>trump and his team still have 80% of supply locked and /biz/ thinks they're gonna allow it to be a rugso dumb
>>59653659Trump's team has serious money that can weather a small dip. The vocal whiners here are probably over leveraged or are eternal poorfags that can't afford losing $100.
>>59653659yes but they are acting like retards with no long term plan so i have to assume they are.
>>59653659board is being flooded by nocoiners right now who are only here to flex on "trumptards who got rugged by trump lmao" because thats what their youtuber ecelebs said is happeningalso a lot of them like to larp "i lost everything, I love gensler now". jannies do nothing to stop the spam. realistically everyone with a reddit cookie in their browser should be permabanned but that wont happen