I got into it not knowing anything 4 years ago, lost everything and my life went to shit in so many ways it's not even believable, I can't even pick up the pieces of my life and re-do things, I've gone certifiably insane and I want more than anything to have my mind and life back, I had nothing before now I have nothing and crippling anxiety, health issues, facing homelessness, car barely functioning.The ability to cope only goes so far before you lose all hope.
>>59668427What did you buy?
>>59668427No.Actually Bitcoin saved me
>>59668430Are you asking that question genuinely out of kindness or to gloat? OP is simply one among the technical majority of crypto "investors" who got turbo rekt.
>>59668455Genuinely. I am new to crypto and don't want to get fucked.
>>59668430Only CEX coins but was attempting to trade after losing about 20k out of 40 during the 21 crash and it went to zero quickly.>>59668455It's a fair question but most probably ask to "judge" you based off their love or hate of that specific coin, it didn't matter what you had or bought during these times it was timing more than anything.
>>59668427Crypto helped me train my mind. My life is carefree so I never needed to train self-restraint, get rid of my greed, and stoicism in general. My mind tells me to find a way to be happy among all the stress that this shit induces, and I actually did.
>>59668427Many such cases
>>59668474>you all just got lucky with timing!you still haven't learned your lesson despite fate punishing you, I hope you learn soon
My life is definitely worse than if the 2019 economy had continued and I had just existed as a normal wagie. I would make gains, then lose those gains on subsequent shitty trades and never really made headway. If I had put all my money into bitcoin in september 2020 and never sold, not even getting into fantasies of selling the top and buying the 2022 picobottom, I'd be immensely better off. Recently I had several opportunities to make a few thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand but I kept selling too early because I lacked confidence. But what really pisses me off is that I keep getting interviewed, the interviewer will be like 'yeah we'll call you back' and then they never do. If you didn't like me, then don't fucking tell me to expect a second interview, you passive aggressive cunts. So things are just slowly getting worse, I have no idea what a 'stable career' would even be because it seems like every field is either full or subject to some weird roastieness like "no one will hire you if you're over 25". Like a total inversion of boomer society where they could just walk into any job, you can't walk into any job and places paying as low as 18/hr act like they deserve experienced workers.
>>59668491How do you figure it's not timing?Timing on trading, timing on buying early or cutting losses before it gets worse, by definition everything involved with investments is timing and time.
>>59668541Hopefully you get a good job interview with a company where your boss has a similar personality to you and you feel comfortable there, I genuinely feel for you real anons life has just gotten so shit.
I won't lie anon I got rekt back in 2021 AtH was 126k And at one point portfolio was like 18k. So I just pretended it didn't happen and now I just sold day before inauguration expecting a collapse. I have about 115k now. I was rekt and now I am free to await the next crash to slowly buy back in. Hoping for the bear to start
>>59668828Good that you got what you lost back, most of us just get lost in the wreckage.