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Timeleap and KNS are being attacked by a coordinated group so I'd thought I'd like to set the record straight instead of replying to hate threads.
A bunch of people were actively growing upset at deadlines being extended and others losing faith in the coin and selling so they started publicly showing their anger to which Pouya, the creator of the coin responded to explain his side of being constantly at work with limited resources.
They had also announced they had let go their marketing team which performed so poorly people in the chat were constantly asking when they would start marketing.
An issue with his explanation is that he isn't the best at communicating which is a theme among most people in tech and some viewed his response as him waving away concerns if not acting entitled especially later on regarding the statement about how as a community we should also be working to spread awareness of KNS and Timeleap.
A statement that most people would find reasonable for ANY coin including the top 10 since we keep getting threads about them.
This bunch of people would not accept his explanation and their anger grew to become more accusatory until it reached a boiling point where Pouya had to start banning them and even had to turn off picture posting because of the spam.

This continues on for a few posts and then ends with a FAQ pre-refuting old FUD
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This group was evermore upset because they felt as if they had a right to their outbursts with no repercussions because some of those people worked unofficially to help push the coin. The issue though is the way they did market it made it seem like KNS was created by a /pol/ poster making his first memecoin. The unofficial TG group itself was a mess being a straight up /pol/ free for all with constant racist posting and for some reason pictures of gay naked black men.(I'm serious about this)
They also claim to have set up potentially profitable meetings with other coins among other bullish things (claims which have yet to been proven in any of these hate threads but have been parroted plenty of times)
As a result of what they felt was a betrayal brings us here today. They are now launching a series of attacks making a ton of threads to keep people here from buying.
What they fail to mention is how good the tech behind this actually is and how they really can't refute that he is constantly working and has been for 3 YEARS. That is why they are spreading FUD about the team being scammers although Pouya himself has not sold a single coin to pay him or his team including the ETH made from the Katanas which doubled your staking rewards and I believe would be used for the mainnet.

TL;DR Pouya banned some people who got too angry in the TG and some of them took it personally and are now conspiring to kill KNS and Timeleap with lies and disproven FUD because they sold the coin and don't want anyone else to make money.
Why do you only market this project on /biz/? Why can't you market anywhere else?
i staked my shit so i couldn't sell even if i wanted to.
i would buy your project but i dont even know what the team looks like. how can i trust anonymous devs? what are they hiding?
pooya killed the project by calling the holders nazis. it's over
nobody gives a fuck even before all drama it was 2017 tier bullshit tech wank literally rlc 2.0 type nonsense
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Here's some basic facts for the incoming FUD (I didn't pre-type this sorry)

-Pouya is an iranian man from Switzerland who is the founder of Timeleap and completely doxxed.
-KNS is not renounced but that doesn't matter because it is listed in his official company application to Switzerland. This means that if he were to do anything on his end to crash the coin he would be arrested for fraud.
-The coin rugged - this is self explanatory with people getting anxious about the dropping price along with whales manipulating and swinging. The liqudity was not removed and once again that would be a crime and Pouya would go to jail. Those FUDers don't even know the definition of a rugpull
-They are now claiming the a team member is selling the coin. They are claiming this due to Pouya sending $59 worth of KNS 330 days ago. Right now this is hard to conclude whether or not this is a team member or Pouya paying a holder for a one time marketing gig. There was a team member that was let go after causing problems and not doing their job well. If it is a team member it is likely that person who was fired.
Funny enough though he still has a million KNS which shows that if this WAS a team member which this hasn't been proven, even he understand the value of the technology.

There are now efforts to market elsewhere that me and a few other are undertaking personally but I felt as if it was important to combat the spam (against the rules) here
He is doxxed and there is video on the telegram of the team.
You should go on the tg and ask about the team or go on the timeleap website I think there might be more identifying info
I was in the official telegram chat there was plenty of nazi posting but I have never personally seen him call anyone a nazi so you'd have to show me that
Would you rather sell at a loss or a profit? You know the techs good and with more people it will come back
How so?
I lost 80% of my net worth with this scam coin
I should have jus bought more BTC
I will probably kys
>How so?
fuck off shill
at least you had a "net worth" to lose. good thing about being a poorfag is that you don't have much to lose. when i see one project dying, i just move on to the next one. some people are throwing tens of thousands into shit hoping to retire.

i just want to leave my shithole.
This. The project doesn't have any 4chan memetics. The founder thinks he's too cool even to mention this place. Idk why he has goons coming here to shill for him. Weird attempt to recreate chainlink from the last cycle.
>bad communication
>failed marketing
>banning TG members
It’s a carbon copy of avi, and cohencidently, jay and co. was part of both. What are the chances that both of these projects performed the same exact way and are both down bigly hugely?
>only known on biz
Feel free to add more
Messed that one up
>Would you rather sell at a loss or a profit? You know the techs good and with more people it will come back
I meant to put with time and effort from the community the people and the price will come back along with fresh faces

How is this a scam exactly?
The 0 marketing and 3 years of prep work?
The fact that he didn't sell the coin to pay himself or the team? Not even the ETH he has from the staking NFTs?

So you have nothing but a throwaway line that when questioned you don't even attempt to refute?
This is what I didn't like about the hate threads people seemed to not ever question what was being said at all. That is how I know this was all a bunch of massively low quality hate brigading

At the end of the day I will keep supporting KNS and Timeleap while those who left will keep being upset and hate on it. They wasting their own time and energy while giving me the ability to further refute your hate. You are welcome to buy back in later and maybe even rejoin the TG in the future but I can tell you right now you will never be able to act the same way again.
This coin is serious and has so much potential. As always DYOR.

4chan has a bad reputation and considering how he is in Europe he may straight up have his company closed down if he was to just push
He is under strict regulation which is why he doesn't call those who own KNS as "investors" because the laws would punish him.
Even with these strict laws the bright side is that he receives government money to support the company which further gives him the ability to not dump on us even though the chat is saying its ok.
Also he isn't trying to remake link he is going a seperate direction.
He said himself that he doesn't want people to say "this is the new link"
Its an apples and oranges situation
Who cares about le natzes.
He just called everyone gambling addicts/degens and to not expect financial gain
let's not forget his sperg
>nobody told you to buy this token
>you're not investors
>refusing a multigorillion partnership
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>carbon copy of avi
Weren't they soley running off of hype?
They communicated with us plenty if you check the TG but as the leader he can't just be leaving his work whenever someone starts to worry and I'd rather have him work than reassure people which he has had to do on his off time.
They have also give us options to communicate through the forums where he gives a lot of updates

read the last part of >>59665276
There is also no proof of that partnership offer nobody has ever posted it so please post it I want to see
Brb I need to go do something real quick and I won't be able to phonepost because of the 15 min rule
Let me know all of your issues
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This token doesn't need a group to attack. The incompetency from the founder is the reason this one is going into the trash. Sounds like you are trying to save the price or get one last pump so you can sell your heavy bags.
I mean, I don’t know anything about kns other than that both avi and kns were shilled / fudded relentlessly by the same group of people. All the fud I’m reading about kns is literally the same shit about avi. Is it all hype? Kind of. They are a gaming project that built a bridge (that no one is using) so they delivered on something, I guess.
>and for some reason pictures of gay naked black men
Unironically it's because Jason Parser loves BBC. Yes that Jason Parser... Chainlink Thomas's gay lover. I hear he's in the Timeleap discord.
>constant racist posting and for some reason pictures of gay naked black men.(I'm serious about this)
If you don’t get 10% chub from bbc thugs you’re the racist
GitHub looks active so I buy
Look closer. it's all bbc spam
>This token doesn't need a group to attack
Yet you attack it. Seems like a waste of time and energy if you really don't believe it isn't needed to kill the coin
>Sounds like you are trying to save the price
Are you really asking me if I, a KNS holder, want the price to go up?

Discord was closed and I never joined it anyways not a fan of discord
Also I really don't get the gay black male posting but I assume if you are on here long enough it makes sense.

That's all I care about in the end. Hype men are 999,999 in a million Good tech means we can always find smart people with money to join. I am definitely putting a focus on reaching out to those who spread the word.
Fudders succeeded. the chart is dead and no normie will buy something that looks like that. they need to relaunch the token
same here, but instead of killing myself, I doubled down and halved my loss :^)

some time for you to accumulate then, if QAN could survive whole months of zero price during a hack and came back, this one is easy
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People are starting to accumulate again and now some of the community will be marketing it themselves.
Focus on building it back up and we will be rewarded once everything is finished and ready.
Remember they already have clients and don't need to spend the coin. Its all the community determining the price now
>That's all I care about in the end. Hype men are 999,999 in a million Good tech means we can always find smart people with money to join. I am definitely putting a focus on reaching out to those who spread the word.

You're a good lad. I am glad Jay and his toxic circle were banished. Pouya needs to hire a community manager for the telegram.
I think Jay is truly an evil sociopath. Please stay vigilant of the next project he tries to latch onto. I assume he will do it under a different name because he is irreversibly tainted.
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I would recommend you never mention his name or talk about him at all. People who are actually sociopaths love it when you focus on them.
Don't reply to hate threads just look for or make your own positive thread.
Don't get angry because those who get angry are losing.
Reply to ignorance in positive threads with truth
If there is FUD ask for proof and context. That sent the others running.

Even now the people who are buying in are buying way more than the small wallets that are selling
The price is rising which means either there is faith in the coin or we have new buyers
> I think Jay is truly an evil sociopath
As are most jews. They are known to be bipolar schizophrenics, and jay displayed that perfectly using all of his different IDs and personalities.
>The unofficial TG group itself was a mess being a straight up /pol/ free for all with constant racist posting and for some reason pictures of gay naked black men.(I'm serious about this)
See this issue of pol posting is notorious for biz marketed coins. Niggers need to stop posting here for all tech coins.

I have a 200k bag and this price is at my entry, don’t see it getting lower but I refuse to buy more as people like Korb are just waiting to dump. I’ll wait and see developments.
>people like Korb

Agree with everything except I would not call that wretched thing a "person"
We grew 9 holders since yesterday looks like the community marketing is starting to work

If there is anybody who wants to do some research on this here is the website
Its being updated so you might be directed to the old site

My goal is to take away any reason for them to dump
and in Korbs case we have until sometime in March
I would recommend you help in marketing because he won't want to sell if we are doing well by then
Sorry sir I also refuse to be a community member.
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>We grew 9 holders since yesterday looks like the community marketing is starting to work
They should list on auradex next, benefit from volume to be increased significantly, and stop worrying
What was the holder count around devcon, what was it before this sperg happened and what is it now?
The project will be a lot better without those chuds holding it back. Looking forward to a mainnet release soon
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That website looks like a high schooler made it. Literally looks like it was made in an afternoon. Imagine investing in a company and the only means of any type of marketing is from yourself, kek. This is bush league stuff man. How can people be so blind at this point. You'd be better off playing scratch off cards.
baggies that fudded avi to get biz to buy kns should unironically rope
AVI's github isnt even public dude.
There is 0 milestones for their progress. Anything they work on, no one knows until Stixil reveals what they've done.
This is the opposite for Timeleap where you can actively see and test their commits.
The "KNS is AVI" bullshits so easy to debunk. I dont even own either and I know this simply from lurking here and using their websites.
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If anons here bought a day ago while spammers were hating they would be up almost 25% today

Just sayin it could be a big help but I can't force anybody.
Never heard of that before and we are already on uniswap and our next exchange is supposed to be a Centralized Exchange once they have enough clients to afford it.
Cheers! Marketing will be so much easier when mainnets out and we can just show the videos of it in action
It was higher back then and lower now. All that matters is that we continue to grow.
Those are the same group of people who are fudding KNS now
Most people don't check the updates and many that do don't understand it enough to visualize how much work is put into it.
One of our biggest hurdles is showing how good of a product it is in a way that entices not just people to buy the coin but clients to work with Timeleap
This is why most people back then just pulled out this comparison picture
"If Pouya were to do anything to crash the coin he would be arrested for fraud"
BS. Pouya is within his rights to sell his entire stake whenever he likes. It would rug KNS and it wouldn't be fraud.
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Timeleap is a Swiss company not an American one.
The law would very much be against him selling the companies stake especially when he is receiving government money
Anyways if he was going to sell he had since DEC 21st 2021 to do it but he hasn't even at the cost of not being able to market Timeleap
your arguments are weak as piss. blaming it on nazis lmao. and that post from Pouya is just more awful stacked on the previous awful, basically admitted his whole team is incompetent, which means he is incompetent at building a team. several of you pronounced his connections at ICP and elsewhere, if he actually had any connections he would've been able to attract a decent enough team.
Thanks everyone. Just bought more.
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We are at 14 new holders today now


Prove it.
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>Refusing to buy low. NGMI
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18 new holders today

For the record dln doesn't look like this anymore its yellow with a black blue background and redirects to another website app.debridge.finance
I've since used it to buy more KNS and it worked just fine
What is the link to the unofficial tg?
There isn't one but somebody is going to make one soon enough
Can we have one without Jay please.
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There was a group, did it get deleted?
There is probably one if you just put unofficial in front of the coins name which I can't speak because its banned but its the full name of KNS
Token not needed
You're a faggot
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25 new holders today
This shit isn't recovering bud
Also, OP is Jay
Is Jay still there
He got kicked out. lol. He will probably slime back in. But any negative shit against the project won’t be tolerated so….
>9 holders
>advertise primarily on /biz/
Don't do this if you want your coin to succeed guys
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25 now

We aren't this was just fixing issues caused by certain upset people though I probably will make threads every so often
i'm glad you ate your words on calling nathalie a tranny. $20k joke though, i hope it was worth it. i would say you learnt a lesson but you're so deep into KNS now you don't have any choice but to pomp my bags now or get sidelined.
Get fucked jay
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I'm OP not that dude my ID changed a few times because I have a 4chan pass and occasionally change my vpn around for faster internet
it was never over we just got the chuds out
what's sui stacke?
i have 100k, i will gonna make it?
OP is jay who is playing reverse psychology on you retards. Yea, you all got baited. Buy his bags to give him and his friends another round of exit liquidity
I bought the dip.
100k is enough?
i want 100k dol.
If you (some random faggot who still thinks /biz/ is relevant) is in charge if marketing then it's over
0 marketing in 3 years and you think it's going to start in earnest now? If something has been around for 3 years and hasn't had any marketing then it's probably not going to ever.
And yeah it's not a scam technically whatever. It's just another token where the dev is so autisticly focused on tech that he does no marketing and refuses any sort of deal that might distract from autisticly developing the tech and so nothing goes anywhere, especially not the price of the token. You see it all the time. Not a scam but financially just as bad of an investment
QAN is a real coin with non-autistic employees
>Community marketing it themselves
Huge red flag
How is growth occuring if it was higher before lol
I have been rugged before by projects "Registered in Switzerland". If you were here during the 2021 bull you might remember Crescofin (WCRES). There was even a swiss nws article in french about it rugging kek
>i have 100k
>should I bought the dip?!

>I just bought leh dip!
>is 100k enough to make it?!?

0/10 bait, jay. Still not buying your bag fag
now show all time chart
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It's literally primed for slurping. The real value of this isn't priced in yet and you wanna talk about whales shitting on the chart? These prices won't last long
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Gotta love the FUD keeping the thread bumped

Good Morning Everybody 37 new holders today

So basically one person in the project was trying to rug the buyers but in the end they were given their coins in full airdropped to them with the new name FLUID
This was from a basic glance at what that situation was and that shows how you were a liar because you are purposely omitting that info
Seriously you FUDers are as shallow as your FUD.

>If something has been around for 3 years and hasn't had any marketing then it's probably not going to ever
*laughs in medicine and technology research*
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>Timeleap and KNS are being attacked by a coordinated group

Yes, it was a coordinated group that dumped the price 50%!

You bought a rug, now you're desperately writing threads about technology that makes no sense in order to confuse anons as stupid as you into buying your exit bags. Not gonna happen.

DYOR on what happens when a tech coin like this dies. You're going down to 1-5m marketcap hell.

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