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hat touhou

last: >>4284399
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thought you guys might like this too
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bunne butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt bnuuy butt
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This guy draws the cutest Suikas
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It is her time.
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hello touhou thread. /c/'s sports team plays tomorrow and we also have a poll going to keep the team up to date and to determine our 2hu rep.
more info here if interested


so cute!
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I love Sekibanki
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Sexibanki a cute
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Anyone else here incapable of disliking touhou characters? I love all of them.
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I dislike a few, mostly the Lunarians. But it's fine if you like them, this is /c/, I'm not trying to start anything
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Can't actually comment on the lunarians since I still after all these years haven't gotten around to reading the manga. Sagume is pretty cute though.
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Fumos are the worst thing to ever happen to the Touhou fandom. I'm friends with one guy that's also a a fan so I'm always eager to meet more people who are also into Touhou. But whenever I meet someone it's always the "I just like the funny ice fairy fumos" crowd.
I won't gatekeep regarding these people as "fans" since it's ultimately not my business, and this sort of half-informed fascination is how a lot of people are introduced to the series (speaking from my personal experience). But getting excited thinking I might have someone to express my fixations with only for them to regurgitate some variation of fumo caption meme with cartoon sound effects is beyond annoying.
womp womp
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Based nonfumo fan
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