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Happy Earth day. Here's the cutest Wakusei Gijinka specimen on the internet, once again.
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What a good girl
Hello world!
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blessed froot, wish she drew more
forgot pic orz
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Yeah, made some of the nicest Earth girls.
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There's only one race that cares about preserving Earth Chan's natural beauty and innocence.
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Happy mother's day to mother Nature.
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Why does so much art of her feature NASA?
this pic is popular xD
have wondered about NASA's ubiquity too, no idea
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I think because it represents curiosity about space in some english speaking spaces and english is the language of the internet mostly. And NASA sells these shirts with their logo on it, and after Earth chan was depicted with it by popular artists, I guess it just stuck. I saw some where she has the logos of russian space agencies, too, I think, or SpaceX.
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here's an example I think, with the logo of Roscosmos on Zemlya-tan's chest
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There were also the jokes with NASA-senpai, a personification of NASA and humanity's collective scientific curiosity, who was acting as her love interest to some degree in some fanart.
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what's a more unclear question to me is; why did moon chan's yellow jacket stick?
flat earthers are just mean
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everyone should be nice to Earth chan
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Dating game Earth is cute
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