free alpha, urbit stars are going to moon bc curtis yarvin was recently profiled in the Times, and the JD Vance / new right / tech-right wing of the GOP is ascendant. you can see it starting if you look at the recent sales and listing activity but this is not on anyone's radar yet[eventTypes][0]=AUCTION_SUCCESSFUL
>>59666516How long have you been bag holding your stars? I have held them for 3+ years. Urbit is never going to get mass adoption, shit is extremely user unfriendly, you have to be a computer nerd to even use it.
>>59666600yeah similar, maybe 4. i'm going to unload after the next pump. but a pump is clearly starting. look at the jump in the floor price vs where things last traded. i think i'll be able to exit at my basis or even at a modest gain when this is over. wouldn't recommend this as a long term hold but this is a smart trade for someone looking to make an easy 10x+ (this is not financial advice)
>>59666516>the JD Vance / new right / tech-right wing of the GOP is mean the jewish rightcurtis yarvin is a gatekeeping jewish supremacists who literally sees nonjews as hobbits unable to govern themselves. so the elves (the jews) have to govern for them
>>59667094erm... but the elves didn't govern the hobbits. besides, they're more like orcs than elves
>>59666516why is ~lyd selling tho?
>>59667302you'd need to share what your looking at, i dont see it on opensea. but possibly because tlon or the urbit foundation need liquidity, or it might have been owned by one of the devs that grew disillusioned and joined one of the competitor projects, i dont know anything about it
>>59668453i meant stars spawned from ~lyd, not ~lyd itself. recent opensea transactions show a lot of them. ~banlyd, ~botlyd, ~morlyd, ~norlyd...
Yarvin says there's no Jewish conspiracy controlling the US of A.
>>59666516More like moldberg
>>59666516>[eventTypes][0]=AUCTION_SUCCESSFULquick questionit says "ending in 12 minutes" does that mean in 12 minutes he WILL buy itor the seller has to approve the offer in 12 minutes?