>>59657991kek i mean why does he even try
>>59657999>reposting midwit garbageThat guy doesn't know what he's talking about.
>>59658021have you ever even tried to use ADA it is a steaming pile of obfuscated nonsense just like its founder>keksorry i meant to say :with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;procedure Print_Kek isbegin Put_Line("kek");end Print_Kek;
>>59658049>it is a steaming pile of obfuscated nonsenseNo it isn't.
>>59658049oh wait kekkek it's midwidt garbage i really meant to say with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;procedure O_Print is function Get_String return String is begin return Character'Val(Character'Pos('k')) & Character'Val(Character'Pos('e')) & Character'Val(Character'Pos('k')); end Get_String; begin Put_Line(Get_String);end O_Print;
>>59658065cope bro it's okay just let it go
>>59658073total fucking tatertardo
>>59658091if jew know then jew know