Finance question.Ok so if you have a city with a shit ton of buildings that are derelict and you just publish your phone number and ask for people to publish bids on a building and then publish the list is that legal/kosher/insert ethnic term here/etc? If nothing else you'd know what the bids for the property were worth of it met the asking price or not. If enough people did this you could come up with what the value of the property should be. A sort of private equity forced mark to market.If enough people did this and the true value of the property was known you could crash a property market and force people to sell.Why is no one doing this in San Francisco?
415 590 0594Bid on any building in San Francisco and tell me how much you'd pay for it
>>59683378I mean so long as it's currently standing empty. Taking a picture of the building is bonus points. Wanna crash a property market?
Yeah I bid a gorillion dollars and have a 1500 credit score on god
>>59683373Personally if I owned the buildings I'd hold an auction every month snad then then at the end of the month take the highest bids from the last couple days and hold a party and let people choose what business they wanted by popular vote. I'd sell tickets for like ten bucks and have an amusement park if fair type deal and then you'd cast a vote for which business is coolest. Then the rest of the proceeds would go to good causes or the people that run the fair or what have you. As it stands all of the businesses are essentially an insurance fraud away from being a payout to some dickhead that's letting the property stand empty.
>>59683400Take a picture in front of a building and post a bid. Let's collect them. If nothing else it's a form of peaceful protest. Imagine if a family is like we have a couple million dollars and would totally pay rent to run a cafe here if someone sold it. And it was a serious bid. I want something cool here besides burnt out boarded up nothing. Don't you? Hard to argue with that. I have piss in one hand and shit in the other but it's so fucking depressing walking past that one cafe by the train station that still has the sign up or the beautiful Greek style building that has the Lego shit all over it from like years ago they didn't even bother to take down. I'd rather someone did fucking anything with it than it is now.
I have a dollar and forty nine cents and I'm bidding on this fucking empty bank across from the bloody fucking federal reserve. All the money in the world I have. Bam! Take that world.
Made a reddit thread. I'll advertise on a couple other social media sites. and the username is stupid but they can call me captainshitsthebed so long as I don't have to walk past Stalingrad in my way to the library.
Here's the ycombinator link.
if heating didn't cost a gorillion dollars, I'd buy an old broken down factory in Cleveland and turn it into the sickest bachelor pad in the world
>>59683400I had to look it up. Credit scores don't go that high! You totally tricked me brosephina.
Oh and I totally published this idea and my phone number on another chan. I'll do some more! If they don't contact me it should get the ball rolling.
>>59683658But I bet someone else is already doing this but they're not publishing their bids yet so maybe I'm forcing the issues. Muhahaha. That would be fucking sweet. DO IT PUBLISH
>>59683626Lol. Hey man if you're in San Francisco and want to bid on a building then do it! Downside is it's fun unless you're allegeric to having a good time.
>>59683811Lol I had to look up what gorillion meant. No idea. I suppose we could trade tiddly winks or wish real hard for buildings, but money is still what gets people to give them to others unless someone is going to tell me what their brilliant plan is. If you have one that doesn't involve money or living in Mogadishu I'm all for it. I don't even wear a yamuka or anything.
>>59683839On the other hand you could give all the buildings to me and then I'd audition them off to the highest bidder and then hold a fair at the end of a couple weeks and hold a raffle to decide who gets the building. There's be candy and beer and pony rides and everything. Until then this is the best idea I have not to let the societal circumstances I live in prevent me from giving a shit.
>>59683853*Auction clearly. Bleh. My phone is totally haxxored by dumbbros with the keyboards of lame metal. Whichever. osers.
Don't do drugs, kids.
>>59683875Hey man I'm not the one that marched through like a couple billion dollars of abandoned buildings to protest wars in foreign countries wearing dumb scarves. I was applying for jobs and bitching about scabies. I don't know why any of these other idiots have come up with this idea before. And yeah I suck at marketing but I was complaining about that then. It's an *idea*. But they're selling 2000 dollar phones that gold in half. Come on it's not a half bad idea either. Cool stuff is better than sick right? Like you don't have to like the guy that comes up with the good idea. It's a good one.
>>59683373I own all that, I do it to balance bank margins at the treasury so charities pay taxes and chaos is crime. That way you get one for free shutup
>>59683908Ugh well all of those spelling mistakes are because my phone sucks or which have you. You get the idea.Also totally don't do drugs. BUUUUTTTT (blech)You should totally turn Mel's burnt out cafe into a cafe but with throw pillows and a Moroccan theme with little bits of food in big platters and get a bunch of belly dancers and shit. That would be fucking awesome. Someone bid on that or call up some Moroccan guys.Come in that would be cool right? Who doesn't like little bits of food in funny plates and hot chicks with navel piercings? And sitting in pillows!
>>59683373And I get one decision from the town, from squatters vigilance
>>59683920I understand all of those words individually but I believe your weeaboo cartridge shot you in the make sense hole there spiderman.
>>59683928You guys are cashed :___ oi dickhead there is cashed and broke! Sell now fooools
>>59683938Lol I just say a war did all that damage. Hey, explain how you can set the house price in a psychological marjet
>>59683939I'm all for it. Crash this mofo and cash out right quick. Let's see something happening. I'm tired of this shit show.
>>59683947I do not know what this means. The idea here is simple. Everyone bids on the price of a place and then you publish the results. If a bunch of idiots bid it doesn't matter because then at least you demonstrate the method and you'll have people with money start bidding in other networks or threads. It's not complicated. Eventually you reach the people with money and then if little miss real estate lady is asking for one gazillion dollars and everyone starts bidding a stable couple of million then the market resets and people will know that the price is around 2.35 million for her place and the place next to it is 3.76 mil and so on. Once news gets out you start a fire sale as everyone wants to cash out as quickly as possible.I don't want any money. I want them to start selling buildings.
>>59683975I say you do the same thing. Take a picture of a building. Put your phone number out there with the same idea. Let's see how many people start talking about how much these buildings are worth to someone that would buy them.
I'll just make a thread tomorrow with the same idea if this does and then take a picture of another building. And then do that until people start calling me or someone else. Where's a bookie when you need one amirite?
>>59684018Follow your dreams. Start your own auction company and sell real estate for real. Have to stop using drugs first though.
>>59683373so you want to gauge public interest on abandoned buildings that aren't listed for sale? cool, go for it /biz/nessman. what's with the phone number angle?SF is a shithole with immigrants, shit zoning laws, shit selfdefense and firearm laws.
>>59683373why not write an app that operates everywhere doing just what you proposed? charge a buck for it
>>59687149You do realise that everyone knows that you're talking to yourself?
Get in>>59686854>>59686854
>>59683373You clearly have no clue how many people make bids and then don't follow up on it. Bids are basically worthless.I know a real-estate broker who takes $2000 for a bid and people still regularly backtrack on their offers.
try leavingexcept don't actually, better to keep your insanity contained in commiefornia and your harebrained ideas to sell real estate to random people on the street, over there.
>>59689903Two questions for you anon:1) Are you for real right now2) Do your fingers hurt from typing
>>59690139>>yes they fucking hurtAmazing
>>59683626uh no i've been to one of them.forget it
>>59683545Lol why did they remove it?
>>59683545>Made a reddit thread.This is the point where you should have killed yourself.
>thread still upOP is a /biz/ janitorwatch this thread get pruned now.
>>59694540oh /biz/ knows you're OP, schizofren. This board has IDs.
Can't tell if AI or schizo
>185 posts by this ID
Look how many samefaggot ID's OP has, proof nobody is on this board it's just 1-2 anon spamming everything
>>59696060Put down the meth pipe, you're some scammer or bot who's flipping out because he can't scam people anymore or some shit.This place is dead move on.