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Previous thread: >>4304352
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There's a Miku Collab happening in a mobile game called Puzzle and Dragons, you have a little over 24 hours to make an account and roll for her.
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Gonna dump a bunch of Mesmerizer
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(teto also a cute)
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This should be one of the songs in the Miku boxing game
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I love Miku!
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Tons of sidetail miku.
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I've noticed that, but no idea why. Won't complain, though
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It started from this damaged figure post, but no idea why this blew up (but then there was the miku tie eating phase as well)
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Thanks, mystery solved
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That's just Neru's hairstyle.
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Why is Miku?
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The best?
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Miku and Teto go together like Peanut butter and Jelly
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Because Miku Miku
Anyone got a list for all the mikus seen in this video?
I can't recognize them all.
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there's a full list in the comments
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Don't lewd Miku
I haven't checked pixiv for a while.
Miku is looking so lovely.

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