Alright lads, explain to an timer, what is the lightning network, and more importantlyIs it safe?I use the Electrum desktop wallet, but there is no mention of it, and all the guides I look pretty much skim over this.Do I need to the set something else up?
>>59661695Electrum is still around?
>>59661770apparentlydon't ask me, its just my ancient wallet
Someone please explain this shit to me, how come it feels like I'm the only one having a hard with this shit?
> Lightning is currently restricted to HD wallets with p2wpkh addresses.What is this shit? its not an option anywhere
>LightningNobody uses that shit. Just buy Monero.
Man this way more finnicky than I thoughtso let me see if I get this straight>previous wallet was too old for lightning>to open a lightning channel you first need to have funds (a reasonable amount)>the application needs to stay open and online until the process is confirmed>essentially its a IOUs between nodes(?) until changes get reflected on chain (?)