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Real knigga hours.
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FE Kniggahs, where we at?
not anime (historical art)don't know if this can be considered cute
Northern and Southern Dynasties Armour as depicted art

imperial china 4th to 6th century AD (after the three kingdoms period and the Han dynasty before the Sui and Tang Dynasties)
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This is nice. Monster girls deserve more love.
Posting everyone's favorite y/u/ri paladin if no one will:
I agree! The artist is Lansane, their monster girls are top tier.
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Is there even love for knights? It seems there is more waifu love for slutty dresses and armor!
Big plates can hide big boobs. Big, hot, sweaty boobs. My kinda tomboy right there.
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Not enough armor imo, she's supposed to be a knight not a barbarian, showing that much skin is a liability in combat, and is just asking to get cut up and sliced.
Thats cute
That's Ironlily for you, comes with the territory.
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Bloody Valkerie!
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