holy fuck lmaocrypto twitter and reddit didn't find out yethttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGX831jDcNw
>>59666529Literally who?
I don't care.
>>59666590he's the guy responsible for million token last cycle, newfags like you wouldn't understand
he holds 47%....yeah, you can fuck off now and get b&
>>59666529Aight at what multiplier should I sell this shit? He'll rug just like last time
>>59666647you buy and/or fade at your own risk, just letting biz know in case it runs
i hate this guy so much its unreal
>>59666590>>59666593 (cuckold)>>59666647>>59666659>>59666791ngmi
>>59666805>ngminigga I bought some, just want to know when i should sell. this will be another bloodbath
>>59666529burn in hell jeeter
>>59666815sell as soon as you can take profit, duh
>>59666881Hm in the next hour? day? week?
>>59666881I'm already up 30%, but I think this could 100x+ like last time
>$6congrats you're up almost 2x and could take out initial if you heeded my warning
Last time with million token I bought some under 10, even at 3 dollars but still managed to lose/break even because I bought more near 200. I'm in.
>>59666529>unlocked liquidityFuckin yikes
>>59666529Imagine fading this again
What the hell why not. Throwing in my TRUMP profits. EASY COME EASY GO
>>59667041He had unlocked liq the first time and didn't rug, why would he do something so blatant? His only goal is farmin fees from the LP
>>59667061Then why not lock the liquidity?
>>59667041Like a guy who has been talking on youtube about his it career for several years will just pull the liquidity lmao
Lmao it is dumping lol >>59667061Well to be fair everything happens the first time.
>>59667000Yeah it's a no brainerI made a community telegram t . me techleadcoin
>>59666529Going back up fags
>>59666529why didn't he launch a search party to find his kid?
>>59667943fuck him
>>59666529>>59666529All shrimpshttps://www.geckoterminal.com/solana/pools/HWG32MdvNRx7z24iFXk9zo35H8u87A3ZTmusze3BUMHT
anyone else getting ridiculous price impact? what causes that?
>>59667992Try buying with USDC since the SOL pool is very small, not a lot of liquidity
>>59666633Holy shit batman fucking checked!!!!!!
how to add to metamask?
bought the dip lfg
>>59666529would drop 20kbut FUCK YOU this memeshit is fake afthe only one who gets rich is the person who created it