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Appreciate bun artists continuing the flow of fluffy content

previous thread:
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>pov: you just got hugged by nanachi
but not me, I'm not fat for this pov
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The last Nanachi tread will be #66. Don't ask me why. Time traveler btw
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I can't wait for the new fanart now she's lost all her limbs
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fighting stance nanachi
I also wanted to post that!!
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This is what HE took from you.
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What is Nanachi watching?
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>didn't do as asked
Fucked around, found out. Now dead.
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Haha Nanachi is sad because DEAD
You see that face and think "sad?"
Anon have you been diagnosed with autism?
Anyone have more stuff of Nanachi in military equipment or dressed as a Nazi?
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By me
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What does this mean?
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Sars, can I have subtitles for this? I don't know how to download Xvideos
"Damn boy, were you frying chicken in there? For real though, you piss loud as fuck, I think that's pretty cool."
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What *was* Nanachi watching?
Liveleak videos
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What is Nanachi drawing?
Bruh, how can you not recognize Jujutsu? It's the biggest slapper & banger of our era.
hehe, my ip is not counted anymore
Nanachi threads are as dead as Nanachi, kino
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POV: Me on a date with Nanachi
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Important for every thread.
Leaks are out. Nanachi died a brutal death. Editor asked Tsukushi to tone down the gore on Nanachi's body, but he said no. It's nnaaover.
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I didn't invest anything and instead I extracted my $1000 from Yotsustock to buy Nanachi merch.
I hope you got yourself a bag of her fluff
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What is the ultimate Nanachi webm?
My favorite hentai .webm of Nancy
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Is this true?
No, that's pure cope.
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this is so funny trololololxdxdxdxdxdxd
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What is this supposed to be??
Some latest zoomer game
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Don't post AI slop here.
oh no i already saved it on my Hard Driv©
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Abyss.. home...
This is AI? I don't see any give-aways. What makes you think so?
You're baiting. But sure. There's the typical artifacting all over her, the way her arms are shaded is a different style from the rest and is also wrong considering lightsources. Her chest fluff cuts off weirdly at the corner. Her right helmet strap turns into nonsense when it reaches her knee. Her eyes are super artifacted to fuck. Her paws are mush. The buildings on the rocks are typical mush.
You're dum
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The story in the background says something about Faputa killing all the villagers probably.
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I like classic Nanachi
I hate God
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Me on the left.
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Wife art
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Is this AI?
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AI can't do that type of pictures
Bullshit, of course AI can make grainy, splotchy art. Furthermore,
>no hat horns
>hat locks missing the end ornaments
>right hat lock shading continuing into arm and back fluff
>cheek stickers missing the whiskers
>pants are wrong
>feet are just blobs
>awkward tears in various places
>many spots with indiscernible splotches
>awkward shading "decisions" on the face
No way this isn't AI
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both me btw
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That water is actually my you know what
i actually don't know, please explain this one
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Holy shit, Nanachi can do this?
I miss Nanachi pizza pictures
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Have some squish.
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Is this Nanachi bread?!
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is she okay?
She's okay.
Just need to gather all the bunny juice somewhere cold...
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page 10 already? On /c/?
I forgot to press submit

In this picture, Nanachi is picking out dirt with grass in it as if it was a chocolate praline
How does Nanachi celebrate Juneteenth
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>page 10
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Nancy looking at the page number
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