always wanted to setup a race track or something. i have friends that would pay just to rip around in a place like that. you could setup a golf range too, maybe? you just need a couple markers for distance
Fill it with toxic waste for a few scraps of cash you kike rat
>Those cars are completely fugged and he doesnt know how to fix them. Also rats live in some of the cars. They are nasty and probably have chewed up wires

Watch the youtube channels I listed and you will realize none of that matters. Or are you one of those faggots who posts a thread and then bitches about how everything is impossible when someone actually tries to help you?


All you have to do is get the engine to turn over and list it online for $800. Someone else will come along and take it off your hands. A lot of those car youtube channels are just flippers or part scavengers who happen to make vids of their work. Your bro can get in on that and all he has to do is watch vids online about how cars work and do likewise. Retard.
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This is something we have thought about, the problem is that its near the dunes, so people just go wheelin over there. Also my brother has a bunch of dogs who like to run in front of cars, so racing around his place would involve hurt/dead dogs. We were also thinking of making it a paintball park, cause we have all of the old shitboxes you could hide behind, the property has a generally apocalyptic vibe to it, but its too far away from big cities like reno and poorland, plus there's dog shit everywhere
I thought his dogs were immune to car based damage after building up a tolerance to getting struck by cars by getting run over repeatedly
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I appreciate the ideas, but this is for my autistic poor brother. Those cars worked fine when I gave them to him, and now they are all ruined, and he probably lost the keys and paperwork to half of them.

Also no one wants to go out there to buy a car. My rodeo is 4x4, 5spd manual, was running and driving reliably with blown out AC, airbags, cracked windshield and oil leaks. no one called when I listed it for $500 obo. I would have thought one of the poors from the area would offer me $200, try to trade me for some shit, no interest.

So were trying to figure out ideas that work for him.

I myself live 500 miles away, and find it difficult to work on cars while being mauled by pitbulls.
One of the dogs is immune to my car, but some of his dogs are going missing. Idk if someone driving by decided to adopt them, or if they got run over or if there is straight up dog cannabalism.
You don't understand the lengths that some people will go to in order to get deals on old vehicles.


Also titles can be recovered at the DMV and missing keys can be replaced by swapping out the tumbler in the steering column. The OP pic alone has at least $3k worth of old pickup trucks in it but I get it, its all too much work and everything's impossible. Why even try right? Good luck finding a magic fix for all your brothers problems.

Also, I like how your autistic brother is smart enough to borrow money and start an LLC for a business he doesn't have yet but at the same time he isn't smart enough to fix one of his dozens of cars. Did you give him all of those cars? Maybe work on your story better next time.

Since you and your brother can't do anything the obvious solution is to use his remote location and endless supply of pitbulls to set up a dog fighting ring. Good luck and have fun.
I’ll pay your brother $40 for every one of his dogs I can run over with my truck or shoot with a shotgun.
Props for your sincere efforts for an anon.
Join Tele secretlaunchonpf if you wanna make easy x’es you fucking nigger scammer mongoloidic Jew blooded biz lurker!
>, I like how your autistic brother is smart enough to borrow money and start an LLC for a business he doesn't have yet

I don't expect to get paid back. He found a legit looking website that said they can set up an LLC for $250, and that's an amount im comfortable wasting on Lulz

>but at the same time he isn't smart enough to fix one of his dozens of cars.
Hes very lazy and none of those cars were worth even $2k when I bought them. My old Pontiac has a rod knock, and 2nd gear doesnt work, the ac didnt work. It had other issues that I forgot about. It would be retarded to rebuild/replace the engine and transmission in a $700 shitbox thats been sitting for 10 years. Who wants an 85 Bonneville anyhow? Even if it was restored and working properly might be worth $2k

The trucks are all super shitty 2wd automatic fords. They were all around $600-700 when purchased. They hauled some shit, and now they dont work well enough to be on the road.

>Did you give him all of those cars?
Half of them. My area used to be full of affordable cars, so Id alway have 2-3 cars, and then my brothers would blow up a car, so my dad would just buy one for them, and id get another spare car and my brothers would ruin another car. Most of the cars broke too far away, so we sold or junked those ones. They probably lost 20 cars over the years. My other brother drove CDL trucks till he lost his health certification, so he bought all of the really shitty cars and pickups.
sounds like a good place to play paintball or airsoft
Pretty sure that animal cruelty is illegal, but if you drive slowly by his place, the dogs will be in the road and you can run them over for free.
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But does your group want to drive for 5 hours to play paintball. The nearest motel is 22 miles away

This is the nicest room on his property.
Just tell the paintballers that the dogshits are landmines and if they step on a pile they have to pretend their leg got blown off for the rest of the round.
Dogs got some tools to fix them cars tho, have you even asked?
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>has $100 in his name
>lives in the middle of no where
>wants to start a business selling seafood or getting into mechanical work
>is not mechanically inclined
>Also lives in an area with no water or power
>100 acres of rural desert land with no power or water.
Plant a massive patch of San Pedro cacti it's legal in USA and contains mescaline so hippies love having a few around.
I keep a few inside in NE USA for about 8 years now and probably have $700 worth off a $100 investment and got some trips out of it too.

What I would do is begin to make a presence on forums Instagram whatever is popping these days and have some easy teks so it can grow into another drug fad.

You cut the cactus logs and sell them by weight and the people purchasing can either process it or plant it.

It's a win, win, win, win, win.

Hands off, profitable, small amount of logistics

Keep the plot a secret though because you'll be on a gold mine.
Does he have a truck or old ass van? Charge restaurants to pick up their food waste. Set up worm farms in the trunks of the old cars, or the fuckin cabin who cares. Compost and sell the worm compost to weed farmers and others.
Yo anything to clean the property fucking let them take them for free just to clean up that mess.
Also some of the dogs might maul people.

What he wants to do is to get agriculture loans so that he can get an algae & shellfish tank and then he + dogs will shit in the tank causing algae bloom and the shellfish will eat it and then people will buy shellfish from him
Bro you understand the amount of testing and sensors that would require?
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No, he likes having all of the shit. Back when he had a job at the grocery store, he rented a storage unit and filled it with onion bags, empty vegetable oil jugs, milk crates, etc. So I bought a suburban and when he saved up enough money to move back to the property, he bought my suburban, rented a trailer and filled it with his garbage to put at his place. He was intending to fill the onion bags with dirt to stack them into a house, but he gave up after a while.

Anyways storage units and 1 way trailer rentals arent cheap, so he spent a couple thousand dollars just to have a pile of trash.
lol, how does he expect to get a loan and attempt a complex operation starting from scratch?

Having autism, not able to divide labor, no skills I don't know what to say
IMy brother doesnt believe that there are reasons for having huge expensive factories full of equipment, running water, power, and people to make stuff. And he doesn't understand that selling and distribution requires skills or efforts.
Coyotes are eating them nigga
He should just clean the land up and sell it.
>Step 1: form LLC
>Step 2: apply to the department of agriculture, venture capital, and or whatever non profit for loans
>Step 3: use loans to develop seafood farm in the desert
>Step 4: shit in the ponds so that algae and shit eating fish will grow
>Step 5: profit

I guess ill write this down so that he can use it as the loan application temp6
Hes got around 20 hungry pitbull/mutts they would eat the cayotes.
He doesn't even own the land. Our other brother bought it and set him up out there and supported him for 12 years, helped him adopt and breed dogs before moving away and cutting him off financially.
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Does he ever go to ORP?
Idk what orp is, but hes not a very good driver.
Oregon Raceway Park, a track out in eastern oregon.
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Bull doze the lot and start over building wealth with a real job then get back to us cleetus.
his cars are super shitty, our dad only gives him enough gas money to drive the ol shitbox 500 miles a month and he isnt really a good driver.

But if they allow shitboxes on the track, ill go racing one of these days

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