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but cute
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stuff like lain would also fit but she has her own general
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no love for denpa?
i get that its kind of edgy but i figured most people gave up on caring by the point they were far gone enough to spend all their time on this board
She is always cute.
the images in this thread are awesome, it really hits that "slightly unsettling, but cute" direction perfectly
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i have more if you're interested, although i posted the thread hoping to expand my folder
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also, i think girls with unhappy expressions smoking fit the theme too
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...and that's what I can find.
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Cute stuff
is this from a manga or is it just art? it reminds me of hellsing
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only the cutest
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just art
why is she holding a burrette?
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My daughter
Love the "Horror_(theme)" tag on Danbooru
Thank you OP for posting this. Checked out the artist and absolutely love their stuff
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no problem
by the way, have you noticed an issue with the IP counter? it always seems to be stuck on "?"
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Yeah that's a change from a couple months ago (maybe less, time moves weirdly nowadays...), IP counter was removed for some weird reason.
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any love for lucy?
Sad that this thread didn't get that much attention
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big fan of this kind of stuff
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favourites in thread
also >>4325414
found out about this artist recently. its really good stuff. very nostalgic. 4yan1de
Mary is a treasure
She is very very cute
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sorry, was serving a 3 day vacation because i posted a video with a guy wearing weird silicon cow udder underwear to fuck with people on a blue board and the mods decided it was nsfw
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i just finished watching the wall by pink floyd
any anime and VNs for this feel (other than berserk)?
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forgot image
Jannies being stupid as usual
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today's my 20th birthday /c/
dont really have any time to do something nice
glad this thread is still being kept up
Happy birthday anon.
like good /x/ schizo stuff
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I stole her fishing rod. What's she gonna do about it?
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translation is filename
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I LOVE this artist
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ozen best girl
5 things I want ozen to do to me:
1. cuddle
2. shibari
3. choking
4. marriage
5. blackmail
Does this count?
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cuttle_bone is a very good artist
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anybody else enjoy sketching?
i've recently gotten better at it since i've been making a lot of architectural sketches of medieval buildings as a hobby
i think it'd be neat to draw up a world similar to girl's last tour
when i watched birdboy a while ago it also gave me that kind of feel
theres also old youtube and flash animations, like the one where a pig goes to some strange building to sell parts of his own body off to a rich man in exchange for coins to put in himself like a piggy bank that act like drugs
i'll also be taking shrooms for the first time soon and i like creepy stuff, maybe i could get inspiration through that?
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i gave a go at drawing chito
I don't know how to draw :^)
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This is a just a funny way to say koishi thread ; )
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thats true, but i dont want the thread to be filled with cuteposters
i prefer koishi when she's off her antipsychotic meds
That's why you start with an original
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the thread so far has done pretty well though
Yeah it's been a pretty good thread
And we still have a couple pics to go
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what's the source of this one?
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finished the drawing
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wait, i improved it a bit
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good bread
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This was a pretty good thread. Hoepfully we can have another Denpa thread at some point

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