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How much does /c/ like K-On?
>The best High School rock band in the world!

>K-ON! Music History's Box (aka the whole 13 disc soundtrack) + Disc 14 (all Instrumentals) in one rar file.

>The K-On movie art archive was recently dumped online for the first time ever too
(Thanks to the anon!)

The Manga Super illustration book

And the Movie Creator Message book

Previous thread
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Sample only available till I get and scan
Again, sample only till I get hold of it
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Welcome 2 more new Keions (2 slightly reoccurring basketball club members that have now been named)
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I forgot them
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Shame on you
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Mio is cool
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The anime is nice but way too much fillers. Also it toned down the fanservice a lot (typical Kyoto Animation). Which is why I prefer the manga.
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This is bait
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Does anyone have that one image that is a copypasta with mugi in a monochrome background (I think) about how K-On is a philosophical work or something like that?
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There was also another one like this that ended in "Fun things are fun", do you happen to have that one too?
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Does anyone have that picture where they all drew on their eyelids? I thought i had it saved.
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thanks bruv
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Print quality seems to have been terrible for this one, but here it is
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I call police
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Azusa is crying because you're not posting enough pics of her. Might start up another thread soonish.
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