This guy is the Antichrist, and he is going to destroy you and drag you to hell. Do you understand the gravity of this? This guy didn't even took office and he already created a shitcoin that sucked up all the liquidity of the market, making BTC which was pumping drop. He will destroy you, and his false prophet Elon Musk, will, devour you. I warned you.
You’re preaching to the wrong crowd, anyone who hasn’t been mindfucked by CCP shills on /pol/ knows Zion Don was a horrible vote.
one year ago I would have called you a conspiracy theorist
>>59643666Look at your ID, we're doomed dude. The worst thing is, I've been warning people for more than a year, even before Elon joined hands with him, I thought that I could earn money, to buy land and escape this hell. I guess I was wrong. I'm prepared to die.
>He made BTC which was pumping drop.Yes so i can SLURPLE when it gets below 100k!ETH when it goes sub 3k as well.
>>59643737what are those?
>>59643737Pretty cool, right?
>>59643744>>59643750He is the antichrist. His number is 4547.This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666 (The oldest manuscript actually shows a 616).Revelation 13:18
>>59643750>>59643750He is part of a satanic cult, this is the symbolism used by them. Some calls them Jews, but they are not really it, they are Phoenicians, they are descendants of the fallen angels, although their blood has diluted by a lot. As Trump takes office, the ritual at Washington post is gonna take effect, and the disembodied spirit will enter him, and he will be given 42 months.
Can't believe this thread already died... People are truly blinded, they have fallen for the strong delusion.
>>59643637>scammer presidentjust what america deserves lmao
>>59643637meds>>59643660retarded faggot. jewish shills are shilling for trump, not chinese
>>59643637Trump is the beast, the Antichrist has yet to reveal himself.
>>59644248>sucks off RMB fiscal policy>creates tariffs to build back industry we already sold to Chyna>practices BRICS appeasementWow look a jester in the circus! Honk your nose idiot
>>59644390youre literally jewish. you nust be. nobody is possibly that deeply brainwashed and retarded
>>59644408Not an argument. Ching Ching ping pong be gone.
>>59644420youre jewish
yeah but they have bigger plans for BTC, pump it for 4 years, suck up all the USD, tie US economy to it, then kablamo I'm moving to Israel bud
>>59643637It’s 666But anyways her is the Greek (same as revelation) calculation for Neuralink:N = 50ε = 5u = 400ρ = 100α = 1λ = 30ι = 10ν = 50κ = 20Adding these values together:50 + 5 + 400 + 100 + 1 + 30 + 10 + 50 + 20 = 666Pic related. Only those who have the markHave his coinOr have the address to exchange to his coin will be able to buy or sell.
>>59645452I’ve been posting about Trump and Elon on pol and biz for 4 and 2 years, yes most people will be completely caught off guard, but some of us are paying attention.
>>59645468Trump has made things very obvious. He refuses to repent on an interview, he’s the biggest supporter of Jewish law, his ties with Solomon and the third temple, his Israel coin, the fake ark at his maralago home… etc etc.
>>59643637Trump is president again? Yikes!
>>59643637>>59643637I don't really see how more eopel, specially on 4chan, don't see it. The globalists (or whatever you want to call them) think in longterm strategy. The far leftism of the last 5-10 years was just to prepare people to accept fascism. They made sure to swing far left so they'd have the momentum to swing further right. Hegelian dialectics or what have you.
>>59644508>>59644420False dichotomy - kikes and chicoms are both evil groups destroying European civilization.
>>59647937Chicoms are kike puppets, go lurk on pol Or ask them about it
>>59647952No, chicoms are themselves kikes>t./pol/ack
>>59647966okok, checked and Baste, carry on
>>59645491Check out the work of Christopher Jon Bjerknes and Know More News, very eye opening stuff
>>59645452This is about social security numbers broYou don't have a ss number do you??
Let me make an appeal to all Christians here. Don't argue with goats. Remember, there's goats and sheep, sheep will hear his voice. Don't sit at the table with scoffers.
>>59648010No, it's not. Because people are born with social security number.>>59645452The oldest manuscript is not 666, it's 616. Also, Elon Musk is the false prophet, the mark is made by the second beast (false prophet), who uses the authority of the first beast (AC), the second beast also created the image of the beast. Look at the passage talking about the false prophet, it's literally describing Elon Musk, he makes rain down fire from heaven (rockets), and he also is making people worship Trump, saying Trump has a divine purpose.Revelation 13:11-11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Here comes the christfag schizo cope angle on why they didn't just buy bitcoin. Everyone has their own brand of cope. This one is ultra smelly and rancid though. Christcucks love feeling like victims and finding any biblical excuse for why their cowardice prevented them from taking a single fucking risk.
>>59649551By the way, the sword wound which Trump received was "justice", he escaped unscathed, everyone thought his political career was dead, but he lived, he tried to get to presidency again, and won. You could also interpret that as a physical wound he received at one of the rallies.
>>59649571Have you even tried reading? I'm so sorry for you, your destiny will be sad if you do not repent.
>>59649551>You're born with a ssYea that's the point dipshit. If you're born outside the matrix you can't buy or sell. Read up on your conspiracy theories from the last century. You were born fucked lmao
>>59649551I agree with your analysis however which of the 2 scenarios is more probable:a) Everything just happened to play out like this, perfectly fitting the prophecyb) Events are manufactured in a way to fit the prophecy
>>59649592I'm not reading your schizo christfag cope. I already heard it all from my poorfag trailer trash family growing up. I just recognize the sounds of it at a glance.
The eternal coping coward loves his christfag schizo cope. It's the perfect excuse for why he does nothing, risks nothing makes no move, and just hides.>this is all preordained...Dumb schizo. Dumb miserable unhappy schizo actually. Loopy faggot. Either buy or gtfo.
>>59643637>this guy is the antichristso true, he almost took a bullet to the head twice but was given more time on earth to repent for his sins but this guy is going straight to hell.
>>59649600I disagree. Because the mark talks explicitly about accepting the mark or not. You can't accept or refuse if you're born with it. The mark also has to be placed in the hand or forehead.This passage shows the angel warning, if you tae the mark, you'll suffer wrath of God. Why would he warn people if you can't refuse?Revelation 14:9-10 (NIV):"A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: 'If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath.'"-----------------------This passage shows the mark is received on the right hand or forehead:Revelation 13:16-17 (NIV):"It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name."-----------------------This passage here shows that people were killed by not receiving the mark, and not worshipping the beast. Nobody is being killed by not having a social security number:Revelation 20:4 (NIV):"I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years."
>>59643637I thought the antichrist was supposed to be someone who everybody loved and welcomed with open arms but half the population deeply hate Trump.
>>59649648>I thought the antichrist was supposed to be someone who everybody loved and welcomed with open arms but half the population deeply hate Trump.That's not true at all, there's no basis for this. If anything, this is a psyop created by these satanists to get you off guard. Why would they depict this in the movies and books if it was true? Think about it. Most pharisees read the Bible all day long, and they still missed all prophecies about the Messiah.>>59649608>I agree with your analysis however which of the 2 scenarios is more probable:>a) Everything just happened to play out like this, perfectly fitting the prophecy>b) Events are manufactured in a way to fit the prophecyI believe in predestination. I'm not saying we don't have choices, but the choices we have are confined by our situations. I can chose between eating chicken or meat today, but I can't chose to eat dinosaur meat.
>>59649676Not sure you really answered the question, do you believe the strings are being pulled to fit biblical prophecy or not? Because if they are, surely everything else that is prophesised should be regarded with scepticism as to what the end goal is?
>>59649718No, I don't think the strings are pulled to fit the Bible, I believe they are pulling the strings to fulfil their own mystics prophecies. Look at the foundation of America, or even what Plato said. America is the place where they would resurrect the 'old gods'. Notice how the same gods are called in a different way in different cultures, this is no coincidence. The old world was controlled by Nephilim and the fallen angels. I don't now how this is going to play out.Now, about the common folk, I believe these people do not even realize what they are doing. Notice how many people interpret the scriptures in a 'backward' way. Some people are still saying that Obama is the antichrist... These people are blinded, their hearts are calloused, even the so called 'Christians'. Now, why these people are trying to put Trump at the power? To resurrect the old 'gods'
>>59649844I think it's pretty obvious that everything is scripted at this point, to what end I can only guess. Agreed about inversion though, Trump's entire family is likely going to jail (and not the Clinton's as Q would have the conspiracy types believe)
Look at these fags quoting desert manual at each other.
>>59649641I don't care go read the schizo babble from 120 years ago you dumb niggers use the same argument over and over and over
>>59649608Prophecies are 60% destiny 40% self will to fullfil them
>>59649999>>59643666>>59647377>>59649844This people in this website are superstitious, and believe that when a number repeats itself at the end of the ID, it means it's 'checked'. Look at how many checked ids saying Trump is the antichrist there is, yet, when these superstitions go against their worldview, they deny it. Truly a brood of vipers
>>59650128You are the glowy here, devil worshipper. Your end will come soon.
Today is the inauguration day for what is ahead. Jews already hailing him as the Messiah.
>>59649551its 666. I just showed you neuralink equates to 666, which is made by elon musk so the rest we agree with.
>>59652076threescore is 3*20 so its 666. There is no actual proof its 616. If there is, then show it. You totally missed what i just posted. The new testament was written greek was it not? Now calculate Neuralink using greek and guess what you get.>>59645452
>>59651953i have a jewish friend and he is quite literally calling him the messiah. TO ALL ANONS:WHEN THE ARK IS REVEALED AND THE BLOOD IS REMOVED YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE HERE. BLESSINGS TO ALL ANONS AND I PRAY YOU COME TO ACCEPT THE TRUTH OF WHAT IS ABOUT TO BEGIN. God IS Good. Most have no idea how bad things are about to get once that blood is removed. Pray you are not here. Good luck.
>>59652251Bruh he meant foreskin.
>>59652251If you are familiar with the old testament, you know they sprinkled the blood of animals on the ark for temporary forgiveness of sins. Knowing that, and knowing what Ron Wyatt discovered, we know the abomination of desolation will be the removal of the blood of christ from the ark where it rests directly under the crucifixion site. Why is he called "The lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world?"Why does the old testament explain the soul who does not sin, lives? The soul that sins, dies.Knowing this, knowing Jesus lived a perfect life, we can know that the ark has the blood of christ on it, currently covering the sins of the entire world. Further, ron wyatt had the blood tested. Do you know what he discovered?The blood had 23 chromosomes and a single y from God the father. Because Jesus IS the son of God. When the blood was mixed with saline, and warmed, it came back to life. Because jesus did not need to die, he gave his life for us willingly because only perfect blood on the ark could act as an eternal sacrifice. So.... when the ark is revealed and the anti christ removes that blood from the ark, the sacrifice for sin will no longer remain. Meaning if you are here and you sin... you will experience old testament wrath. its a lot, I know. But the world is not prepared for what's about to begin. Why did Trump have a fake ark at his house? Why does Israel think he is the messiah. "Our rock is not their rock..."goodluck anons. The horses are coming to save your soul, do not fear the horses.
>>59652076pic related is the papyrus 115. It shows XIC (616), it's the oldest scriptures intact found that shows the mark of the beast.I believe they have put 666 in several manuscripts because the church was being persecuted by Nero. They thought he was the antichrist, thus changing the number written. This culminated in other preterits interpretations which interpret this passage as being fulfilled.I believe the mark of the beast and the number of the beast are two distinct things. The mark is something issued by the False Prophet (second beast) using the authority of the antichrist (first beast), and I think the number is just a way to identify the antichrist, that's why it says 'the number of a man'. I think that if I was John, and I saw the future, and people carrying the number 4547, a perfect way to hide it wouldn't be using gematria, but to use prime numbers, and 4547 is the 616th prime number. I may be wrong, but that's it.
>>59652460idk, that's pretty weak evidence anon. I mean that as non rudely as possible. Lets just keep a look out for both I guess. Could you explain how you are connecting 4547 to 616 then for me? Does neuralink equating to 666 directly in greek not make you raise an eyebrow?Its literally direct greek alphanumeric values.
>>59652397I don't believe that my frien. I believe the abomination of desolation was the vax.
>>59643637>hardstuck in Silver, scrolling through /biz/ between Valorant matches >see EPILEPTIC thread, buy in out of sheer boredom >chart pumps mid-game, scream so loud my team thinks I clutched >tell them I'm having sex this night
>>59652506I'll definitely not use Neuralink, and I do think it's the mark of the beast. But I don't think it's the number of the beast. >>59652506>how you are connecting 4547 to 616 then for me?If you do the math, and try to calculate 4547 prime numbers, like:1st = 22nd = 33rd = 54th = 75th = 116th = 137th = 178th = 199th = 2310th = 29...616th = 4547That's why it says to calculate, and that's why it says it's the number of a men.
>>59652520Thats fine, you can believe what you want, but the vax was a nothing burger. Read the bible and look into ron wyatt and you will know whats what it is. How else does jesus take away the sins of the world? They literally just sang about Jesus dying to make men Holy in the inauguration. How did he make them holy? His living blood is on the ark, washing away our sins and making our souls white as snow. Give it a chance and let go of the vax. It wasnt the vax. And im aware of all the charagma stuff. It wasnt it.
>>59652599>ron wyattHe was a 7th day Adventist, and a con men. He claimed that he had found a lot of things, but never showed anything. Not only that, he always asked for money to finance these discoveries, and never showed any of the stuff he supposedly discovered
>>59652599>It wasnt it.Are you sure? We are the temple of the Lord, that's the only temple they needed to desecrate. Think about it, since the old testament God has been pressing this key, telling us that he doesn't inhabit stone temples.
>>59652586idk, thats a lot of mental gymnastics imo.Neuralink is a direct conversion, no code required. A simple calculation that anyone can do. >>59652644being a 7th day adventist means nothing. He couldnt show proof of any of it because its the ARK of "HIS TESTIMONY"God's perfect testimony in the perfect time. If Ron provided proof then it would have ended the age of grace because faith wouldnt be required anymore, does that make sense?That is why he refused to show anything, it wasnt his to show.
>>59643637>and he is going to destroy you and drag you to hellSo?
>>59652724>Neuralink is a direct conversionThis is gematria, doesn't involve calculation, neither wisdom. It was considered divination, and made by pharisees and other sects, God also condemned divination in several passages. That's why I believe it's not through gematria that we find the clue.
>>59652767thats my exact point, its not gematria. Its isopsephy. Direct alphanumeric values. Your understanding requires much more calculation so im not sure what you mean.
Trump is so kiked, a revolution is already underway; too many people woke up to the jews worldwide.
>>59652724>That is why he refused to show anything, it wasnt his to show.No, he also said he found the ark of Noah, which was proved that he was wrong. What sets him aside is the way he acted. How would nothing happen to him if he found the ark of the covenant? Why did nobody took the ark or tortured him to get the answer? The story is full of plot holes, but the funny thing is, he always asked for money to do these expeditions, yet, never showed any proof of the stuff he supposedly found.>>59652724>being a 7th day adventist means nothingWell, it means, as you start walking with the Lord, and hearing his voice, you'll understand that men made religion is of the devil. Just look at the founders of SDA, see their fruits, not as different from the Mormon church.>>59652757>So?If you think that having your body and soul destroyed doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.
>>59643637As long as I can profit from it, he can wipe his balls with the Bible and Talmud at the same time in the Temple Mount on Jerusalem.>pic somewhat related
>>59652855okay anon, I think this convo is derailed and you seem stuck in the understanding of men, so lets leave it at that. Just make sure you are leading people to jesus. God Bless and have a good one.
>>59652888You seem to be stuck in divination and sorcery. I'll pray for you.
>>59652888I hope you repent.
His speech yesterday was like watching Hitler in 1935
>>59652981And is that supposed to be a bad thing?
>>59653039Considering Hitler sold the German people to the Jews, and went to Argentina, yes. Hitler is also a shadow of the antichrist, look at his symbolism, the double headed eagle, aka phoenix etc.
>>59653237He was literally trying to create a revived Roman empire. Which is funny, since America is the real revived Roman empire. Just look at the structures at Washington DC, even the plant of Washington, it's a copy of Roma;