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Spring, season of the cherry blossom!

Previous thread: >>4284191
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not exactly Sakura, but still cute!
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so cute, I love Sakura in a ponytail
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I love seeing her in different hairstyles and clothes
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Too cute
For context, Sakura loses her signature ribbon gifted to her by Rin, so Rin gives her one of her black ribbons.
Sakura later finds her red ribbon at home.
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I love this image so much
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lovely anniversary art of the girls
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Should I play Realta Nua or does the censorship ruin Sakura's route?
I liked UBW but honestly Heaven's Feel is the one I care about the most.
You can play a patched version which uses the Realta Nua updates and voices while keeping the scenes from the original untouched.
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