You should know. If you don't, then you're very new to crypto. If you know but it makes you seethe, that means you're a babby who made his first purchase late in the bullrun.
>>59667416i dunno, they're all bellow 100k?
Those torpedos are ai
>>59667416Let me guess, CME gap?
>>59667533No. The photo predates AI getting that good. Here's an anon posting it in January 2021: see this:, rightclick and click "View Page Source" – there you'll see: >","datePublished":"2020-08-08T01:13:38.000Z> 2020-08-08And that's just the date it was added to that "pinterest" site – the pic itself is older. The source is almost certainly this instagram: which is empty now. Here's a post on a different instagram of the same girl: – there it says "June 4, 2020". Here's her twatter, like her instagram also empty: – there it says "Lory Barck"
>>59668443Oh wow it's the retard that lives on 4chan archives again
>>59667429proper commentt
>>59668443I concur, doctor.
>>59668443Based detective
>>59668443Boobs didn't look like that ever. Then it's photoshop.
>>59669154Sometimes they do.