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lol. lmao, even
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Even with all that pumping no one will ever buy link
>World Liberty Financial, has announced an integration with Chainlink’s price feeds to provide data
lol. lmao, even
Wait, they took a pic AND shook hands with VANCE???
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>no one will ever buy link

Except the Trumps, right?
both trump and vance were just wax figures btw. look it up
if your iq is above 5 you will hold both link and xrp
and if it's over 40 you'll ditch the xrp
wrong, both xrp and link are potential rocketships but putting all your eggs in only one of them is retarded
would you rather have a 100% chance to make 500k or 50% chance to make 1million?
Except Fishy, Run the Juels, Chainlinkgod, Linkdrake, StinkyMcLinky, Swift, 12000 banks, WEF, etc. etc.
imo chainlink reduces xrp to the same status as any other chain and which chaneg is used will become increasingly irrelevant in terms of value capture. hence i don't buy eth, ada, xrp or any of it. the claim that xrp is somehow special might be true, but i'm not seeing it.
>have a 100% chance to make 500k or 50% chance to make 1million
LINK has yielded better returns than XRP over time, that’s a fact. Making a million by going all in on XRP now gives you far higher chances than going 50/50. $100 USD per LINK is a measly 4x. A 4x for XRP is only $12 per coin. Guess who has more chances to achieve that?
*which chain is used*
>xrp to the same status as any other chain

>which chain is used will become increasingly irrelevant in terms of value capture
Chains don't even "capture value".
If you issue an asset on a chain, the market cap of that asset isn't added to the MC of the chain.
The value capture is in things like usage fees and collateralization.
except who will use it... no one that's who
>xrp is somehow speci
it's not special same as BTC isn't, if btc launched today it would be a massive flop, it's simply that XRP is the big one with connections in the gov and industry which is why it's succeeding
>xRp cOin iS BeTter beCaUsE iT CheApEr
>$100 USD per LINK is a measly 4x. A 4x for XRP is only $12 per coin

The absolute fucking state
>A 4x for XRP is only $12 per coin. Guess who has more chances to achieve that?
are you pretending to be retarded or don't know what market cap is?
>Link based in Russia
>XRP in US
>Trump is hard right America first nationalist
All you need to know
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Nice try fuddie but LINK is actually based in the Cayman Islands.


>the more you know
>xRp cOin iS BeTter beCaUsE iT CheApEr
It will give you better returns. I'm already an XRP millionaire because I want all in 4 years ago
>market cap
lol. lmao, even
>XRP donates 5 million
>Trump takes that and buys LINK with it
but the script even
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>What is heavier, a kilogramme of steel, or a kilogramme of feathers?
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>He thinks it's bullish to get rugpulled by Trump and Melania
thanks for the warning, I will treat that as toxic waste
>that's right, steel.
>because steel is heavier than feathers
LOL! I can imagine sir gay waddling up to drumpf asking for a photo and him spitting in his face! So fucking funny
Enjoy it, it will be your only piece of news for the next year
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Attention all linkies, baggies and fourth industrial resolution shills reading this

Have you no shame, no decency, no morals or soul? If you stay your course and don't repent and turn away from your grievous sins, your souls are consigned to hell in the afterlife for your despicable, disgusting and evil acts in this life.

No one likes you, appreciates you, looks up to you, respects you, or can even stand you. Everyone hates and despises you and has nothing but disdain and contempt for you, even the genocidal tyrants whose eager enforcers and accessories in genocide and crimes against humanity you are. You are despicable evil. You are revolting to all decency and morality. You are a disgrace and a stain on history. You are foot soldiers and cruel attack dogs of murderous despots. Your names and memory will live in infamy. You will be pointed to as examples of the worst dregs of humanity

Linkies will stand trial at Nuremberg 2.0 and be hanged for your heinous complicity and accessory to genocide and crimes against humanity as well as your loyalty to genocidal tyrants.
Everyone alive to witness Nuremberg 2 will cheer your sentencing and rejoice at your execution. No one will come visit your graves, which will be nameless, or lay flowers for you there, not even your spouses, parents or children. They will be ashamed to have been related to you, married to you, descended from you or to have borne your name.

Stop. Think. Reconsider. Repent. Denounce Chainlink and ask for forgiveness for all the evil you have already committed.

Apologize to and ask for forgiveness from the innocent anons you've been oppressing, repressing and persecuting.
Resign or reverse course and help the resistance against the Great Reset which is unfolding while there is still time to make a difference and before you have even more innocent blood on your hands
>the Cayman Islands
Are not a part of the US.
xrp is indeed more popular/famous than link is right now, hell, even shiba inu is.

i always think of it like this, you go ask 100 random people in a grocery store if they've heard of bitcoin, 100% or close to 100% of them will have. ethereum, maybe 50 to 75%. ripple maybe 25-75%. a few others like solana or bnb would be up there. with chainlink it's closer to 0%, maybe you might find 1 or 2 guys into crypto who have heard of link.

that being said, it doesn't mean that in the future it wont be much higher than that. there's a lot of room to grow for link when it comes to the attention of the masses, only people who actually pay a lot of attention to the crypto markets have even heard of it and most people in that cohort pass it up. doesn't mean that's forever though.
50% of people will not say yes if you ask them about eth, not even close. You severely overestimate how popular cryptos not named btc are among normies.
yeah its random numbers off the top of my head, but you get my point. just plug in your own numbers but you know for sure that link is a few orders of magnitude more obscure with normies than most other cryptos are.
I'm not denying that, but I also don't care about them and they aren't the intended customer of link so mentioning it is kind of irrelevant imo.
>Banks and institutions that process quadrillions will use Link
>yeh but normies won't!
yeah it doesn't matter either way, but i am expecting normie fomo run in the future.
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>retail not needed!111
ah, that's why they've been employing "community liaisons"
they're going after the entire pie, but if it were to ONLY receive institutional interest, i'll still be rich beyond my wildest dreams. your little brain struggles to grasp the size of this thing, doesn't it?
don't worry yourself about that.
>they're going after retail like every other crypto shitcoin and they're also LARPing about institutional interest
thanks for conceding kek
> mentioning a bunch of twitterfags

go away
seethe Adem, you tunisian, dutch based cockroach1!
>t. the frog version of Ari
Wait are you telling me that the CEO of the shitcoin currently valued at 200b mcap of which I own 0.00001% of the supply just shook hands with the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF FUCKING AMERICA!!! I'M GOING TO BE A FUCKING MILLIONAIRE!!!
>Swift are larping about being involved with Chainlink
ok boss, whatever you say
can you imagine if chainlink had sergey running the bizdev the autist with all the actual adoption but they hired a public facing grifting hype man in a suit like this brad charlatan, they'd be unstoppable holy shit

chainlink has it all, all the gold but doesnt know how to market it
ripple has nothing but knows how to market itself like it has gold
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What are you even talking about, Ripple has the worst marketing imaginable.
>Except Retard A, Retard B, Retard C, Retard D, Retard E, a cooperative that has bought 0 Link, 12000 banks that have bought 0 Link, another group that has bought 0 Link, etc etc
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Major buys are happening all the time, retard.
>Major buys
>0.5% of the circulating supply
>Price is still only 50% of it's previous ATH
Oh yeah, those are some major buys alright, wow look at the price go! lol You fucking dummy. No wonder you're a fan of those Twitter retards. Fucking zero IQ grifting piece of shit.
LINKies have all the seethe and cope in the world "but but but but but"
all your whining and crying means nothing, PRICE.....CHART
yeah, exactly....LINKies get quiet REAL quick when you mention their dogs hit price action
Market cap of SHIB for fucks sake
>>Major buys
>0.5% of the circulating supply
In three days.

>you're a fan of those Twitter retards
What the fuck am I reading
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Cant forget this doozy a month or so ago. Its truly amazing that they let this retard speak. Probably why he didnt go to any of the high profile events this past week.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KE1koW8aRGo [Embed]

>moderator: recently XRP became the the third largest cryptocurrency by market shares or market capitalization sorry so what led to that specifically?

>david: You know it's really hard to know. I would like to think that people realized how awesome the technology was as a technologist but the technology was awesome a month ago. You know and we were still singing its praises to everybody who had listened.

>So I I have to think that a primary factor is the change in the regulatory environment in the United States but that's just a guess, I would be stunned if that had nothing to do with it but whether that's the direct cause whether that's a trigger and there were other factors, pent up demand, I really I don't know.

This is what happens when you let people speak about things they know nothing about, like Defi.
>In three days
Wowsers, it took 3 days for a whole group group of people to come up with 80m dollars to buy LINK. You complete numpty, any of the top 1000 banks could drop 500m dollars on Link in 10seconds if they actually though it was a great investment. 80m is chump change to any major bank or corporation. Lol at you thinking this is a big deal.

>what the fuck am I reading
>defends LINK marketing vs XRP
>LINK marketing run by a literal rat man who failed as an actor
As expected, your reading comprehension is minimal due to a lack of brain cells inside your head. No wonder sucking Twitter grifter cock is an ideal job for you, any other role would require you to think.
>It's really hard to know why XRP pumped
t. Ripple CTO

truly god-tier marketing right there
>>LINK marketing run by a literal rat man
Chris Barrett may not be attractive, but he's a Greek god compared to Schwartz.
Same way Chainlink marketing is absolute god-tier compared to Ripple's "Banks don't want to use us".

Pretty much everything you say is the opposite of the truth.
Funny how that name stuck.
Sounds like bepis. Penis.
>Sounds like bepis. Penis.
there are no coincidences
>Chris Barrett
>a Greek god compared to anyone
Lol imagine simping for a literal rat man who had to have AI generate pictures of himself with muscles because he couldn't develop any. Peewee Herman would have given Chris Barrett a run for his money in an arm wrestling contest.

>Same way Chainlink marketing is absolute god-tier compared to Ripple's "Banks don't want to use us".
You mean Ripple that manages to get more engagement, more views, more supporters, more buyers, and more market cap than LINK. Wow, great work Chainlink, getting absolutely bodied by a scam company that doesn't even know how they want to market themselves. That's like getting beaten in an I Spy contest by a blind kid lol You're choking so hard on Chainlink's cock that you can't even see reality.
>Biepum chocking hard on Chainlink's cock
anon that is literally his entire purpose
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What the fuck is a biepum?
>12000 banks have bought 0 Link
correct, and they likely never will, even when the Swift platform goes live. The fees will be passed on to their customers and abstracted away into Link on the back end.
Do you really much, anon? Seriously?
don't listen to this, marines. true link supporters stick to the team no matter what the competition does, we are not in it for the money after all. they can get rich quickly, but that doesn't make us feel like we missed out on, we give everything to the company and help out by doing free marketing. wagmi, soo
I am an OG LINK marine and I am just SO demoralized. I just market sold my OG Chainlink (ticker: LINK) stack.
this lol
then you didn't understand what its about. chainlink decided to bootstrap their startup with outside money, but they did not want to be beholden to investors, so they opted for a retail donation model instead. that's their good right, they had the courage to do this and are rewarded handsomely for it to this day. by selling you are competing with their business model, which is harmful. stop it
So you agree with me then, maybe you should tell it to >>59670669 since they seem to think those 12,000 banks have been buying LINK.
This. So much this. Any other OG LINK marine reading this should just SELL their Chainlink (ticker: LINK) right now. Don't let Sergey get away with it all!
if you sell now, you will miss the huge increase in price that will happen very soon. do it at your own risk, it's better to hold for another decade, you never know, it could happen any day
Agreed. I already sold my Chainlink (LINK) tokens and I don't think I will ever be buying again. It's a scam. I'm going for safer coins.
a big mistake. banks have been watching link and suppressed the price for 8 years. they forgot to buy in that time, but they will do it, very soon. just read the marketing material that chainlink is producing, it's all looking fantastic and the price will increase in short order. it's not because cryptocurrency officers at big institutions want to keep their cushy job, that's not it, banks just remembered that they wanted to buy the token after all, and it will happen, very soon. it's not embarrassing to say these things with a straight face, link marines will back me on this
I am not falling for Chainlink lies no more! I told you I am an OG marine and just SO demoralized that I sold all my Chainlink (ticker: LINK) tokens. Nothing you can tell me will convince me to buy again. Sergey is a russian scammer! Buyer beware!
when sergey lied about deadlines, it was only to protect his underperforming employees from the misguided outrage of paying customers. he's not a scammer, he's harnessing the spending money of the general public from a safe distance. it's his caymanian right to do this and all donations are accounted for by tokens. slandering his god name will not dissuade long term customers. it's not embarrassing at all that he's doing a thumbs up in every picture he's in, bank executives see it as a sign of strength
>it's his caymanian right to do this and all donations are accounted for by tokens
WTF?? Is Sergey from the Caymen islands or something? Chainlink is really worthless, I can't believe I held for so long. I just feel so good and free now that I sold my Chainlink (ticker: LINK) tokens. You should sell too.
the fag behind it donated 30M to trump
mystery solved.
no, i will never sell, because i held for 8 years already, and any day now the price will increase because the banks will buy the token, and then all this time will have not been a waste. i will laugh at all those that told me i'm getting milked by a startup that's too cheap to get a loan, they will feel bad because i made it in my forties. it will happen very soon, and i'm not saying that because i suppress every self doubt until i develop obsessive compulsive disorder, that's not what's happening, at all. never selling, marines know i'm right. i'm not lying about my entry price, i really convinced myself that i could have bought there it's not unhealthy to this
This is really the fucking epitome of all Chainlink discussion on this board.

A guy who is clearly facetiously talking about selling when he intends on holding, and a guy who is facetiously talking about holding when he intends on selling or never bought in the first, having an argument.
Link monkey, you are so stupid its amazing.
So anon was right people should hold both, the smarter people hold XRP as we know what it is.

Link is just an oracle, that is it moron. Nothing special, they are many like it and they have better tech. Link is just the first mover which is significant.

But as for you, you are a nigger and a kike, plus you are a broke fag for even fudding XRP.

Swift is dead, everyone knows this except you and other retards. XRP is literally on the management committe that decides what is actually used in banking. ISO200022 ever hear of it. Ripple is the only company on the management comittee, so along with BofA, Amex and all the others. XRP will dominate
that being said Link is a good hold and you will make money. You just wont have the value or the returns of XRP

You are still a fucking moronic kike nigger cunt who should fucking be gassed for being so brown skinned.
Is LINK even ISO200022? I can't believe I fell for this bs russian scam. What are your top ISO200022 coin picks, anon? Looking to put my cash to work here.
cayman islands more like gayman islands, am i right fellas?
>one millionth of total supply chad
>rebuying their own tokens to maintain support
Not a good look.
Really though.
I bought LINK at $7 and had to wait not that long at all and it's $21.
I'm a Rippler, don't get me wrong.
But LINK was $7 not very long ago and 3x in six months is not bad compared to 6-10x over 7 years.

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