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Thread 270 for our glorious Keion, Yui!!! let's all love Yui!!

previous thread: >>4300115
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Yui singing for Azusa!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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cute Yui doodle!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui and the girls play their first KO match today in 2-3 hours, don't forget to cheer her on!
Very high quality Yui
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very tired Yui!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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pretty Yui enjoying a delicious parfait!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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cute Yui sending you love!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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cute and confused Yui!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui encouraging you!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui thinking about something!!! (and cute Ritsu and Azusa, too!)

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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tiny Yui going to school!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui getting a call from based department!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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neko Yui!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui enjoying a beautiful day out!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui happy to see you!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
https://yuichan.org/ is now official open
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Yui on her way!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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very cute Yui trying to cool down!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui hungry for something delicious!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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wonderful Yui being happy with giitah!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui playing in a mystical forest!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui being silly with Mio and Ritsu!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
So silly!
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Yui hugging an Azusa daki!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
Those feet are more lovecraftian than Cthulu
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Yui about to enjoy a cake with Azusa!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui notices you while reading!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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very cute Yui!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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potato Yui!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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meido Yui!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui singing for you!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui has a cake!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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cute and confident Yui!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui with giitah!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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cute Yui waving to you!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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another Yui and giitah!!! they're so happy together!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui up to something!!! i love how fluffy her hair is!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui getting very emotional over a cupcake!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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cute and excited Yui!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui smiling so brightly!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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very cute and excited Yui outside her school!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui helping Azusa with her sunburn!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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adorable Yui cat!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui and Azusa enjoying a meal outside together!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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happy Yui taking a walk at night!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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adorable Yui and Ritsu together!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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very cute Yui outside!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
i have been reminded
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Yui and Ritsu in very cute outfits!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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extremely cute Yui and Ritsu meidos!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
Remember that the chance of any particular Yui being an impostor Ui is small, but never zero
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i try my best to weed out the impostors! let me know if i slip up!

Yui and Mio having some delicious burgers!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
Thankfully Ui a cute
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cute Yui doing a cute pose with giitah!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui excited to play giitah!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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adorable Yui and Azusa hug!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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another cute Yui and Azu hug!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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cute Yui and Azusa duet!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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cute and happy Yui!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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very cute Yui!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui in a super cute outfit!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!

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