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Previous thread: >>4286699
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Too cute
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thoughts on short hair Mirko?
Extremely cute
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yes, I agree!
I'll always prefer long hair though.
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same, same
At first I really wasn't a big fan of muscle girls but Mirko has completely won me over
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is cute, and canon now anyway so I got used to it.
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yeah she does that to people
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I love when she is smug
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Most beautiful woman I ever laid my eyes on.
Unbelievable cute bun!
So cool!!
Must protect that smile!
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she's so cool
The coolest
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Honestly same
I wonder how many she's converted
Eventually, everyone.
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Only 5 chapters left now, hopefully Mirko gets to do something cool in at least one of them
i'm sure americans will end up with the franchise and there will be an abundance of brown girl power moments
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Wait, it's ending? I dropped it long ago, but I still love my brown bunny
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Yeah, they announced it last week so it'll probably end by the end of July or start of August
bun is eternal

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