>dumps the least>pumps the most
Based and based desu
>>59661827>dumps the least>pumps the mostpiece of heaven
every single day it's the same thingI feel trapped in a mind boggling nightmare where nothing makes senseI am smarter than everybody, I see the world as it really is while everyone else is dumb and blindnot that i'm smart, it's just that everyone else is just profoundly retarded by comparisontrump just bought millions of link for the third fucking time but no one outside of biz is talking about it despite everyone seemingly being obsessed with trump pumping their coinsit is mind boggling, it makes zero sense, how they manage to keep invisible for years like thatmaddeningit is a scenario right out of some scifi noveli dont know how much more obvious it can geti think i will end up in an asylum soon no money is worth losing my sanity like this
>>59661844Checked>>59661877Checked and remember they want your linkies anon
>>59661877it is pretty crazy seeing how basically nobody talks about link and still dont bring up link on youtube or anywhere. Ever since I got into crypto ive been bombasted about stuff I look up, but ive looked up link the hardest and longest and never been recommended jack shit on it. Its enough for me to wonder if there's seriously a conspiracy going on. Now its pumping alone while everything else crabs or dumps, as if like the billionaires were just waiting and trying to distract everyone with xrp and other shit (not to say xrp is worthless) but for everyone to clearly always ignore chainlink and maybe give it a passing mention AT BEST is just utterly insane to me. But then again if there's one thing I learned, hype kills my genuine hype, and ive seen nobody hyped for link outside linkies and bored baggies fudding until they moon
>>59661827Time to catch up in sats>>59661884Too bad I will literally never give up a single one.>>59661910>Not using email/letter formatting when posting this image?
>>59662017sorry, too tired to think straight it wont happen again. also I realize the irony of doing it now without picrelt. fag
>>59661827the king of crabing. its unironically a stable coin
DR;NShttps://youtu.be/FjpJk_poaHk>>59662058its like 2018-2019 all over again!
wagmi boys
>>59662121>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjpJk_poaHkholy shit this takes me back
>>59662253looking forward to the bizonacci kino when we see $1000 LINK
>>59661827>not even top 10 by market cap explain
>>59662884NPCs are programmed to ignore it, chainlink is basically invisible to them, but its fine cause they're not needed
>>59661827after being max smug during the worst of the bear market, the methheads are going awful quite right about nowmaybe ask the pedoskelly in chief to do more retards tweets
Bit of a comfy bull innit
I'm surprised we haven't seen more unstaking from the pool. A 28 day delay before you can unstake is a long time in the middle of a bullrun when it hits, and I do feel good about link pumping really well later this year. Seems like the smart thing to do would be to unstake a portion preemptively. And am I the only one with a hunch that a new staking version will drop with a much larger pool anyway?
January 15, 2021BTC: $39kETH: $1kLINK: $21XRP: $0.30DOGE: $0.009January 21, 2025BTC: $103kETH: $3.2kLINK: $25XRP: $3DOGE: $0.37THE Cuckolds of crypto
>>59663354zoom out
>>59663354>THE Cuckolds of cryptono that would be the methheadsyou dont hear them much here anymore, but they are absolutely seething right now