I'll save you the trouble of scanning the image.... RIPPLE (two people) and HBAR (two people)are other projects (like chainlink for example) even trying?
>>59672779Avax 1inchFilecoinCoinbaseAre also there.
>>59672779Stinkchain fags been real quite since this dropped
>>59672779Do you really need to try if you've already won?
>>59672779What this nigga bringing to the game? Boy looks excited!
>>59672779>like chainlink for exampleCry more xerpie cuck
>no ChainlinkThis is fake right?
>>59672929fried chicken
this is a gay tryhard conference for cryptos that are stupid lol
>>59672779DAVOS has been a nothing burger for 3 years in a row. its just the hbar crew abusing the treasury to ski and go to parties
>>59673916I got roped in into buying HBAR last cycle because of this DAVOS shit. Now I baghold. Hoping to unload on newfags soon if the bullrun resumes.