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File: two yukis.jpg (241 KB, 2560x1639)
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If Haruhi has a thread, then why wouldn't our supreme queen have one too?

Post Yuki, in all shapes and universes.
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testing tripcode
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god i wish to be this cat
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you will get a (You) if you join my literature thread
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two Yukis :>
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Love my alien queen
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both beautifull :D
alien-made organic humanoid robot wife!
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rememinder to hydrate
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Yuki thread can't die!
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due to my bad computing habits i have a new tripcode, if anyone cares
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Most low effort first page of Gelbooru shit, but I love this tread so-
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It's Yuki Season
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Пpивeт кpoликy:3
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that image is not very cute
All images of Yuki are very cute
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Yuki is cute but abusing her is not
It is a little bit cute
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also works as a wallpape
Get a better encode.
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Yuki-Chan would have been a better show with a cyberpunk setting.
yuki thread ain' dying on my watch
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Why does almost every image of "original" nagato fail to capture her facial expression(or rather lack of expression)? It always is some smirk, angry or confused face. But she makea no such expression but rather you can understand her emotions through her actions and what she is paying attention to.
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dont care + haruhi better /s
(still haruhi is better imo)
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why am I watching the events of the same episode over and over again? when will it end?
where is this from?
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Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuuutsu, I think
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this one is extra cute
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I just found out about this one and I'm in love
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