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Perro Caca edition.

Previous thread: >>4321737

Previous chapter discussion on /a/: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/265815166/#265815166

Watamote Moonrune: http://www.ganganonline.com/comic/watashiga/

Watamote Translated: https://mangadex.org/title/1054/watashi-ga-motenai-no-wa-dou-kangaetemo-omaera-ga-warui

Animu Website: http://www.watamote.jp/

Where to buy animu DVD/BD and mango: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/series_list.html?sid=3725

Older Threads:http://pastebin.com/znGvWmBA (embed) (embed) (embed)

Want a Tomoko trip,go here:http://pastebin.com/LYsdMFHs (embed) (embed) (embed)

Tomokofags Folder: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/zc2ycq2mx5d58/Tomoko_Folder

Steam Group: gross
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Sorry for the embeds that don't go anywhere. The people responsible have been sacked.
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somebody post a picture of tomoko soifacing like picrel
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me on the left
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Tried reading this and shes really unlikable.
I need more twintails Tomoko.
Especially when she tries and fails miserably at looking and acting slutty.
Another regime change?
This is why the Tomoko party can't be trusted!
Told you. Saotomo is just a lazy bitch.
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thats a good thing
even when trying to be slutty she still manages to look cute and keep some degree of modesty, i love her so much bros
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at least she resembles tomoko even if just slightly, while all popular characters such as bocchi OO, bocchi "the rock", komi etc. are just generic mass-produced normies with a pinch of social anxiety to make them more "just like me fr fr" without any effort, not similar to tomoko at all, period
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based, tomoko's character is so much more nuanced than bocchi or whatever the current FOTM is that i get pissed whenever theyre treated equally
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Some more timeskip Tomoko, presumably appearing as omake in the next tankobon volume.
her fruit stalk ahoge is just too cute
I have a job interview/phone call for a job tomorrow. Wish me luck tomofriends. With money I will be able to find my tomowife
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I'm usually not one to lewd Tomoko (im too far gone), but her eyes here awaken a primal feeling inside me that cannot be understated.
how did she survive
it was all a dream because tomoko is present in it
Something something drop the pasta.
wtf don't post that on /c/ this ain't cute at all that's fucked up.
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>Long hair
>Forehead showing
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>re-reading her manga
>fall in love again
>she lives rent free in my head once more
Will it ever stop?
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let her take over ur life
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how do i do that
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get infected with Tomovirus
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i really like this panel
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As you should.
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This bonus chapter broke me. I think canonically she could never look like this, but seeing her look this gorgeous made me go through all five stages of grief in ten minutes.
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Holy crap she's so beautiful in this picture. I want her so badly T-T
Is she. What the fuck.
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>Is she
Sweating? Yeah, looks like it.
Tomoko enjoyers are the horniest with the weirdest fetishes.
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it makes sense when you take a look at tomokos own fetishes
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Image circa 2012.
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A lowly tomokofag only cares about her because of her sexual allure.
A blooming tomokofag believes that it is her charming personality that truly matters.
A high-ranking tomokofag has also fallen in love with her character, but also understands that sexual degeneracy is a crucial part of Tomoko and that she would probably enjoy really messed up shit.
>her sexual allure.
see >>4321768 she have none.
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>cant see the sex appeal in THIS
you are beyond saving
cute panties
That's the body of an anorexic 10 year old boy with messy hair and tired eyes.
She's just a cute clumsy girl starved for love. Not too hard to see the appeal.
(pardon the aislop, have nothing else to post at the moment)
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I hope I find a girl like Tomoko throughout my career. Also I'm nervous guys cuz tomorrow is the day the HR person will talk to her boss about hiring me and they'll set up an interview which has me worried because I don't know if I'm techinically skilled enough to work in this. It's adjacent to what I studied in University but still T-T help
now that's literally me on a whole 'nother level
Imagine the sex
So how did it go?
The HR person that contacted me said that she would recommend me for a position (that was not listed on the website btw) and that she needs to get the OK from her boss today to then schedule a technical interview. The first phone interview was just to get to know where I could fit in the company since I am a new grad that did not directly study IT.

I would be really happy if I got the job desu. I'd finally not be unemployed I hate it. I will get super drunk and Uber home.
They told me no. I do not feel very tomohappy right now. The legit called me right now just to tell me they went with someone else.
just be a neet like Tomok
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Tomoko needs someone to support her financially tho :( I can't do that without a job. God I should have f*cking lied I'm so dumb.
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You'll just have to leech off of your younger brother.
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>wake up
>see this
what do
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post one without the azog emblem
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Why are you more concerned with that instead of the fucking black sun emblem in the background?
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she snacc
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It's out of tune as it's not monochrome like the feast of the image, and the black sun is a meme that's pretty much used everywhere as the new anarchy symbol, unlike a tiktok battalion in some backwater yuro shithole.
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I should spellcheck myself when phoneposting.
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I'm more concern by the cig. It smells bad and is bad for tomoko's health. Black suns are cool.
She likes neofolk now
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I thought it was a racist symbol no?
Just checked, it is. Nazis aren't very comfy desu please don't post this.
i dont think tomoko would be a nazi but she would definitely be kind of racist to be desu
She would make some racist jokes online just to be edgy, but that's it.
thats what i meant, i dont think she'd ever act upon those
>anti nazi propaganda
And I thought this thread couldn't go lower. You're lucky it's /c/ and I can't insult you. If you don't man up no woman will want you, not even tomoko.
you cant kill nazis without killing trannies
i hate what twitter tourists and trannies did to the tomokommunity
so many of them are just following the trend of "muh femcel gf!" and lack the self awareness to realize that tomoko would despise them
It's always the same with characters that are presented as socially inept
I hope Jannies clean this board of these Nazi posters and their imagery. This is SFW and cute. Hate isn't cute
Being a pussy isn't cute either.
I think the Nazi uniform on her is very cute.
Post both, there's an audience for both.
It have literally no correlation. Hate can be cute or not. Also nazi =/= hate, you have to be incredibly uncultured to think that and the only hateful one is you wanting to censor other people and crying like a child to his mom for moderators. Anyway this isn't the subject but before talking about something please do the work of learning something about it. See you on /a/.
Please don't make these edits. It's disrespectful to the original artists, and you're not appreciating Tomoko for what she is if you have to break her character like that.
>Please don't make these edits. It's disrespectful to the original artists,
Neither >>4334575 or >>4334578 were edits, they were drawn with the intent of being nazi Tomoko.
>and you're not appreciating Tomoko for what she is if you have to break her character like that.
Larping as a nazi is funny, and I doubt both artists were actual nazis. Tomoko's character is blatantly broken and misinterpreted everyday, sometimes even by her own creators. If seeing her wearing a nazi uniform is enough to get you uncomfortable. then you should seriously reconsider your place in the internet.
This. Plus japanese aren't bitches crying when their (((masters))) tell them to. They don't give a fuck about your american mental disease.
Tomoko is love Tomoko is life

Imagine being triggered by people saying hate and bigotry is wrong on a blueboard. Imagine seriously being offended when someone says being a Nazi is wrong. Take the chill pill and calm your horses buckos.
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youre the one moralfagging and making empty tomokoless posts crying about people who posted tomoko though
Bro said moralfagging as an insult imagine what this implies
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>Bro said
back to xitter
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I'll draw not 1 but 2 mokos in uniform when I have the time just because you're a fag.
It's ok nazianon just chill and post Tomoko. No one hates you here even if you hate other people just because. Just remember this is a blueboard.
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Never would have imagined Tomoko becoming the tard wrangler for an autist.
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Not those, those are original. The jannies deleted the edits I was criticizing.
>you should seriously reconsider your place in the internet
Our place is /c/. Yours is /pol/. You invade our board with this filth. Go back, tourist.
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We're all ugly. Some just wear it well.
>Our place is /c/. Yours is /pol/. You invade our board with this filth. Go back, tourist.
>resorting to calling me a tourist instead of just letting this gay argument die
at least post something that isn't reposted everyday
Don't do genetic test it's a bad think and it's stupid. You're not that ugly. Believe in yua serufu.
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It's a bot
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Ugh, how shameful...
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Here's the full resolution version, anon.
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>nazis are le smol beans im a victim :(
such a stupid and disingenuous post, reeks of underage poltard
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>hate isnt cute
But tomoko is a hateful asshole, thats her entire thing
they used her feet stink to gas people
based feetfag making his stance in the debate known
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me on the right
Blog post
I'm going to ask out my friend probably hopefully I don't chicken out when I'm sober. There's probably a 5 percent chance it may work according to me. I don't know. I hate this but I feel I must do so she's an amazing person and she's hot. I can't deny this feeling and I feel I'm not so rational and noble as I think I am.
She said yes wtf
I'm sorry for fellow tomobros I am now a normiefag. There's no way this is real life this is a sign I'm going to die soon wtf
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Yo, congrats dude, hope everything works out for you two.
is this canon?
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Until she wakes up.
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nice larp bro lol
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nice larp tomofags dont have sex im pretty sure
You got me haha...

No we have not (yet?)
Meant to respond to you
Tomoko's blocky toes
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Please stop posting images with Tomoko's feet. I'm almost turning into a feetfag.
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you will be converted
Pure erotic sex. Sex with Tomoko
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Hi it's bloganon again.

Don't mean to brag but this >>4337016 is exactly what my friend wore to our date yesterday hehe. just at tiny bit different really more frills
she looks like len from the typemoon series
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He's right.
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I read it and thought it was pretty enjoyable compared to the hikkineet garbage we get nowadays, Amane is really funny (and worryingly relatable). Because of my compulsive obsession towards Tomoko, I couldn't read through it without drawing parallels to her and I actually think it even did some things better than Watamote. Her only friend, for example, makes for a pretty good opposite to Amane's borderline-sociopathic personality and I found her much more interesting than Yuu in early Watamote.

It also ended exactly the way I thought Watamote would end years ago.
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but the real question is: if Tomoko ever met Amane, what her reaction would be? what their relationship would look like?
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tomoko would probably think she's better/feel jealous towards amane because she doesn't go to school, but i imagine they'd reluctantly become friends over shared interests (and autism)
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post tomoko wallpapers
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kimoi '_'
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Beautiful, have you drawn this? I really need to /ic/ harder one day to make some mokos.

Sorry god of drawing I haven't made offering since forever.
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im rerereading watamote and holy shit, those few chapters of rivalry between komiyama and tomoko are some of the funniest things to ever come from this series
rereading them after the latest arc feels like taking off my shoes after five days of walking nonstop
I had everything I ever wanted and I lost it. I'm back here I guess where I belong. Imagine feeling all that loneliness go away finally finding the person of your dreams and trying to start something. It seemingly goes well and then its over.
I'll secure the existence of the white race with her if you know what I mean ;)
but she's japanese.
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New tomoko, Y/N?
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Needs the nose job to go along with it.

Oh, no! Tomoko is jewish
Someone save her!
isn't tomoko an A cup as well
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I don't want bimbo tomoko or bimbo kaiji tomoko either.
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I'm having lewd thoughts about Tomoko
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i try not having lewd thoughts about tomoko myself but then i remember shes not really devoid any better
/c/ - horny males.
You really can't keep it up in your pants.
>that pic
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please stop posting lewd tomokos my tulpamoko checks my tomoputer
It's not, you're just a perv.
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lungs filling up with sweaty Tomoko air >>4339918
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This thread is full of godless heathen I'm afraid none of posts will save them. They're horny even on /c/.
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What if she is the horny one?
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she is, thats half of her entire character in the second half of the manga
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gooner tomoko
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I miss awkward mistake perv/shameful heathen ala yandere boy cd praise and degrade kink Tomoko. I would miss it even more if I didn't thankfully drop Watamote chapter 100 or so before that shit.
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she will harass us with the smell of her feet
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She's still a perv, just in a more superficial way. You could tell in the earlier chapters that she harassed Yuu beacuse she knew Yuu was completely oblivious to it, but by the point you dropped it she starts harassing women whenever she has the chance to and it's pretty jarring.
I don't think a single field trip would make the same girl who ran away after accidentally seeing a girl's panties turn into a shameless sex offender.
I think its also a blatant lack of awareness they put to her. I remember seeing a page of her just saying out loud about seeing girls panties with not a hint of knowledge of stigma. Watamote was enjoyable (and cute) when inside of Kuroki's head as she rationalizes and overthinks while still being somewhat dumb and brash. Thinking about nu watamote is going to give me a headache.
Just one more thing, I dislike the trite counterpoint about her "growing" by getting "friends" as if her mentality didn't just go straight to the shitter as she became some retarded perv monster with no self control or shame FUCK NU WATAMOTE.
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>Thinking about nu watamote is going to give me a headache.
Welcome to the club. I still think it's funny enough to be enjoyable, but it definitely feels like it forgot what made it special in the first place and consequently lost a lot of its identity.
Tomoko acknowledges multiple times that she became more boring after she made friends. The less of her thoughts we see to give the other character's screentime, the more shallow her character becomes.
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