coffee dumped any more of his 400mil yet? kek
>>59649986Still not zero you tranny.I'm waiting on coffee to sell again to rotate my Trump gains into avi.I bet you didn't make a single penny off of Trump because you were too busy seething and dilating at aviator
>>59650025Yeah look at his wallet
>>59650256he's still not sold any out of this wallet that has 200m in though... 0xC90103d6102711a43b63a4B1Fb7D9a76c04FFEacor this one with 100m 0x0E5d6aAd4C56cAF4CF0b28974FDfd327B6220540or this one with 20m 0xb5a142142419017E89F9Aa2963Df8519BA8c5Dafkek, have fun baggies while a pissed off whale holds over 4% of the supply, kek