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Because there are too many girls to contain within one thread.

Who's your favorite pokegirl?
Who's your favorite pokemon?

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there was a bit of interest last time so here a reminder. /c/'s team will be playing tomorrow and you should tune in and have some fun! feedback always welcome as well.
more info here like last time
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see you lads in spring
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Cute Erika
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I've been working on an Alice parody with Lillie in the starring role. I'm currently up to chapter 7, with 5 to go. I've gotten plenty of positive response thus far, so figured I'd share it with you guys.

You can read from the beginning here: https://www.deviantart.com/mario72486/art/Lillie-in-Wonderland-Chapter-1-1018186654
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Read the first chapter. Looks interesting so far anon, good stuff.
The image of a scorbunny in a waistcoat looking like a distinguished gentleman is pretty funny.
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Much appreciated. I've had a lot of fun putting this together, and I hope to do more stuff like this in the future.

Links to previous and following chapters can be found at the bottoms of the descriptions, or you can just access them from my gallery there.
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Whoops, meant to put this image instead, but I guess it shows both aspects of chapter 2...
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Chapter 8 is up and running for those who wish to follow along: https://www.deviantart.com/mario72486/art/Lillie-in-Wonderland-Chapter-8-1034579548
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Chapter 9 is up and running for those following along: https://www.deviantart.com/mario72486/art/Lillie-in-Wonderland-Chapter-9-1036959980
How we feeling?
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Chapter 10 is up and running for those who wanna check it out:

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Not following, but it's always great seeing the creativeness of anons. Best of luck.
Chapter 11 will be up this weekend should you decide to have a look, and the last one is due out the week after. We're at the home stretch.
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Here's the chapter, as promised:

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So I've been going back and forth on what to do for the final chapter cover.

A while back I tried generating a decent image of a giant Lillie in the courtroom, but none of the pics came out well at all.

Part of me wants to do one where she's actually submitting her 'evidence' to the trial, as I have her magically pulling a letter out of her apron pocket.

You think that would work, or should I try the other idea again?
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Final chapter is complete, for those who want to have a look: https://www.deviantart.com/mario72486/art/Lillie-in-Wonderland-Chapter-12-1044233565

If you wish to read it from the beginning, you can go here: https://www.deviantart.com/mario72486/art/Lillie-in-Wonderland-Chapter-1-1018186654
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Bonus time!

Here's the first set of alternate covers I generated while trying to find the best look for Lillie in the Alice role.

Of these three, the one on the right came close to what I was looking for, but it wasn't quite there. I wasn't really happy with the hair bows on the other two (they reminded me of Mickey Mouse ears), and the way the dresses looked on those ones didn't feel right.

Which of these would you have gone with, had the final decision not been made yet?
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I love this flatty so much
This chapter took A LOT of attempts at generating something decent. These three were in the running on their own, but each had their own set of problems.

The first one's outfit didn't come close to matching the one in the Chapter 1 cover, especially in terms of the apron and the bow, although the perspective is decent.

The second had the same problem as the first in terms of the outfit. Also, it didn't really look like she was much taller than normal.

The third one was much closer to the first chapter cover in terms of the outfit detail, but the issue with her not looking gigantic persisted.

What I ended up doing with the final image was combine a few elements and Photoshop in other touches. If you look closely at the third image, the bow was transferred and edited into the picture. I also took reference of the table from the Disney Alice and added that to the pile.

It took a lot of trial and error, but these helped steer me in a clear direction. Which of these three do you think could have worked?

As for what I chose: https://www.deviantart.com/mario72486/art/Lillie-in-Wonderland-Chapter-2-See-Description-1020108341
Some alternate covers for chapter 4 of my story.

The real issue I had was trying to make Lillie look like she's bigger than she's supposed to be. It was another toss-up, as the tags were not cooperating the way I hoped they would.

The one on the left didn't quite fit the image I had in my mind. The bow placement was off, even though I could have fixed it, and the rest of the outfit didn't really match the previous chapter covers well.

The one on the right had its own myriad of problems. The apron was taking too many cues from her traditional outfit and didn't fit the vision I had. Also, she just didn't seem like she was any larger than normal. The painting on the wall gave me a laugh, however.

While the cover I settled upon had some cosmetic issues of its own, they were easily fixed, and it at least gave the impression that she was in the process of growing.

Would you have gone with either of these alts if you were in my shoes, or did I make the right choice?

You can find the 'winning' cover, plus the actual chapter, here: https://www.deviantart.com/mario72486/art/Lillie-in-Wonderland-Chapter-4-See-Description-1024691072
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It's happening!
Some alternate covers for chapter 5 of my story.

For this one, we had a few interesting things going on. Part of me had thought about including the Caterpillar's hookah in some capacity, as this was a prominent part of that character in the original book. This is why you see it in two of the alts. But given how I wanted to keep this as age-friendly as possible, I decided against it.

There was one big hurdle to face - the fact that NovelAI DOES NOT know what a Caterpie is. There is so little art of it on the source site, it's essentially left to its own devices to try and interpret what the prompt is.

I finally broke down and found some Caterpie art done by a user called AleximusPrime over on Deviantart, whom you should check out when you can: https://www.deviantart.com/aleximusprime

With their permission, I added it to the decided-on image in place of the pseudo one Novel created.

As far as Lillie in concerned, the middle picture was the closest in to what I wanted terms of her outfit. It would have just been a matter of replacing her bow and adding apron pockets. However, since I wanted her sitting on the giant mushroom, it was turned down. The other two actually had her on said mushroom, but the outfits were too drastically different from the previous covers to warrant editing them. Never mind the fact it gave her a ponytail in both...

Anyway, which of these three is your favorite? Would you have gone with any of them instead of what I decided on?
I know you don't seem to understand this: but nobody cares about your AI generated slop. Learn to draw or keep what you're doing to yourself.
They're not hurting anyone and it's not like their posts are distracting from the rest of the thread. No need to be rude.

Also you're on /c/, please provide an image if you're gonna post.
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Since certain people here don't appreciate art produced in certain ways, how about a set of commissions I had done for the story instead?

First pic is here, but I'll provide links to all the pages. Be sure to give the artist some love.




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Some more commission work done for my story. Be sure to give the artist some love and business, as they charge fair rates for their work.



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