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Ara, a late New Year's gift desu.
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Stole my bump desuu
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Delete this ~desu
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Desu~ Desu~ Desu~ Desu~ Desu~ Desu~ Desu~ Desu~ Desu~ Desu~ Desu~ Desu~ Desu~ Desu~
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Please stop that, Aaron-kun desu.
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Go trace some metadata for me ~desu.
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What kind of convention is there for desu? How does anyone know to say ~desu rather than desu~?
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It's been years since I last saw ~desu
thank you for making my evening
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3/3 ~desu
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Happy suiseiseki day ~desu
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Enjoy a nice song anonymous, you deserve it ~desu
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Oh, how nice, thank you, thank you, but I assure you, I don't deserve it ~desu.
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Fucking why? You could at least try to post something new.
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Plenty of new art in this thread as it is.
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One more desu.
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good question ~desu
goodnight anon ~desu
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Midori Day desu.
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She is so cute there
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I know
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I really like this one
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desu a cute
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Anytime anon. Also, a repost has more value than a textpost on /c/.
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Shame we can never make another thread.
We? We? You never posted in the last two Sui and Sou threads, you only come here to shit them up. Do you really hate Suiseiseki that much? Or do you just get a rush from seeing the numbers go up?
And instead of deleting them and posting something cute and new, of course you will post more just to spite me. What a nice and faithful desufag we got here.
Holy shit anon fucking chill, you're acting as if the someone assaulted your mother. God forbid 2 or 3 out of 150 images are average at best.
Sorry not everyone is as fucking autistic as you are when it comes to posting cute pictures.
>inb4 more seething
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Suiseiseki is more precious to me than my mother, more precious than anyone, more precious than anything, she is the most important person in my life, she always has been. So, yeah, it's actually worse than assaulting my mother.
>God forbid 2 or 3 out of 150 images are average at best.
They are neither good nor bad, they are not new to /c/, they are from the same avatarfagging folder, and they are reposted to death everywhere else. What is the fucking point of posting this >>4338503 incredibly stale official art from 2013 for the fourth time in 8 years
when you already reposted it in the previous thread 9 months ago >>4255593 while shitting it up, just like I said? Look who's talking about being autistic.
Maybe I should start posting PEACH-PIT's promo stuff from events and collabs instead, it's not like Sui gets any art nowadays, especially after the doll announcement, right? Hell, you're just trolling at this point, get the fuck out of... I mean, kindly leave Suiseiseki's thread and go trace your "metadata" on /trash/. You have already shown everyone the depths of your retardation on /a/, to the point of spawning a short-lived meme on a certain board. I'm just posting Suiseiseki. Why can't I post Suiseiseki in peace? Please be quiet so I can enjoy posting Suiseiseki.
I would prefer if you didn't image dump. I understand your reasoning but I and other anons enjoy being able to have a relatively steady pace of posting in these threads. It makes it comfier, and I love refreshing the thread every day or two to see a new image. Having everything dumped at once doesn't let me savor each image as much, so I think it should be avoided.
Besides 4338503 which is a twins image and 4301152 which isn't even cropped correctly, I do not see a problem with any images in this thread. The truth is not everyone who likes Suiseiseki is as dedicated to her as you are. Many of the images which you say you've seen before I have not. The pace of posting is a problem, yes, but the images are cute and relevant. The vast majority are in acceptable quality.
Fair enough. It was the image dumping that really set me off. I could have tolerated some of it if it was something nice and fresh, but this is just stupid and mean, especially considering our current state of affairs, this is not like 2013 (when he first came here if he's not lying, I guess) at all. Either he's just trying to get a reaction out of me like he did last time, or he's just too dumb or proud to admit he was wrong.
In any case, he should at least try to make a minimal effort before posting here instead of dropping a few dozen random timestamped pictures from his 2016 /c/ folder into QR "to save the thread" desu.
Next time, politely ask someone to stop and explain why. Don't just immediately assume everyone is out to get you - why should anyone listen to what you have to say if you're just a dick in their eyes? If you start off as being a dick, I have no reason to do what you say or care about how you feel. Start with sarcasm and get it back in return.
People owe you nothing, no one needs to listen to you, and not everyone is as passionate as you are. A little kindness goes a long way.
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have a desu
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Thank you for your desu.
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she is beautiful here
she is so cute in this one I just want to squeeze her cheeks
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and straight out of live i never had sth. that fcomfy
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des indeed desu
does someone have the version of this image where she's facepalming? i think this had 3 edits

rip desuchan
Good riddance.
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Why, you couldn't wait for a Rozen Maiden thread? So mean, uuu
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