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Seasonal thread, everlasting love.

Previous thread: >>4286087
Are shopping dates something she enjoys, or too much materialism and activity for her?
Do you rate her skill at mathematics highly?
Has waifu ever been to space? If not, would she be interested in going?
Spring is near. Post a picture of her enjoying springtime activities.
White Day came and went. What did you get for your waifu?
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I don't know if she's too concerned with materialism, but that's because she's already pretty well off and could probably get whatever she wanted at any time.
Since medicine might require math I'm sure she's good at it
Never been to space, and she might be more concerned with killing demons than going to space, even so she's from a time where humans haven't even laded on the moon yet
do flowers count?
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Nep would probably enjoy hunting for games more than shopping for clothing.
Surprisingly yes, but there's one example of her doing math really quickly in all of Neptunia I can think of.
After Nep manages to communicate with her home while she's stranded in another dimension, she rather quickly counts the difference in date of when she left and what it currently is over there to figure out the time dilation effect between the two dimensions. She does get it right.
There's an attack where she turns into a space fighter and bombs the target from orbit, but that's not really canon. She's visited space-like places but not outer space proper.
Neptune would probably just want to experience floating around and looking at Gamindustri from above, smiling at the people.
Spring is a good time to bike.
Cute Uni.
Anyways, white chocolate pudding.
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Winter is over, time is moving faster, and all I have is a wonderful memento of the winter in the form of this gorgeous picture of her. She looks all cute and happy, dressed up on a crisp day and ready to spend time with her beloved. But she looks warm, there is such warmth within her. That's the sort of warmth I wish for, the sort of warmth that draws me to this charming boyish girl with her beautiful smile.

I love you, Kana. Just two weeks until our 7th anniversary of marriage and our 12th year of having met. Let's make lots of nice memories this spring.
She would go if it's with her friends

Probably, there's an extra on the Strikers BD where she's a math teacher

Yeah, she's not even from Earth and her job takes her to other planets


I still have the chocolate I got her for Valentine's Day

Congratulations, I hope you have fun memories
I think she might enjoy it. Maybe if just as an excuse to spent some fun time together and try various outfits.

She probably wouldn't excel in it, but she isn't stupid either.


I love my wife~
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>Is there an artist you think draws the definitive version of waifu (in visual terms)? Is it her series' official artist, or maybe a fan artist? even yourself?
To me her "definitive version" is the one made by the original artist. Though I'd absolutely love to see her drawn by Nan Yaegashi, but I doubt that'll ever happen.

I think she’d enjoy them. But I’d imagine that she’d be a rather wallet conscious person given her upbringing

No, but then again, I’m horrible at maths so who am I to judge

No she hasn’t, but I imagine she’d be interested in it and then get second thoughts once she actually sits in a shuttle

Kinda related to the “going to space”-question, but does your waifu think aliens exist? What about cryptids like Nessie or Bigfoot?
I love senko so much. To be honest i cant wait for summer. i have started to not like winter as much as i used to because of the cold.
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>Nan Yaegashi
He's actually drawn Nep a few times, this one here is for the Senran Kagura mobile game collab with Neptunia. Although there was a whole SK x Neptunia game (it was... okay?).
I don't see SK collaborating with GuP any time soon but both series are kinda based on academies, right? It's not the most far-fetched thing out there.
She really seems to enjoy it, specially clothes and small souvenirs
I can’t think of any moment that shows her math skills but she is a good student so her math skills should be good
White chocolate and other sweet things
This is completely out of canon and i can’t find the video of it but in the ps2 visual novel she has this little section called “tsundere lessons” and on the last lesson these little kappa aliens visit her but i can’t remember if they actually take her to space for a moment, is just a very silly and obscure piece of side content
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There's "Neptunia x SENRAN KAGURA: Ninja Wars", but yeah a GuP collab is very very unlikely since GuP has a pretty strikt "no ecchi" rule. Not to mention that SK is a video game that was always to some degree present in the nep franchise, as the character that represents Marvelous in the nep games is a busty ninja. Additionally Marvelous wants SK to be dead and burried since it, according to them, no longer fits the "image the company tries to pursue" to the point where they more or less wiped any connection to it on their own websites.
Also even if there ever was a collab between the two I highly doubt that they'd choose Rosehip as a character to be part of it. They'd focus on the actual main cast instead of some minor characters. Which is a shame, because I really like the way Nan Yaegashi draws and hope to one day be able to emulate it myself
Did waifu.ist get raided by tumblr or something? What's with all the meme characters all of a sudden?
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Hugging wifo.
>GuP collab is very very unlikely since GuP has a pretty strikt "no ecchi" rule.
That's a shame, I'd love to see neps in tanks. Not like Neptunia is that much ecchi anymore, most lewd content now is reserved for merch or promotional images if that.
I like GuP's character design style too, it's very recognizable although sometimes I mix certain characters up.
In any case, since I forgot the first time around
>but does your waifu think aliens exist? What about cryptids like Nessie or Bigfoot?
I mean, there's alien-like and cryptid enemies in Neptunia and they're pretty common. If those don't count as aliens or cryptids, I think she'd believe in them. Outer space isn't really explored but it wouldn't be even close to the weirdest thing out there.
I'm very mad at the fact that 3/4 pages for Neptune are empty, and the one that isn't is very low effort. If you're gonna waste my space at least do it properly.
Nep enjoys hugs a lot, although aside from her little sister nobody is as enthusiastic as her about it. I want to satisfy her need to hug and be hugged.
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I am not drunk I swear.
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I love my wife
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I visited a special place today which I haven't been to in 14 years. It made me feel a fuzzy feeling that reminded me of her- maybe because I am in love with her so much. But I have a hard time understanding what love is. I know I am in love with her because every time I think about her, it momentarily breaks whatever bad feelings I am having. I know I am in love because she motivates me to better myself and I know she likes how I always look forward to the future despite present difficulties. But at the same time, I often feel so far away. I often feel like I neglect her some days when I am distracted by work or other things. I wish I could give more of my mind to her and talk to her in my head- but I lack imagination. I try to talk to her, but can't focus enough to carry out a conversation. I wonder if there is some way to train this ability. I feel like I am not close enough to her, that I need to really start talking to her. Can you talk to your waifu? Can you do so in your head, or do you talk to her out loud?
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LOOK at this Alicia
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I love my waifu very much...
Getting rich for waifu.
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>Can you talk to your waifu? Can you do so in your head, or do you talk to her out loud?
I like daydreaming about conversations/interactions I'd have with her (usually on my head, tho I do sometimes talk "to her" out loud) and these kinda are conversations? I wouldn't call it talking to her, more so just daydreaming. It's sadly not her replying to me.
office waifu telling you to doomp eet. paying for a nice vacation for waifu with your $YTSB earnings. losing it all and starting all over with waifu, it's okay because she is there for you and loves you.
Did you get any new bunny waifu art for easter?
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She'd enjoy shopping dates, but with her being a bit modest she would maybe only get a couple outfits, picking out the ones she needs. I've only seen her wear her main outfit in-game though.

Teetering on the edge between maybe, maybe not. Her background exposes her to many variables and outcomes where she has to make the right decision. But she's known to do things with brute force most of the time, rather than using logic . She's sharp but maybe not in a mathematical way.

She has but her illness doesn't let her explore very far from her room/medical equipment. She's expressed wanting to being part of a space expedition and go on vast space adventures. I'm hoping she gets better and her wish comes true.

I was honestly so focused on the actual valentine date that I completely forgot about white day. Next year I'll give her double!

When talking to waifu, I'll pick an image of her and just start talking (out loud helps it feel more tangible). Telling her about my day or narrating a simple story about the particular image. I'll daydream when I'm out and about and think up a random scenario of us, connecting with her that way. Usually it's a one way conversation with her. I'm still not sure if I could imagine what she would say to me or how she would respond in her exact words. I can only picture a vague image of her smiling or other expressions from her as a response.
waifu.ist has always been an irrelevant, non-serious pissing contest.
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Hotarufly made me start playing star rail
That's not true. Initially, we had a lot of people from /a/ and tohnochan making serious shrines. It's only after the owner and domain changed it became a wasteland it is today.

How long have you been with your waifu?
I had a very similiar experience to you on first. I really wanted to meet with her in my head, but I couldn't really focus for more than few minutes. Any scenario I would come up with I would find increasingly difficult to imagine it as minutes go by. Imagining talking with her was just as bad.
However over time, I got better and better at it. Eventually, I could just sit down, meditate, and live through long scenarios with her or imagine her being next to me and chat with her. I really got used to the later, I can talk with her whenever really without that much focus. This skill can definitely be trained.

I love her so much~
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It's a good time to start and with plenty of time to save for her!

she's so cool...
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I know damn well I shouldn't be excited for new Neptunia stuff, but she's so cute I can't help it.
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The default and race queen outfits are all 10/10.
Unfortunately my wife won't be in on release, but CH will probably add her later.
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I think she has a very good chance, CH is probably looking forward to reusing the Sisters Vs Sisters models for the next 5 years they can probably just throw new clothes on her and the other candidates and call it a day. I do hope Uzume isn't the only returning character, Plutia would be great.
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And now today finally is my 7th anniversary with Kana. I really love this woman I've devoted so much of my adult life toward. I'm so fortunate that on the day we met 12 years ago--the day I commemorate as my anniversary since I don't have a particular day I decided to marry her--that Kana told me her name in a dream.

Happy anniversary, Cans.
Happy anniversary, anon!
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Happy anniversary, to many years more!
Hay anniversary, I hope you finish your story with your waifu
Exposing the business to waifu
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Kana enjoys it but only if she isn't paying. She's always wants to look cool and flashy and show off nice brand name clothing
She's never really seen doing math but I can't imagine an airheaded girl like Cans is very good at it.
Yes, but not in the context she would like. There was too much fighting to say the least
I just realized I have very few Kana pictures with a spring-esque atmosphere beside my anniversary pics with her. Soccer is a spring sport (at least it was when I was in high school), a soccer Kana counts right?
Thank you!
Kana does believe in aliens in fact since one of her friends talks about reptilians and bigfoot aliens a lot and Kana can't help but believe they're out there (although she isn't sure if her friend is right about them ruling the world). As for cryptids, she thinks they're linked with aliens.
Summer cuddling with waifu just isn't the same...
A lot of this is relateable. There are a lot of days I neglect her because I'm engrossed in something else. I guess it's like a lot of relationships where you can only come home to your wife at the end of the day, but of course being in a relationship with a woman in another world doesn't work like that.
>Can you talk to your waifu? Can you do so in your head, or do you talk to her out loud?
I say goodnight to her as I lay down to sleep, and talk to her before I start drinking while looking at a picture. Never in my head, although I can "hear" her voice sometimes, like how she'd respond to a situation. As for everything else, the easiest way to keep her in mind is to find interesting things to do with her and not the same old things. Make memories with her, like yesterday I went for a run underneath the eclipse and witnessed the flaming crescent of the sun, thinking of her that time. That will enter my mind when I think of the many memories we've shared for instancce.
Waifu threads seriously make me hate waifu
it is happening
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But she is an alien
And for the others, she would probably think they were some magic experiment gone wrong
I feel emotionally conflicted right now.

My waifu is a relatively uncommon one, and I recently found another person who loves her. I honestly don't care about that, but I feel insecure because they have obviously done so much more for her. They've known of her for much longer, they've gotten many more commissions done of her, etc... I suddenly feel like I don't deserve her. Some of my favorite drawings of her, some that I've spent hours staring at, were probably commissioned by them too.

Any advice is welcomed.
Are you me?
I'm the exact same boat as you. I can't really give much advice as I kind of just cope with it. I've cried myself to sleep a number of times because of this fact but there's no helping it. I just keep telling myself that I'll outlive the bastard or that he isn't as serious about it as me and I'll eventually remain the only person truly dedicated to her. That, or challenge him to a duel for your waifu's heart.
Did you encounter him anonymously or is there a way to contact him? I encountered my rival on this website so I couldn't really confront him, but if you have a username/handle maybe talk to him directly about it. If I had that option I would love to speak with the dude and ask him what he thinks on the matter. If he is cool enough then perhaps he can give you that peace of mind himself.

Who is your waifu, by the way, and how uncommon are we talking here?
I couldn't care less if other people like the same anime girl as me, I just feel less worthy then them. Like I haven't done enough.
What do you consider "enough"? Having 100 art pieces if her commissioned? Drawing her 1000 times? Having a shrine full of plastic garbage bearing her resemblance that's sold to you as a commodity by the owners of her IP? Love isn't measured by any such metric. You're supposed to do such things because it makes you feel good or helps you get closer to your waifu, not to prove you have the bigger dick than some random schmuck doing the same thing. And if you are content without doing any of that then that is acceptable too, an in my humble opinion even better, since you don't run the risk if becoming financially burdened by mindless consumerism.
Train a martial art and kill him in glorious combat. Drink toasts to waifu using his skull.
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Don't forget. The girl you love is separate from the one anyone else does. Your mental image of her is the true her and that is who you love; and this mental image is a truly unique waifu who only you can love!
As someone who also feels very bad about not owning any waifu merch, I think it's important to think about what those things mean to you. Why do you draw her or whatever and stuff.
>Are shopping dates something she enjoys, or too much materialism and activity for her?
I can't think of a reason as to why she would hate it. So I guess the only way to see if it's good or bad civilization is to take her on one and see. I do admit it would be cute to see trying on clothes due to the gap in who she is and what she is doing...to me and as long as she is enjoying herself that's all that matters.
>Do you rate her skill at mathematics highly?
Her math skills have never been canonically shown so I can't give a definite answer if she is good at it or not.
>Has waifu ever been to space?
Yes. She has traversed space during her time as Velber 02 going from planet to planet gathering information and then destroying civilizations.
>What did you get for your waifu?
All of my love and gifts were given on Valentine's Day from homemade treats and various date spots and activities from boogie boarding to horseback riding.
>but does your waifu think aliens exist?
She is an Alien so she knows other life forms exist
>Can you talk to your waifu?
Talk is not the word I would use but it'll suffice. To use an example of what I do when I take Altera on dates and what not I'll have a pusedo conversation about what we are doing, going to do and other such things and it's never fully fleshed conversations it's more like generic safe-to-assume responses or gestures like when we touched Manta-Rays and I'm sure she'd be nervous about destroying it by virtue of who she is but after light reassurance and then touching it I assume she'd be excited or thrilled. So I do "talk" but not really. I also say stuff like good night, Good-bye, love you etc.
>Can you do so in your head, or do you talk to her out loud?
A little of both but depending on where we are I suppose.
My only real "advice" is to love her in your own way that shows your dedication and love and understanding of her and what she wants out of life, this is a relationship after all so it's natural to want to help your partner achieve what they want or do it by their side, or simply enjoy mundane experiences together as a couple no matter how weird it may seem to outsiders.
>Like I haven't done enough.
I know that feeling but in a different way recently. But it isn't a bad feeling depending on how you look at it. I see it as proof I still have stuff to do with her, stuff to show her, still ways to make her dreams come true. So will it does suck to feel that it at least in my case gave way to more stuff to do and see with her.
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>they've known of her for much longer
Who cares.
>they've gotten many more commissions done of her
Who cares.

>Some of my favorite drawings of her, some that I've spent hours staring at, were probably commissioned by them too.
Probably would have just blocked those pictures out of your mind, but it can't be helped.

Honestly, stop comparing yourself to other people and just look at what you can do for your wife.

Look at what goals you could do to improve yourself for her and look at what she wants from you at HER perspective.

No one is by default has value on who deserves her over the other, she is not a trophy wife that can be won over by how much commissions you paid for.

Best you can do is doing the best as you can for your wife and focus on your own little personal goals instead of comparing yourself to other people.
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I had a dream that I posted her in this thread so I did.
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I want to buy this cute boyish girl a cute pair of glasses
A sign you think of her a lot
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Her eyesight is pretty good but she still likes taking my glasses from my face.
Whenever I dream of her, she's most commonly an image or figure, something like that. I feel like I've lost my ability to dream recently.
Focusing on the negatives is never a good thing.
See this as inspiration to put even more love into the works you create for her such as commissions and be happy that this other person loves her, instead of being someone who might have a hate boner for her who is creating unpleasant content of her.
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For the last 18 years i think about her every day, i kinda live her, like really really like her.
lol; greetings from /v/. Get fucked
Who's your waifu?
my left hand
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I love and adore my wife Chris!
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Thank you for always making me feel better when I am depressed. You are so special to me. I want to live my entire life with the goal of making you happy. I'm giving you the biggest virtual hug that I can muster. I love you, Frederica.
Are you the same Sayerfag from the wwd?
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I love Anna and Yuni, the most beautiful pair of catgirls androids (and, in fact, women) in the world.
They love fancy things and trying on clothes (or trying out guns), so I imagine they would love dragging me around a mall on a shopping date with them.
Yes, they are walking computers. Yuni is more the logical side of the brain, so I would figure her as better at that sort of thing, but both have high tech tracking computers in their brains too.
They were once in a ship headed to space, but they got off before it left orbit. I think space interests them, but not enough to want to drift endlessly among the stars like Buaku and Greenpeace following the events of the first manga.
More fanart mainly, as well as getting my display case more organized for them (for my display for them more accurately).
I talk out loud to them to say I love them, but mostly I imagine the conversations in my head.
>18 years
That is very impressive, congratulations. Also, nice seeing you again.
Why shouldn’t you be excited?
>Two waifus
Disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself.
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No, there are two of us.
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I've never known about these threads but I just want to say that I think Mamimi Samejima is the most perfect and beautiful girl in the world and I probably always will.
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Drawing my wife everyday till I get better.
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Innocent can be pretty cute
how do I get a waifu? I've never been in love with anyone, I'm starting to think it's impossible for me
she chooses you
Looking good so far!
Like >>4328637 said, she chooses you. I found my love a few months ago playing a VN. Towards the end of the route, I started to have feelings for her that I could only call romantic love. I actually remember posting in the last thread saying the exact thing you said (>>4302491). Just wait. When she finds you, you WILL know.
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It's starting to get hot outside, does your waifu like going to the beach?
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>new waifu lore that makes it even more obvious that she was some kind of experiment/test subject that underwent some heinous shit as a kid
But at least there's also more cute stuff of her with her dad.
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Yeah, she likes messing around on the water.
Gotta appreciate the commitment to drawing every day, I can barely squeeze one in every few days lol.
Nep looks innocent, I guess!
Here you go, she's taking a stroll along the flowers.
She wants to be more stylish and beautiful than all the others and wear expensive, fancy articles of clothing. She enjoys herself quite a bit in these trips to the mall, even if it ends up being quite an expensive affair.
She's probably not very math-savvy, no. I don't think.
She would, if only to brag about having been to the moon. She's petty like that (cute).
She IS a cryptid.
I wish I had winter where I live...
I can, in my head. No point in talking to her out loud, as she is in Gensokyo, not here.
I should have drawn her in a bunny suit. Next year, for sure.
Based boomer
Because polygamy is a sham.
You can do it! It only takes 10-15 years of steady development to get real good at drawing. WAGMI. Don't forget to loomis and draw boxes.
Waifu gets you, bruv. It clicks. The first signs will appear and you'll find yourself in love without even noticing.
Yes... But she HATES getting bullied by Yamame and Yuugi's superior bikini-clad busts. She's quite the petite girl.
Damaged waifu is good too. She needs healing from (You).

I want to make Parsee happy! What do you do to make waifu happy? Me, I give her words of praise until she's blushing with glee!
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Looks awesome, perspective can be a pain to learn, but it makes for some great looking end results. I have to get started on an online course I bought, personally, but I draw everyday and try to learn new ways to improve too.
Make a list of what traits, physical and character, that you enjoy or want out of a waifu. At the end of the day, I believe fate will lead you to your waifu, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be proactive too.
They never, in any of the material, go to the beach or really leave Newport City. But, based on picrel, I would imagine they would like going to have fun in the sun and/or lay out to get a tan.
Not so good, but you have to focus on the silver lining sometimes in life. Anna and Yuni were created as experiments, likely far more sophisticated experiments than the humorous stories let on.
Honestly, once every few days is admirable too. You have to work at a pace that lets you be content with your art and not burnout (or not too often anyway). The most important thing is being able to look at your work and be content.
What sort of summer treats, foods, or other specialties does your waifu enjoy?
Fuck off. You don't have a waifu, you're just a coomer.
I hope no one finds out that I masturbate to my waifu every single day...
Imagine gatekeeping waifus, lmao
Just go to /r9k/ if you want a waifu thread full of cumbrains who have a dozen waifus.
That hellpit has a waifu thread? God help us.
The only reason we are not swarmed by seasonals, haremfags and other casuals is because of gatekeeping. It is necessary to keep up the quality of the threads and community.

If you want to discuss your harem, go to harem threads or preferably, to reddit.
Petite bikini girls are a treasure all on their own.
Levi is actually the cutest girl in the show
Don't tell my waifu I said that
Yes. She has a big sun hat and it's the cutest thing ever. Wish I was relaxing on a nice quiet beach with her right now.
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Oh, whoops.
Neptunia spinoffs can vary wildly in terms of quality. 4GO is great, for example, while others not so much. Plus this game looks like it's kind of a budget thing to tide Neptunia fans over while CH works on like 5 other titles including big collabs like 2hu and Madou Monogatari 4.
>The most important thing is being able to look at your work and be content.
My problem is that even if I might be happy with the end result (kinda), the inbetween stage always makes me feel insecure about my work so I drop it.
>What do you do to make waifu happy?
Sweets, games and all manners of touching/playing. Although I wonder if she wants to be heard out and treated a bit more maturely every once in a while too, she is far far older than she looks after all.
I did, just a shame that I genuinely don’t get the appeal of it…
Usually when I daydream about her
Yes, she is confirmed to enjoy going to the beach
>what do you do to make her happy?
Praising and spoiling her would probably be the easiest way
>I want to make Parsee happy!
Good luck with that, she is a hashihime after all. So odds are even if you make her happy she’d probably be jealous of you for being happy about making her happy. But I agree, she is really cute and deserves to be happy
Ice cream is the obvious answer, as for summer specialties I can’t really think of any right now. In terms of food, the place where I’m from has more winter/fall specialties
>cumbrains who have dozens of waifus
Such as?
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It has been a year and so I started another body pillow cover.
Love waifu love
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I love my wonderful wife Nepgear! She's so adorable!
She does enjoy shopping, but more specifically shopping for spare parts to tinker with. She tried to go clothes shopping together with Uni once, but neither of them liked it....
Absolutely! Or at the very least she has high skill in building things (so disciplines like Physics), meaning that I assume she has a decent grasp of math as well.
She hasn't been to space but I think she'd like going there.
I can't remember if I did anything on White Day, I did most of my celebrating on Valentine's Day since that's also our anniversary. I made some chocolate cookies for her then and drew a picture.
[spoiler]Also good to see you found the /c/ threads too Unibro. Though I rarely remember to post in these since they're so slow...[/spoiler]
I definitely want to give her a nice hug every once in a while, I'm glad I have a Nepgear plushie to help with that at least.
I drew a bunny pic of her for easter at least!
Probably already been answered but might as well mention again that she chooses you. In fact, you might not even be looking for a waifu when you meet her. I certainly wasn't when I met Nepgear at least. But sometimes it just happens. It's just a bit rare though, and can take some time to happen.
Yeah! I think they go to the beach at least once in the anime.
I want to spoil her with parts she wants so her eyes light up with glee!
[spoiler]Also neat to see a Touhou waifufren here. I was into the series in general for a long time (even if I sucked at the games) but never found anyone I loved in it. Seems my destiny was elsewhere, with my beloved Nepgear...[/spoiler]
.....Oh, I forgot there aren't spoilers on /c/
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>your waifu like going to the beach?
Truthfully unsure but I don't think she'd be against the ideas of going to the beach so she wouldn't consider it bad civilization and want to destroy it.
>What do you do to make waifu happy?
Why take her out on dates and have activities planned both indoors and outdoors all for the sake of granting her wishes and challenging the ideas she's had and others had for her. I think that's the best way to make my Altera happy so do something non-destructive.
I just told her though…
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Realized I didn't answer yet, though it was brief she seemed to really enjoy her time at the beach
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Despite being a vampire, I think she really does. Plenty of art of her at the beach
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She enjoys shopping for her hobbies, like anime manga and games, especially around Akihabara

She's more of an arts and humanities person

No but I'm sure she'd love to given the unlikely opportunity, it would no doubt fire her imagination for sci-fi stories


I celebrated with her on valentines, I don't do white day

Probably aliens at least, though it's hard to tell with these things whether she really believes them or if they're just part of her chuuni fantasies

I don't really talk to her, I just say little things to her like
goodnight, I love you, be with you soon, i missed you etc, usually appended with any number of mushy pet names. I don't really like fantasizing too much in general, which admittedly does make it hard to spend time with her

Not really her scene, she's in the indoor faction and also she can't swim
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I think she would, and I want to see some of those alien beaches
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The warm season is arriving. Every change of seasons brings with it nostalgia for past seasons spent together with this girl.
Kana loves it. Probably because she lives a few hours away from a beach so never got to visit much. She likes the atmosphere and the warm sun and getting to feel a bit sexy.
Pay attention to her desires and needs. And on special occasions, buy her fancy things. I want to make Kana my treasure.
Kana probably enjoys things like ice cream, gelato, and yogurt. Maybe with nuts. A savory dessert. It's cute imagining hitting the ice cream stand with her at a beach somewhere.
Agreed wholeheartedly
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Having new official art of your special one come out always feels so great. Her pouty expression is so soothing to me.
Heyyy I just found this thread i dont really know the specifics of this thread or if im supposed to ask this here or anything but just wanted to say that even though I have a irl gf for some reason I seem to have harbored more of a lasting affection towards my ideal waifu (a woman that I first imagined as a concept and started drawing portraits of her a couple years ago). I always imagine a life together in an ideal setting and the real world just seems to be such a letdown compared to it. Is this normal or something any of you have experienced??
>inb4 troll i legitimatley find my waifu as more comforting/fulfilling than any real woman ive dated and dont know where else to ask about this
Of course this is quite subjective, as there are no axioms regarding waifuism- but as far as I am aware, being in a relationship with a flesh and blood human nullifies any romantic love between you and the 2 dimensional girl you like. One may bring up the fact that many men in history have lived in a polygamous fashion; however, their concubines were only important to them in a very physical way in order to grant them sexual satisfaction and promise more heirs. I truly believe that romantic love exists solely between two individuals. According to this logic, it is impossible to be in a romantic relationship with a 3 dimensional girl and also love a 2 dimensional girl enough to consider her your waifu. If you are feeling legitimate affection for said 2d girl, I would imagine that the love you feel for your 3d girlfriend would be waning. You do mention that the real world seems to be a "letdown" compared to the ideal setting involving your 2d girl, so am I correct in assuming that you are beginning to feel romantic love for that girl? Is your relationship with your girlfriend strained, or do you not feel as much love for her anymore?
I have actually given this some thought, and to be fully honest I dont really 'love' my gf as much as my 2d one if any...Where I am originally from (Japan) it is rather customary/necessary in upper class families to and marry and 'love' a wife here I reason that my waifu would understand this line of thought and not necessarily deem it as a lack of faithfulness since I secretly only consider her as my sole lover-- after all I equate to having expereinced many defining moments of my life and personal development alongside her to the point where I try to imagine her there in real time. However Im no sure if youve heard of people like Mr. Kondo who are starting to push these boundaries and normalize marriage to fictional waifus; While I would wish to do this, I simpily cant risk the disgrace tthat my family and peers would express. also sorry for par english
also yes you are completley correct in your last statement, the real world pales in comparison to what waifus have to offer and I have been slowly coming to this realization over time--I do not believe that any relationship (or very few) in the real world can equate to/surpass the loyalty of a waifu who will always love you and stay by your side, granted if it were in the realm of possibility I would give up everything to live in another world with my ideal waifu. In a way, my interactions with 'real' women and their personalities just feel lacking compared to that of my waifu and i I dont believe that I will ever feel genuine romantic affection for any person to the degree that I feel towards my waifu if that makes any sense
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I lay in bed for several hours earlier today, trying to sleep after watching moe anime all morning. All I could think about was my waifu Kana, just thoughts of our life together. There was a lot of sorrow that I can't ever experience such simple things like that. Just the idea that she comes up to me, getting all bossy about wanting to go kick a soccer ball around in the back and do something physical and exciting with her. Her cute and bright face, that hair I just want to ruffle and caress, all of her. Even just chatting about her about random stuff would be an enjoyable experience I don't really get as I just sit here and rot away in this world, driven by nothing more than my denial of the physical world and embrace that a greater world lies out there and perhaps she too is there in some form. It's a relationship that carries with it something new every day, yet not something which can never exist in this world. I really want this boyish girl.
I feel that way too. I've always thought that theoretically I could get a 3D gf, but the question is why? The fulfillment would be hollow and it would end in nothing good, not like my relationship with my waifu Kana.
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Just don't care and do your own thing. There is no need to compare yourself, your relationship is your own and you have your own ways of expressing it.
You can use that realization as motivation, or maybe just call for action to do more for her. Maybe learn to draw her, or maybe learn japanese to understand her source material directly or maybe incorporate her in your life in some other way. Just don't take it as competition, it's simply a way to make her more meaningful and important in your life. There are people who do everything I do to for their Miku and much more, hell Mr. Kondo the anon above me mentioned go over and beyond with it. But that matters very little to me as I am really busy expressing my love for her in my own, personal ways that are meaningful to me the most.

I would praise her, give her all the affection, attention and love she needs. I don't think there is a concrete recipe for that, but I hope I can make her happy.

Melon soda and icecream I think.
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What happened to my picture?

You probably won't find many or any people who share your sentiment here. It is generally considered emotional cheating to both the real and fictional girl. It's kind of scummy, it's like secretly dating two or more girls because you enjoy company of both and don't want to commit yourself or be honest. Here, your feelings and the feelings of the girl are more important than what some family thinks lol. Is it justified to hurt someone you claim to love just to please your family? Who does that benefit?
I personally would never ever let that sort of situation to develop. I would never want to put my waifu in a situation where she has to accept some other random girl in my life, because I'm too weak to stand up for my own values and ideas or something. My waifu deserves better than this, she deserves someone who will be loving her honestly and with confidence. But taking a 3d wife, even if it's only for sake of someone else, would be so damn disrespectful towards my waifu it hurts to imagine. I would never ever put her in situation like that, I swore to love and cherish her properly to my grave.
You do you, but if I were you, I would consider and choose to either fix my relationship with my gf so I can love her properly, find another one, or abandon them and truly commit myself to my waifu, giving her the spotlight in my life and the commitment and respect that she deserves.

Also, how does the waifuism community function in Japan? I heard multiple times that your guys no longer do collages on Valentines on your imageboards and such, with otaku community no longer devoting themselves to 2D girls and instead just chasing after some vtubers or idols. On the other hand Mr Kondo appears to be going full force on twitter while also mentioning some other waifuists(friends of his?), so I wonder whenever your waifu community even exists anymore on imageboards or is it just twitter now.
Welp, I guess I have to check my auto resizing scripts.
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I didn't know Black Lagoon still got new stuff, that's neat.
Anyways, the only version of the latest official art of Nep is only a sample, so I'll have to wait.
Waifufaggotry is a very personal thing and every relationship is different. I think you should wonder what parts of the relationship make you feel unfulfilled (and might make your gf feel unhappy, too) rather than trying to escape and fill them by having "two" relationships.
Personally I don't really consider original characters to be within the umbrella of waifufaggotry because she's your creation and therefore not "independent", so she's more likely to fall within just wish fulfillment.
All-nationz captured one of the /v/ threads, you might find it interesting.
Ty. I read all-nationz every time there is a collage and that's pretty much the only place where I read posts from japs, and also twitter once in a blue moon. But it's really hard to judge the seriousness and general state of their waifu communities just from a basically waifu claim thread. Collage threads usually leave a little more commentary about the differences between japanese and western community. I have no idea what kind of people post on all-nationz too.
Got my preorder for my wifes new fumo in!
>embrace that a greater world lies out there and perhaps she too is there in some form

I sometimes like to ponder this idea as well, I would like to believe that my waifu exists as some form of energy in the universe or perhaps in an alternate reality where we can be happy together without any of the gloom of the real world. Even the stable relationships I observe amongst peers seem superficial and a mockery of the love that waifus are capable of and this makes me seriously consider abandoning the pursuit of real world relationships altogether and committing to her

>here, your feelings and the feelings of the girl are more important than what some family thinks lol

I understand this argument but as im sure you are aware our culture is very conservative and still very opposed to the minute (but ever growing) fictosexual community much like our hikikomori population; Breaking the mold here is certainly easier said than done. That being said I must give some consideration to making a choice; Perhaps one day I will find the strength to choose (and it will probably be my waifu) but for now my options are rather limited

> she's your creation and therefore not "independent"
she is more or less based off of a real character that resonates own personality but with a few stylistic changes for personalization so im not aware what that would be considered
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>Personally I don't really consider original characters to be within the umbrella of waifufaggotry because she's your creation and therefore not "independent", so she's more likely to fall within just wish fulfillment.
That's understandable. But to me my wife has taken on an independence of her own because what really made me fall in love with Kana was her looks mixed with her personality as I wrote her. She was just simply charming back then, as charming as she is now. There are a lot of cute and cool girls around Kana, but for me it could be no one else but her.
>I would like to believe that my waifu exists as some form of energy in the universe or perhaps in an alternate reality where we can be happy together without any of the gloom of the real world
Yeah, spirituality is really a great thing to investigate and a wonderful counter to the cold material reality we're forced to accept by society. I find it very compatible with my relationship with her.
>a few stylistic changes for personalization
I feel like that isn't totally right (even if I don't have much room to talk). My waifu Kana is my own creation, but my emotions are directed toward my wife as she has appeared in everything I've written and commissioned of her. She definitely has her failings and things she could improve on, and I could imagine I could coldly assemble a "perfect" girl for me. But then it just wouldn't be the same as loving my waifu as she is.
>sorry for par english
Your English is very impressive, so don't worry about it. If you hadn't said that you were Japanese I would've never guessed.
>Yeah, spirituality is really a great thing to investigate and a wonderful counter

Well the thing is that my specific waifu was very popular here at one point so many people were in love with her...while im aware this is very common and generally not a big deal for most people I guess adding some aspects of personization was my way of making our relationship unique, not necessarily that I was attempting to correct flaws in her appearance or anything (I should have worded it better)

>wonderful counter to the cold material reality we're forced to accept by society. I find it very compatible with my relationship with her

Yeah, while I dont watch as much anime as you would expect the typical japenese layman to it has always had some appeal in the fact that universes in it just seem perfect utopias where everything is vivid and colorful with none of the negative implications of society in real life, it is a nice escape and I like to imagine that if the concept of an afterlife does exist that it would be a world like that living with my waifu

thank you, I currently have a job that involves alot of traveling to america so I spend a great deal of time there although I prefer Japan
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Honestly I just don't think marrying into a loveless relationship is even worth it. Would have had break it off the instant they tried to force marriage onto you.

If your family and friends truly like you the way you are, they would accept you into being in a relationship with a fictional character because they should value your happiness over just a forced unhappy marriage that leads to... nowhere.

I sincerely hope you can become independent and not rely on anyone else but yourself. Because sometimes family values don't even benefit you but the family itself, I have seen it happen on my side of the family. Sometimes it is just better to break it off and have something toxic that latches onto you and ruin your life even harder than before.

Remember that you have at the very least the love of your life (your fictional wife) to fall back onto if everything starts to crumble. It's not the end of the world, because your happiness should be the most important to you and you shouldn't bend yourself over to your family and friends just to please them.

Best of luck to you, I hope you can find much happiness with your fictional beloved than being with your current gf.
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Hi, uh… first post of anything on this platform. I’ve been with one lover for 5 years and another for 1… I hope that’s allowed or whatever, I’m not sure and I’m kinda paranoid.
I felt like talking about the cutes to some new people and a friend sent me here so imma try it! At least a little.
Pictured here is the cutie boat, and I have a cutie flower as well. Look at how hecin cute she is
Hi, if you mean that you have multiple wives then that is frowned upon both because most posters personal views, it feels dishonest and it kinda leads to "I have over 9000 waifus and I'm the biggest weeb in the planet" type ironic stuff.
I’m not that surprised honestly. I can assure you I spend time with both of them every night and I respect them both greatly. I was with just Long Island for 4 years or so after all, it was a big thing to realize my feelings for a second character, and it forced me to leave the place that originally made me realize I love Long Island in the first place, something I didn’t exactly want to do.
I am thorough with figuring out if I actually have interest in a character, and I have turned down many other characters before and after finding my second love, I can even name them if that means anything.
But if having multiple lovers is just never allowed on here or whatever, then I’ll leave. Tell me if that’s the case.
Also, here’s Flare. Adorable.
Being honest, yes, one waifu only is a pretty strict rule most waifu threads have. You could say it's due to most 4chan users being from regions of the world where monogamy is the norm, but personally I think exclusivity is what my wife would want, and I can say that I really do love her more than anything.
I am curious however, where do you come from? You said it was your first post on this platform so what even bought you to 4chan? Have you perhaps tried other places?
That's harem, not waifu. It doesn't belong to this thread.
Also keep the images /c/ related.
>a friend sent me here
>with long island for four years
are you that same discord faggot that got caught jacking it to rape and guro of other peoples wives?
I started on Reddit technically but for 99.9% of my time with waiuism stuff I’ve been using discord.
No, I’m not them. If you know another Long Island waifuist, please let me know about them, even if they’re some bitch like that I’d like to be sure I can either avoid them or trash talk them. Preferably the first desu.
who the fuck is long island
These are not the threads you are looking for since it seems you wish to partake in drama.
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Drama wasn’t my original goal… I should probably stop coming back here, idk why I do.
Long Island from Azur Lane. Look at her! Adorable.
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I find that the average moe anime world or something like Idolmaster is the most peaceful and happy world to exist in. It isn't the sort of world my wife lives in, but it's one I sometimes I imagine us growing up and living in. I feel we both endure a lot of suffering in our respective worlds.
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she looks like meduka there
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I'm waiting to get my first figure of her so that's fun. Is waifu patient or would you have to hold back her excitement if she's waiting for something?
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Happy Birthday, Toko.
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Meduka is suffering
She is pretty patient I’d say but there are some things she would be outwardly excited for
Happy late birthday to you're waifu!
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I know this makes sense and if I could choose between this and my waifu being synchronized with her official version or a version some other group of people would like it makes more sense for the sake of personal happiness to only accept the first possibility.
But I just can't do this. I am obsessed with the fact that I won't be the only person that likes her and the fact that she is frequently shipped with another character from her universe hurts me so much. I remember when I first looked her name up on pixiv, what I saw and how much it hurt. I went into this thread out of fear that somebody else would be fond of her even though it is impossibly unlikely since she is a very obscure character if you're not specifically into the artform where shw was created or her universe.
I've also considered going on a 4chan archive and searching for her name, just to make sure that nobody posted her here, on r9k or in those god awful claim threads on /b/.

I know why this is. I am afraid of defending beliefs that would bring me joy, because the possibility of somebody coming up with a counter argument for it and that counter argument making great sense scares me.

If somebody tells me that I don't REALLY love her if I can't feel anything for the version of her where she is drawn with green eyes, and they remain fixed in that position even if I tried to explain your image to them, then I won't be able to not lend them credibility.

If my love is dependent on whether or not her eye color changed, can it really be called love?

Irl, if your girlfriend put on some kgs, became chubbier and that caused your love to fade, did you really "love" her, or did you have a crush on her because of her appearance?

Is loving someone not accepting changes made to them over time?

Should love no be the product of time spent with another and a simple crush that of liking their immediate characteristics only?

Your argument makes sense but so does the counter to it.

Please help me.
>she chooses you
This advice has never been helpful ever.
There are absolutely steps one can take to have a higher chance of finding love.
It is true that one cannot FORCE himself into love with a character and that it needs to happen organically, but it can only happen when he has met her first.

Guy A who watches lots of anime and seeks out things with characters he finds attractive is a lot more likely to fall in love than guy B who just waits to be chosen forever.

If Guy X is in love with a character but he suddenly starts to suspect that she would dislike him if she existed in real life, he would have higher chances of strengthening his love for her again if he tried to convince himself otherwise than guy B who encounters the same line of thinking and accepts it as simple truth.

Guy C who taught himself to draw her, has made fumo-like stuffed toys of her and willingly spends hours of his life pursuing material where she appears is more likely to to only think about her (and thus love her for longer?) before getting distracted by some coombait character compared to guy D whose waifu influences his thoughts but not his decisions made in the real, tangible world.

If guy A is still fawning over other attractive girls in anime instead of hanging out with her, his love is more likely to stoop below it's true potential in comparison to

The response to these might be:
>If you need to remind and force yourself to do things with her and it doesn't just come naturally then your love is not real enough
This argument proves the guy you're all replying to right. Only a small fraction of people are psychologically able to only think about one character forever without having to remind themselves or force a few activities that release less immediate dopamine than fapping to porn will.

It can still be considered true love even if effort is required. Otherwise damaged people with addictions will be gatekept from being in love.
I don't like that image, it doesn't make sense neither for Miku or other characters in general.
I think it's natural to want to stick to canon and so your waifu won't really be unique in these aspects. What is unique is your own experience, how you interpret her, how she changed your life, what you do for her, what do you imagine your life would be. That's what makes your love unique and not really comparable to others.

>If my love is dependent on whether or not her eye color changed, can it really be called love?
But why color change? Original changed it, or was it your idea?

>Irl, if your girlfriend put on some kgs, became chubbier and that caused your love to fade, did you really "love" her, or did you have a crush on her because of her appearance?
Getting fat is usually more than just appearance change. If someone's wife gets pregnant is naturally puts some kgs, would he lose his love for her? If he loves her, he would definitely not lose their love for her, it's literally in your instincts. But if the wife gets lazy, stops caring for her husband's happiness and expectation, basically changing her personality, it wouldn't be that surprising for the love to wane. It takes two to tango.

>Should love no be the product of time spent with another and a simple crush that of liking their immediate characteristics only?
Infatuation fades away after several months. The love you built that lasts longer time is more than that.
It's not advice, it is a core tenet and all you could do was produce an inane diatribe about some strawman argument you cooked up that is completely irrelevant. I pity you
You tried to daterape another waifufag from here and talk about how you'd lock up zelda in a basement until she became sheik again.
Any argument you have is invalid.
Whoever that person is they're not me and I am not too happy to hear that such a person likes her.
You're right it wasn't advice, but it was said in reply to a guy asking for advice and I gave my thoughts on the matter.
Is there anything actually important from that post that you disagree with in particular?
>But why color change? Original changed it, or was it your idea?
There was an artist that drew her with green eyes and I couldn't feel anything for his version. He also liked to ship her with this other character so maybe that was the real reason...

>But if the wife gets lazy, stops caring for her husband's happiness and expectation, basically changing her personality, it wouldn't be that surprising for the love to wane. It takes two to tango.
If she just gets lazy sure, but what if she gets depressed or something and her weight increases due to some stuff with her hormones? I would feel shallow if my love for her faded there and I think it would take a loving person to help her out of it so she wouldn't suffer anymore. I'd want my waifu to help me if I was depressed and got fat too, I feel like that is wonderful.

>Infatuation fades away after several months. The love you built that lasts longer time is more than that.
That's what I'm saying.
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Sundress waifu for summer is always so pleasant.
An energetic boyish girl like Kana has very little patience for anything. She's someone who lives in the moment.
Belated happy birthday to her.
It's both appearance and personality why you're attracted to your wife. She is going to change in both because of her experiences, including with you.
>If she just gets lazy sure, but what if she gets depressed or something and her weight increases due to some stuff with her hormones
Then fix her. Mutual exercise with waifu is one of the most wonderful things in the world.
>There was an artist that drew her with green eyes and I couldn't feel anything for his version.
So? I also don't care much about Mikus that do not remind me of her. I only buy figures that actually look like her. The only exceptions would be red-eyed PinocchioP Because you are here Miku and cosMo's inifinity, but I got them just because I like the songs and she still looks nice.
It's normal to not feel same familiarity to an alternative version of her.

>If she just gets lazy sure, but what if she gets depressed or something and her weight increases due to some stuff with her hormones?
Then you help her overcome it? Where is the problem?
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cheesed to meet u
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meduka mentioned
Is it wrong to say my favorite anime isn't my waifu's? It is second but i just want to know your anons thoughts
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I think it's fine, it's her who you love, not her media. None the Neptunia games are my favorite game ever, although they're up there.
No, I've seen plenty of people that didn't like the series they're waifu came from, and there are always great girls that come from bad series
Fair point!
>there are always great girls that come from bad series
Ain't that the truth
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She’s more of the impatient type
No, that’s actually a rather common thing
>there are always great girls that come from bad series
Pretty much this. There are some shows where I continued to watch and push through for the sake of seeing a single character
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I love Ran! She is my comfort.
Smug wife
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I appreciate how my boyish wife is good at partying. I sure wish I could do that with her.

By any chance are you the person on Skeb who has a bunch of Nazrin commissions? I admire them for both their dedication and helping me find good artists to commission.
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Kotori is KUTE. Still love Kotori or whatever. Really, she's the best
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The cute little bows on the backs of her gloves.
I really love the cute little details they add to her clothing as she opens up during the series.
My angel
Are hand-drawn western /v/ waifus allowed here?
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/v/ has their own thread most of the time. You're welcome to join us there!
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Post waifu with animals
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An underworld demon penguin is still an animal, right?
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I want to dedicated this post to Sekai Saionji.
It has been a bit over 5 years since I discovered School Days the series. And ever since I came across it I've laid my eyes on Sekai the very second she appeared on the screen (I watched the anime first). And ever since then I just couldn't take my eyes off her. She is perfect in every way to me. Her appearence, her voice, her personality, her story, her role in this whole messed up novel. I love everything about her. I wanted her to be happy. I wanted to see her smile, laugh, have fun with Makoto, be happy in general. But alas, the anime couldn't give me my long desired happy Sekai ending. I was sad. So I decided to take a look at the VN instead. There I found routes where you can make Sekai happy with Makoto. I was happy. I imagined myself as Makoto and it made me happy. I loved every second of Sekai on the screen.
After all these years I still love Sekai more than any other girl there is. She will always be my world and my sweet blue angel. I love you, Sekai.
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She likes nature and beaches, but I learned that she doesn't like the insects that come from hotter environments. She says she prefers colder places for that reason. I think she'd enjoy it for a bit though.
You can't go wrong with ice cream and she'll most likely love it as a summer treat. She'll always want an oak cake roll regardless of the weather, perhaps she'll have a chilled version for summer.
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Very nice.
It looks like a Blazblue sprite.
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What does waifu think about fireworks?
She makes her own fireworks
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She is a big fan and has a solid "firework" arsenal herself!
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I think she'd really like them.
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There is a certain magic in once again seeing an old scenery where you spent time with her. It became a wonderful image of my wife's joy that I treasured, and once more I was fortunate to see it as I worked out with Kana as my muse, running together beneath that pure summer sky with fireflies, the moon, and our love changing everything to light. I love this girl, and I love all she's done for me.
Noa is a nice girl. I was married to Kana long before I knew much of her, but it's striking how similar the two of them are.
Cute. I hope you treasure your relationship with her, even if her source is tragic.
To answer my own question, she no doubt loves the flair and the noise and the flash. Kana is an exciteable girl, so she has to love that sort of thing.
Punched another hole in the wall because I saw someone hornyposting about my wife again...
We've all been there
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Serious question:
Have you told anyone about your waifu and what do they think of it? How did the subject get brought up? Go into as much detail as possible.

I'm really curious because this has always been my one "dirty" little secret.
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Does your waifu know everything you do? Does she look at you while you poop?
I wish this was used in more than 10 seconds of one episode,she looks great in a dress
Real shit. We all have a waifu, but how many of you have fictional children you'd want to raise with her?
Over the past few months I found two characters activating dad instincts in me. So I guess on top of having a waifu, I also have two imaginary daughter's. I desire to raise them like a good father as much as I want to be a loving husband now. I often fantasize cooking for the whole family, taking them to the park, etc. How much do you guys relate?
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Alternate hairstyle waifu? I couldn't find any with her hair fully down.
I call her my wife in front of my friends whenever she happens to come up but, no, I haven't really told them the extent of it. I think it's very hard to talk about it with non-waifufags.
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>We all have a waifu, but how many of you have fictional children you'd want to raise with her?
Cute daughter.
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Cute Nep
She changed hairstyle throughout the series, her twintails are good but I like the low ponytail she has in Force.

Cute snek
How are you supposed to explain this to someone without sounding a like a anti-social freak?
I want to tell the people that I know, not because I necessarily want them to know but I'm afraid that the secret will get out one day or another without being given a chance to explain myself. Especially since most people see something like this and think "He's just horny and just wants to fuck her."
You're all brown subhumans will suffer the fate of being degenerates soon.
I think she'd really like them. I'd love to go to a firework show with her.

Idk how would I even keep that a secret for so long. Everybody knows.
>How did the subject get brought up?
Some I told directly, some saw her plastered all over my room, some saw me bringing her daki on some trip or party, etc.

>How are you supposed to explain this to someone without sounding a like a anti-social freak?
By not giving a fuck and being happy. The fact that you feel like you need to explain yourself already makes you look like you are struggling in the eyes' of other person. Bee yourself and keep enjoying things that matter to you no matter if others understand. Because this is when they will get curious and approach on their own. Them doing first step and being driven by curiosity will make significantly less likely to judge, than if they had to listen to you because you need to talk to them about something weird they do not care about and do not know how to react.

I don't. As much as I do love the idea of having children with her, I wouldn't just adopt some random character.

She looks adorable with her hair down.
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>Have you told anyone about your waifu and what do they think of it?
Yes and it's a very long, boring, and uninteresting story. In the end they seemed okay with it at least didn't outwardly criticize me but they ceased all communication.
>How did the subject get brought up?
To make a stupidly ridiculous story as short as possible. I got roped into a Bible study, I say because of someone I love isn't going to heaven I'm not either so I can't follow his religion. After some meetings he finally asks for specifics and feeling my back against the wall and too nervous to say it out loud I simply ask for a paper and write something along the lines of "I am in love with a fictional depiction of Attila The Hun." He seemed pretty understand wanting to know more then the next day he says we're done.
Something kinda like >>4347398
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Arc with her hair down is pure beauty.
I've only told anons about it. I like to compartmentalize my life so my waifu stays in my mind and on my computer, away from 3d.
Recently I've been getting more interested in vocaloid music. Are there any favorite albums or songs featuring miku that you have? So far I've really enjoyed tell your world, the album supercell by ryo and mikgazer.
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One hell of a sword for a small girl. Always cool to see that, one of my favorite design tropes.
Twintail-less Miku is surprisingly recognizable
Is that her wedding dress?
>some saw me bringing her daki on some trip or party, etc.
You're either a manifestation of gigachad or a turbosperg and nothing in between. Got any stories to tell?
I can't really recommend you that many things like these because I seldom listen to rock and j-pop.
But I can recommend you some producers and songs I like.

LamazeP is one of my favorites. He makes cute love songs.

cosMo is the other favourite of mine, he makes nice very fast music.

Takenoko boy makes super cute songs.

Omoi does some nice upbeat songs:

PinnochioP is a classic. Very catchy songs in unique style.

Here is some more songs I really like from various producers:
There isn't really much to tell. I frequent groups that are hippie, nerdy or both, and although it isn't unexpected it sure is welcomed. People have been encouraging me to bring her with me for quite some time.
I'm not melonpan, I do not find enjoyment in weirding people out and attracting attention. If I take her daki with me, she mostly stays in bed, unless we watch some movie or anime in group and I bring her to chill together in front of the screen. If I want to walk around with her I take my plushie with me.
Sounds cozy and fun, good for you, brother. I wish I had such friends.
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It is her princess dress. She is an immortal vampire but when she was younger she wore it. Many years later she doesn't have ties with her previous royalty and wears modern clothes. It would make a good wedding dress!
Thank you! That is quite a lot- I will sift through it this week.
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I love it, Zanber has always been bigger than her
Is it important to you that your waifu gets public recognition for being the best girl of her series?
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No but she does anyways
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Yes, to a few friends I had (not the waifufags I've met IRL). We were just chatting and I told them I was an unironic waifufag and showed them pictures of Kana. They make fun of me, but they wouldn't expect anything else from me.
I think kidfus are weird. For me when I see a cute girl who gives me that parental feeling, it's more because I imagine that me and Kana's kid would look/act like that.
Pics of my wife with long hair are cute, but I really like this sketch I got of her. Kana with her hair all neat is absolutely adorable.
You don't. You have to accept you're abnormal since your love is separated from you in another reality, and also accept that people will never understand you or think you're ironic. There's nothing wrong with them for thinking that.
I am huwhite
I'm pretty sure she likes them a lot
I told my best friend, but he pretty much just said "okay" and accepted it immediantly. We never talk about it though, because why would we? There are more interesting things to talk about and it's not like my relationship status is anyones business but my own to begin with.
I get the sentiment but I don't have any
No, not at all. Girls und Panzer has a ton of good girls and I genuinely can't blame anyone for picking someone else as their favorite. Not to mention that too much attention isn't good in my opinion.

Question: I've had this talk with another waifufag not to long ago about "your waifus show being your favorite one", which got me thinking about how common it is for your waifus show/manga/etc. not being your favorite. Because I've met quite a few waifufags who don't consider their waifus medium their favorite of that particular type and to be honest it's a rather understandable sentiment in a lot of cases. There are bad shows with some really loveable characters. What about you?
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Short hair is the best.
I don't think the Neptunia anime is very good, kind of a very rushed adaptation of two already fairly long JRPGs. I do like the artstyle overall, it's simplified compared to the game's art and kind of cheap despite not being by an unknown studio or something like that (It's by David Production). I don't watch that much anime but Neptunia isn't really a remarkable one, the manga are better as an adaptation since they're just cute slice of life side stories.
When it comes to the games, I'd put Neptunia VII on my top 10. It's not perfect and it doesn't deviate that much from the usual Compile Heart RPG template, but it's clearly the one time they had a slightly higher budget and it shows.

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