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Realistically how much money do I need to retire at 30 and never have to leave my room ever again. I unironically want to be the guy in the picture. I’ve had enough of this shit society and just want enough so I never have to interact with it again. I already have 3000 dollars saved.
>I already have 3000 dollars saved.
You need to be 18 to post here.
probably at least 500k anywhere in the western world to live a very frugal life off dividends.
Most Americans don’t have 500 dollars to their name if you have zero dollars and no debt you are better off than70 percent of Americans it’s bad out there man.
i know people in their 40, 50 and 60s with less than $3k to their name
If you live with your parents you need less than 1k per year.
5 million is the make it tier
That's $200k on a 4% yearly payout
>I already have 3000 dollars saved.
I mean, it's a start
you're probably not going to hit any retirement level money by 30 unless you do something absurd, like you gamble everything on bidencockcoin and it goes 1000x, or you blow up on youtube or tiktok doing... something. like >>59669820 said, 500K will get you to the as frugal as possible bare minimum retirement level, but you should really be aiming for 2M and above
you should learn some meme skill like bookkeeping and get a wfh job. that will basically be like sitting in your room all day except you'll have quickbooks open on a second monitor
If you have a long life span that would require two retirements if you want to look at it like that. The first 30 years would be cheaper for you to get by cuz you're young, but anything past 60 will get more and more expensive, and that's without being put in a nursing home, or considering inflation.
Right now, you'd probably need 4-5milly for a basic life with a house and car
I just want 10k
That’s more than what most people make in their life.
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yeah. it doesn't help that /biz/ doesnt understand pic rel

hence why they think everybody is casually sitting on hundreds of K's

+ how much of NW is tied up in shit you cant even sell like a house
Being on /biz/ really fucks up your perception of wealth
10k is seen as nothing here, yet a normie would kill to get deposited a 10k paycheck
yeah they run demoralization psyops everywhere on 4chan (primarily targeted against white people of course). it also "never sell" coded. makes shitcoiners and gamblers hold for a 1000x that'll never happen
>Realistically how much money do I need to retire at 30 and never have to leave my room ever again. I unironically want to be the guy in the picture. I’ve had enough of this shit society and just want enough so I never have to interact with it again. I already have 3000 dollars saved.
First of all, BASED.

I don't know, bro, depends if you already own a place. Life can be very cheap if you're not a consoommer and don't own a car and have your own place
In most Euro countries, all old people get a pension, even if it's the bare minimum
$1M is probably enough to live a frugal life
I'd literally cry if I had 10k given to me, it would change every aspect of my life and situation now.
Just because one or two people repeat the same shit over and over doesn't make it truth.
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500k into any random easy 5% passive divvies gets you 25k a year which is enough to live comfortably in south america, eastern europe, most of asia, etc.
In other words get a half decent job or something that is hard work but high pay and save for a decade. Speed it up with investments but keep in mind you might also set yourself back if you make bad gambles.
Good luck.
Yeah easily
EU fag here. I have 3 millions and I feel it's almost enough. I'd like a x2 to be totally OK retiring.
But i live in a EU cunt. If I was living in the US I would need at least 10 millions.
Have you been paying attention to the last 50 years, especially the last 5? Do the math on a 4.5 milly annuity for say 60 years, with a house, and a new car every 10 or so years, oh that's without getting away from niggers, and try adding the cost of nursing home for say the final years.
It sucks I know, I've got @ least 20 years before retirement age and crunching the numbers I need things to happen in investments on top of just making ends meet to have a hope at a single retirement pkg that covers a basic life without worrying too much for two people.
If you plan to be solitary then a lot of this is moot, but you still need millions to cover 50-60 years like op wants.
Most here get social security but I never consider that because I don't trust the government to provide their end ultimately
>3 million is not enough in EU
... You're doing etwas faux, vriend
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>and a new car every 10 or so years or so
Of course if you live in a one bedroom apartment and shop at lidl you can retire on this.
But if you want a normal life as a free man (individual house without neighbors having direct view of your garden, regular travel, powerful gasoline personal vehicle, a few hobbies) then you need more.
Id be happy with just a crappy apartment at this point. I’ve already given up on a family or any hobbies as those are expensive. I just want to be left alone and eat relatively good food and be able to to the grocery store and back.
I'd be happy with 5-8k for a new used vehicle and 10k to have and to hold or something in that ballpark.
Well, OP wants to live like a hermit in his room.
Buy in $Trump auradex rn then u can retire for good
>Most Americans don’t have 500 dollars to their name
>it’s bad out there
All self inflicted. Most Americans are retards who can’t control their spending habits. They’re too lazy to make their own meals and resort to buying fast food form breakfast, lunch, dinner, and everything in between. The ones that do make their own meals spend 100s a week on meat for their barbecues that they cook on a daily basis. That’s just food. Then there’s all the other dumb shit they spend their money on.

I think a lot of people overlook medical issues. Life doesn’t get easier with age for the majority of people. Even with a healthy lifestyle, shit happens and if you’re American, that shit costs a ton of money. If you’re “retired” with any significant amount of money or assets under your name, you better pay up or they’ll take whatever is owed to them. You’re better off being a poorfag with gibs than to be a richfag who gets nothing
I say this all the time. I could literally write a book on how to save money but people are just retarded.
Most don’t have time to cook meals. Also fast food has never been considered a luxury pre 2015 back in my day 1980 we made fun of kids getting fast food because it meant their parents were poor bums a trip to McDonald’s or even eating there everyday shouldn’t bankrupt you
>it’s Americans problem they need to lower their standards of living even more not the government needs to quit spending and devaluing the currency to worthlessness
At a point you can’t say it anymore and we are reaching the point where working a over full time job isn’t enough or support yourself zoomers realize this which is why they don’t bother
my pozzed as fucked media outlets indicate that singles here in straya need to own their own property and have an income of about 50-60k dollaridoos per year to live comfortably.
How much does a hammer and a hobbling post cost?

Thats the cheapest way
>Just eat rice for every meal.
>Oh no health issues! How could this ever happen?!?!?!
>You MUST pay your medical debt.
Are you fucking retarded?
>I'm better off than pavement apes.
Untermensch level of thinking
>kill for 10k
Typical slave mindset, deserve every bit if misery they encounter.
>It's a jew demoralization psyop that I'm poor, when actually my $3k is quite a lot!
Get a hold of yourself. You're being treated to HONESTY about your piddling finances by people who worked hard and despise your absolute poverty brained nonsense.

Poverty is a state of mind.
>most don’t have time to cook meals
Anyone who says this shit is a lazy fuck. It takes me 10 minutes at most to prepare an egg breakfast with sides. A 36 pack of eggs cost the same amount as a sandwich with a drink at a fast food btw.

Lunch/dinners can easily be prepared at the beginning of the day. Hell, you can make a lunch for a whole week with little effort. Pressure cookers / slow cookers are a thing and they take minimal amounts of effort to use. Americunts can’t keep making excuses for their fat ass behaviors and unhealthy lifestyles
>Most Americans don’t have 500 dollars
100% irrelevant. Their fault, their loss, not my or your problem.

>Most don’t have time to cook meals
If you're in europe, if you have 400k, you can retire. Simply live off dividends and work a parttime job for extra money and social interactions, and when you hit 35, you can start taking out money from the 400k directly if you dont want to leave money to your children/family/etc
Retire at 30 definitely you're going to make 1000x galaxis or some memecoins trade, the fastest way is inherited
>if you have 400k, you can retire. Simply live off dividends
400K enough for that? How? Which dividends?

I ask as a yuro
Anon that life style is not good for you, remember to spend some time at the sun, and train st least 3 days at week.
Not much if you consider learning a new language and moving somewhere with a weaker economy
A million in SPY should enable this in the Midwest forever.
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I'd kill for 3k
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$1m, and I'm retiring to a 3rd world country. find a staking protocol like Kasu and Aave,
20% of that is enough to make me live like a fucking king
That is enough to get you free food and accommodation from the government for the rest of your life..

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