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Thread the Forty-Seventh!

~Nya~ Edition

Old Thread: >>4280118
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>nya edition
also very cute!
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How can she be so cute!?
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Happy Belated Easter!
happy bun day!
wonder if the entire thread could be sustained by animal related pictures
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We can probably only go so far, but we can certainly try.
Challenge accepted
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double bun!
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wan wan
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Is posting Winston cheating? Sure, he's a gorilla, but he's not really an "animal" in the way we typically mean, either.
Maybe? I'd say it technically counts.
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Here's the way I see it: regardless of semantics, any reason to post cute pictures is a good one.
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Can't argue with that logic! The more reason to post cute things, the better.
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Almost half way there!
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Gonna take a brief break from the critterposting to wish everyone a happy May the Fourth be with you!
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These are wonderful!
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And I'm not done yet, either!
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Aaaand I think that may be it for me.
Not a full thread, but it was fun while it lasted!
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Very fun, and thanks for playing along. I may have a few more that I've missed or forgotten about, and I'll post them if I find them.
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It was fun! Things like that help bring some freshness to threads at times. Shame it wasn't enough for a full thread.
Thankfully it's summer now!
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As someone who grew up in the American Southeast, summer is not something I typically look forward to, but cute pictures certainly help.
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Cute pictures always help make summer more enjoyable!
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thinking cold thoughts
I need more summery Brigitte art (or just more new art in general). The art we currently have is not enough for me.
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Briggidy-boo deserves more love, so I'll try to help.
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Such a shame that most of her art is either too western or too realistic to be /c/ute. Also the fact that she doesn't have a ton of art in the first place.
What I'd do for new art.
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I've noticed that a lot of her cuter pictures tend to pair her with someone else. I suppose people think her cuter aspects shine through when she has someone to play off of.
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True, those do tend to be some of the better images. Hoping more people will be able to capture her cuteness.
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